Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
A cold steel gaze bored ceaselessly into the technicians holo-cast face. Rayl was not pleased at the moment. Several ships entered the Maw Restricted Sector. And to put the burn on the wound; none were intercepted. Simply monitored by the probes and nothing more. Not even a response from one of the local patrol vessels from Kessel. Assuredly someone would be fired over this. "Well then, send me the probes data and anything else relevant to the situation. Comb the data yourself and I'll do so on my end. We'll most likely find transmission codes we can use to trace. So do so quick; Rayl out". Rayl cut the transmission. Free of anyone to bother him he sat back down in his chair. Rubbing the bridge of his nose to sooth the direct stupidity injections pain. "Lordy is this ever a kark up". Rayl pulled himself together. Domino needed to know about this. Then from there he'd need to convene council on the matter. Round up some people to find out who the interlopers were. And of course allocate some more resources to the sector and hold evaluations on a nation wide level to test readiness. Things like this shouldn't be happening, there weren't many places they quarantined off to the galaxy that it should be a trouble securing them.
Some Time Latter...
It had been discussed and decided an investigation would be launched into the matter. And an inquest. the first to root out who it was went to Abeloth. The other to find the people responsible for the non response and hold them accountable. That was a bureaucrat's duty though. Rayl was an action man and would be apart of the search. Abeloth was the place to start. A dangerous world, but there's worse. To aid in the investigation, a call had been sent out personally by Rayl to several confidants and other talented individuals. Some didn't have a professional level in this kind of work, while others did. But they brought strengths all their own that may prove useful. They'd meet on Kessel and continue on after a meet and greet to Abeloth. Well prepared for anything they may encounter on world and if necessarily; beyond it to others. Plus, who doesn't like to work those government contracts that paid so well!
Two Days Latter On Kessel...
Rayl took a lean up against a stack of crates on the loading dock. it wasn't some glorious palace he'd set up for them to lounge in and drink while they said their how's and do's. Just a rusty old pier. High above them loomed an Adventurous Class Cruiser named The White Noise. It was sort of Rayl's personal getting around ship for a while. It wasn't the biggest but it was well armed; something he liked about it. Rayl took a gander at his time piece. Half past one. They'd be here soon, hopefully things would go without delay. The longer they waited the colder the trail became.
Some Time Latter...
It had been discussed and decided an investigation would be launched into the matter. And an inquest. the first to root out who it was went to Abeloth. The other to find the people responsible for the non response and hold them accountable. That was a bureaucrat's duty though. Rayl was an action man and would be apart of the search. Abeloth was the place to start. A dangerous world, but there's worse. To aid in the investigation, a call had been sent out personally by Rayl to several confidants and other talented individuals. Some didn't have a professional level in this kind of work, while others did. But they brought strengths all their own that may prove useful. They'd meet on Kessel and continue on after a meet and greet to Abeloth. Well prepared for anything they may encounter on world and if necessarily; beyond it to others. Plus, who doesn't like to work those government contracts that paid so well!
Two Days Latter On Kessel...
Rayl took a lean up against a stack of crates on the loading dock. it wasn't some glorious palace he'd set up for them to lounge in and drink while they said their how's and do's. Just a rusty old pier. High above them loomed an Adventurous Class Cruiser named The White Noise. It was sort of Rayl's personal getting around ship for a while. It wasn't the biggest but it was well armed; something he liked about it. Rayl took a gander at his time piece. Half past one. They'd be here soon, hopefully things would go without delay. The longer they waited the colder the trail became.