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Approved Tech ABC - Aerosolized Bacta Cannister

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Type: Consumable
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Average

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BACTA-H Manufacturer: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

  • Bacta or Harris Compound [Bacta-H]
  • Pressurized Oxygen
  • Duralium Cannisters
  • Electronic dispersement system
  • Optional Disposable respirator
  • Variations:
    • ABC: Utilizes standard Bacta [Open Market - Mass Production]
    • ABC-H: Utilizes Harris compound, Bacta-H [Closed Market - Mass Production]

  • Quick Heal: Because of the aerosolized form of the Bacta, this can essentially be used as a quick first aid method when medical attention is necessary. Allowing for the small amount of Bacta fluid within the pressurized oxygen to be dispersed either directly on a wound or through means of the disposable respirator (or coupled to an already functional respirator) in case of internal issues.
  • Compact: Since this is not meant to have the same effect as a Bacta tank or deliver the same results, it can be stored in small and compact cannisters, which allow easy transport and greater carrying capacity.
  • Fast Acting: Because the Bacta is aerosolized, working through pressurized dispersement, the effect of the Bacta is temporarily increased because it will travel through a person's system much faster and can be applied directly on wounds for greater effect.
  • Not for every race: Due to the fact that this aerosolization utilizes oxygen, it can not be used by certain species to which oxygen is a toxic substance.
  • Not as effective [standard ABC]: This won't be as effective as a dunk in a Bacta tank. The cannister of aerosolized Bacta is meant mainly for emergency situations as a stop gap or patch of sorts, to stabilize a victim or patient rather than fully heal them entirely.
  • Not as effective [ABC-H]: This won't be as effective as a dunk in a Bacta tank. The cannister of aerosolized Bacta is meant mainly for emergency situations as a stop gap or patch of sorts, to stabilize a victim or patient rather than fully heal them entirely. However, contrary to the standard ABC, the ABC-H which uses the Harris Compound will actually already start and strengthen the healing process in and around the affected area, giving even more precious time and stability during situations where this item is needed.
While the N&Z already had a lot of mechanical and cybernetic components in their line up, because of their military and industrial connections, it became clear that perhaps it was about time the company once again ventured into bio-engineering and pharmaceuticals again. Though the idea was to keep it on the down low, the first product to be put into practice by the N&Z R&D department was nothing short of a mass production wonder tool: the Aerosolized Bacta Cannister or A-B-C brings the wonderfull healing properties of Bacta to the forefront, allowing people to administer a small to moderate dose of the Bacta fluids either on a wound or internally throught the throwaway respirator delivered with each cannister.

Designed to be used in both dangerous working conditions such as mines and factories, where an accident is never far off, it also has a practical use in the military, where it can stabilize the condition of a downed soldier, patch wounds both externally or internall in order to allow for safer transport of the wounded. In short, while not as effective as a Bacta tank itself, it does allow for urgent medical care to be performed under much more stable conditions, which considering the nature of the aforementioned working conditions or military situations can be an absolute godsent.

To add more strength to the healing process of the standard ABC though, permission was granted by Trinity Harris Trinity Harris , who as a known scientist and biologist had formulated and created a stronger variation called the Harris Compound, to use the aforementioned compound within the cannisters as well. These improved variations are thus labled ABC-H in honor of the compound's creator and patent holder and due to this arrangement are only obtainable on order through the company's sales team.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a simple, but effective tool for workplace and battlefield medics
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Trinity Harris

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: ABC/ABC-H
Modular: No
Material: Bacta, oxygen, duralium
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