Karsan Munin
Lost Son
Nar Shaddaa, Market Square
1430 Hours Local
The busy market was flooded, flooded with smells, sights, and people. The exact opposite of what Karsan needed to be around him right now. He felt his stomach bleeding. Blood loss, he recalled, only took a precious few minutes before the person totally bled out. He turned and counted. Three. Three of them after him. They'd been after him since Coruscant. Probably friend of a friend. Not much to go off of. Not totally required right now. He just needed to- His thought process was interrupted when they opened fire. A blaster shot went wide, striking a pan from a nearby vendor and sending the cast iron pot flying. The first of the three charged at him, the biggest Rodian he'd ever seen in his life tackled him. He was sent face first into a noodle stand, sending bowls and spoons, and a few people's lunches, flying. He grunted in pain, before he grabbed a spoon for himself. The Rodian came around for the kill, and closed the distance.
Karsan put the spoon into his eyeball. With his left hand putting pressure on his wound, his right hand jammed the spoon into the ugly bug's eye socket. He let him fall to the ground, screaming in his screechy way, before Karsan stepped on his face hard enough to make noodles pop out of his ears. More shots. He had to move again. The market was screaming, people were moving. Authorities would be on their way soon.
And Karsan was bleeding out. All in all, not a good time.