- Intent: To Create Genetically Enhanced Sithspawns
- Image Credit: X
- Canon: N / A
- Permissions: N / A
- Links: Ravinak / Octopus
- Name: Merihirviö
- Designation: Non-sentient
- Origins: Mihaly Castle / Corellia
- Average Lifespan: 300 years
- Estimated Population: Rare
- Description:
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: 10 meters
- Average Length of Adults: 65 meters
- Skin color: Pale Gray
- Hair color: N / A
- Distinctions: There is only one distinct difference that separates males and females; females tend to be longer in size (estimated at 70 meters). The eight tentacles near the front of the head along with the serrated knife-like boned blades, as well the toothed beak, cannot be mistaken for any other creature than a Merihirviö. The size, or length, of the boned blades on both sides of the beak determines what stage of maturity the Merihirviö; the longer the bones, the older the creature.
- Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
- Territorial: Merihirviö are extremely territorial and will attack and kill anything that trespasses into their domain. They will even attack one another with the exception of mating season. They are not nomadic, so they tend to spend the majority of their lives in one single area. This ensures longevity for the individual.
- Powerful: The Merihirviö are very powerful, possessing an enhanced muscular system. The "arms" are powerful enough to crush through most materials, their teeth can rip through all metals and alloys, including beskar.
- Plasma / Energy Resistant: Thick hides of the Merihirviö can withstand several blasts from energy and plasma-based weaponry.
- Nocturnal Hunter: Not considered a strength by some scientists, this is a strength to them. The ocean waters of Corellia grow substantially dark, making visibility difficult for lesser species and submersibles. Merihirviö use that to their advantage, possessing night vision-style eyesight.
- Force Dead: Merihirviö cannot be affected directly by Force abilities; both positive and negative.
- Ravenous Appetite: Massive frames require massive consumptions of food. The Merihirviö are constantly eating.
- Genetically Dark Side Creation: Merihirviö are Sithspawn, genetically DNA spliced and Sith Alchemized. As such, they suffer all the drawbacks of a Sithspawn species.
- Slow Mating Process: Merihirviö mating process is slow, which explains the rarity of the species. Even when they do procreate, the female only gives birth to one single pup.
- Sun Light / Deep Dwellers: The Merihirviö do not like direct sunlight, as it also blinds them due to their nocturnal eyesight. As such, they prefer to stay to the deeper parts of the oceans, only surfacing at night. Also, prolonged exposure to natural light (sunlight) can cause their hides to begin festering with unhealable wounds.
- Diet: Carnivore
- Communication: Body Language (Amongst Themselves)
- Technology level: N / A
- Religion/Beliefs: N / A
- General behavior:
- Mating Season / Raising Young: The mating between two Merihirviö is a slow process; one of caution and concern. The species are extremely territorial, even during mating season, which drags out the process longer than most species whose females go into heat. Rarely do two males vie for the heated female, since on most occasions the female has either chased off unwanted suitors or has killed and ate them. Females give birth to one baby, or pup, during pregnancy. The young Merihirviö will travel with his / her Mother for roughly two years before leaving her side permanently.
- World Interaction: World interaction with any species is one of deadly encounter. Merihirviö will kill anything, eat anything, and attack anything it deems a threat, which most instances everything is either a threat or food source to them.
- Apex Predators (Hunters): They are the apex predator of the Corellian oceans; with only of the same species being their only true predator. They hunt daily and will kill prey for the sake of killing it.
- Ambush Tactics: Merihirviö, with its massive size, utilizes ambush tactics and is rather mastery of it. Hunting in the dark depths and at night, aided by their night vision, makes them perfect ambush predators. They are not the fastest of aquatic species, but their rate of movement is hauntingly fast for a creature of its size.
The Merihirviö, created by alchemized spliced DNA of a common octopus and a ravinak ,have not been in existence for very long, perhaps only a few years. Created originally in one of the aquatic labs in Mihaly Castle, the first of the species was studied extensively. When it began to outgrow its containment tank, it was moved to a secret designated location. At the new location, the last of the studies were concluded and the specimen was euthanized. With all the data at their disposal, the genetic engineers at Mihaly Castle began creating the first group of specimens.
The specimens, designed to wreak havoc on the ecosystem of planets, due to their dark side parenting were secretly transported to the water planet of Corellia; and released into the oceans. Quickly, the beasts began dominating areas of the oceans, vigorously defending their new individual grounds. They began decimating other species that posed a threat to their apex predator status; causing some species to go extinct. Oddly, fishing industries began to thrive for a while with many of the fish's top predators either extinct or forced to displace themselves. The Merihirviö had gone unnoticed for years in the depths of the Corellian oceans; only to be rumored to exist by misinformed sightings. It wasn't until a vacationing watercraft was attacked, and only three survivors emerged to weave the tale of a monster in the deep.
Several expeditions were undertaken to find this single creature, and it took another eight months before another sighting of the Merihirviö. By this point, unbeknownst to the Corellians, the species had grown in number and spread further out in the deeps, claiming more ocean territory. Several bounties were put on the beasts, only for the bounties to be called off due to the numerous losses of life to the hunters. Experts were called in, meetings taken regularly, and there was not much to be done about the Merihirviö. The species wasn't going anywhere.
When the first carcass washed up on the shores, it was quickly taken for studying. The scientists were baffled by such an abomination, collectively agreeing the Merihirviö, a named they settled upon, was not a natural species, but some kind of lab or worse, Force creation. Jedi Masters Juil Mert and H'o F'er were dispatched by the Galactic Alliance at the bequest of the Coreillian scientists to investigate the creature's remains. It didn't take long for the two Jedi to ascertain their findings; this Merihirviö was clearly a by-product of the dark side; and as such, it was undoubtedly a Sithspawn.
By this point, the oceans of Corellia were teeming with the beasts, and nobody knew their exact numbers.
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