Species: Human-Twi'lek
Ethnic group: Zeison Sha
Nationality: Yanibarian
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2" (188cm)
Weight: 230lbs (104kg)
Physique: Muscular
Iris pigmentation: Green
Hair color: Black with green highlights
Skin complexion: Light bronze fading to green at tips of fingers, toes and ears
Occupation: Knight of the Order of the Sacred Blades
Primary allegiance: Ashlan Crusade
Homeworld: Yanibar
Known residence: Blade's Rest, Koboth
Language(s) known: Galactic Basic, Ryl, Echani
Language(s) spoken: Galactic Basic, Ryl, Echani
Force sensitive: Yes
Marital status: Single
Parent(s): Kalon and Charla Contesoto
Sibling(s): Shilo Contestoto, younger brother
Spouse: Tamar Contesoto - deceased
Once a respected warrior of the Zeison Sha on the isolated planet of Yanibar, Abishai lived a content life. A skilled warrior and practitioner of the Force, he was a true Zeison Sha, strong, resourceful, independent. His wife of three years was pregnant, and they awaited the arrival of a precious child.
Abishai hoped for one sensitive to the Force, so he could raise him in the traditions of their people. The Zeison Sha trained Force-sensitive children while they lived at home with their family, a major difference from the Jedi and a matter that lead to a distaste of the Jedi Order and its practices.
But life on Yanibar was difficult and dangerous, and a particularly terrible storm struck the village, causing devastation. Abishai's wife was killed. Devastated by the loss, Abishai found everything he knew come into doubt. That was when an unexpected encounter occurred.
On a rare offworld trip, Abishia came across a group of Echani pilgrims of Ashla. Conversations lead to considerations, and finally to conversion. The Faith of Ashla was so clear, pure and direct. The simplicity of it, the way the Echani folded their martial philosophy into it, captivated Abishai. He joined them on their pilgrimage, learning from them, and their leader Sala Corsanis, until they came to Ashlan Crusade space. He remained with them as the Order of the Sacred Blades was founded.
Civil Training:
Doctrine of the Church of Ashla
Survival/Discblade training as native of Yanibar
Echani Combat Training
Distinguishing Features:
Scar through the brow of his right eye
Character Strengths:
Telekinetic Master - The Zeison Sha excel at using this Force skill, being their major focus of training and inherent talent. Abishai is considered a master of Telekinesis and a mentor in the skill.
Devout - Abishai's conversion to following Ashla was utter and complete. He adheres to the tenants of the Zeison Sha, the Crusade and the Blades, eschewing all darkness and even the gray.
Survivor - Yanibar is a planet of harsh climates. Abishai has been both physically conditioned and fully skilled to endure extremes in different environments and conditions, even without the aid of the Force. This extends to his mental state as well, refusing to give up even when hope is lost.
Echani-Trained - The Echani pilgrims Abishai encountered not only converted him to the Ashlan Faith, but trained him in their martial arts and philosophy. Abishai learned Echani swordplay and combat language from Sala Corsanis herself.
Character Weaknesses:
No Love Lost for Jedi - Having been a Zeison Sha all of his life, Abishai had been raised with a prejudice against Jedi organizations. Since joining the Ashlan Crusade, his sentiment towards individual jedi has been warmer, given the Crusade's affiliation with Jedi. A subtle mistrust of the Jedi orders themselves remain.
Melancholic - The loss of his wife and unborn child left a deep scar in Abishai's soul. While he has learned to cope with it well, at times and in certain situations, a bout of melancholy can seize him, rendering him brooding and quiet at best, virtually incapacitated at its worst.
Self-Reliant - The Zeison Sha philosophy of independence and aversion to being beholden to anyone is a double-edged sword. It can make him reluctant at times to accept help or cooperate in a group.
Relevant Skills:
Echani Fighting Style
Average Piloting
Average Blaster
The Force:
Master of Telekinesis
Master of Force Weapon
Focus on Control skills
Basic Knowledge of Sense and Alter powers
Character ethics:
Abishai's morality is based upon a mingling of Zeison Sha and Church of Ashla philosophies in that the doing of good to others is the highest virtue. Similarly, the eradication of the manifestation of Bogan in the galaxy is paramount. Those who pereptuate the corruption of Ashla into Bogan must be dealt with harshly, and those decieved by it cajoled with earnest to turn from it.
Character traits:
Personality overview:
Abishai genuinely holds to the tenents of Ashla virtue, but without stain-glassed window sentiment or verbose exortation. His gives the impression of one that is down to earth, practical, direct and honest. he is friendly, casually corteous and good humored. More unsettling to outsiders may be the martial efficiency with which he deals with enemies of Ashla, of whom he gives one chance to repent of their Bogan ways before freeing them from its influence...permanently.
Businesses: None
Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
Force-imbued Sword
Ashlan Rosary
Starship(s): As available from coalition inventory
Vehicle(s): As available from coalition inventory
Major Campaigns in Service of Ashla
Dominion of Korriban
The Servile War - Kamar
Other Tales
Champion of the Crusade
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