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Approved Tech Abric's Personal Sun Guard Armor

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Intent: To create a personal set of Sun Guard Armor for Abric Korne
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Kelliak Arms and Armor Company
Model: SG-X2
Affiliation: The Sun Guard
Modularity: Minor
Production: Unique
Material: Armorplast, Duranium and Armorweave
Description: The model SG-X2 Sun Guard Armor created for Abric Korne is a mixture of lightweight and durable materials meant to offer him a maximized amount of protection while retaining the mobility that Sun Guard Armor is also known for. The Armor is a mixture of Armorplast plating over top of Armorweave for added protection and maneuverability. Duranium also composes the main breastplate of the armor instead of the other materials due to the fact that it is both lightweight and durable, even capable of withstanding glancing blows from lightsabers, however it is to hard to shape for the small portions of the armor. Aside from the various materials that went into making the armor it also boasts a number of additions that enhance its effectiveness in combat.

The Armor is colored in the traditional black that is both terrifying and awe inspiring to those who recognize it. The Sun Guard armor is not as heavy as it appears due to the fact that it employs Armorplast plates and Duranium for the breastplate of the armor. It can be worn and a large amount of mobility retained while the armor itself remains durable.

The Duranium and Armorweave provide limited lightsaber resistance to the armor. Duranium being able to withstand glancing blows from a lightsaber and armorweave offering its own protection. The Armor can successfully withstand light blows from a lightsaber, an example would be getting clipped by it, however any kind of blow that is solid, even moderately so, will bypass the armors protection. Due to the Duranium being specifically used as the breastplate of the armor with an underlay of armorweave beneath it that area could withstand one, solid, lightsaber blow but any others would break through the protection.

Strengths: Blaster Resistant. Minor Lightsaber Resistance (due to the Duranium and Armorweave). Maneuverability.
Weaknesses: Weak points at the elbows, knees and armpits.

Classification: Anti-blaster and Anti-lightsaber,
Weight: 10kg
Quality: 8 (Blasters), 5 (Lightsabers)
Special Features
Armorplast: The main plates of the armor have been replaced with highly durable, lightweight, armorplast. This provides the same amount of protection as durasteel while reducing the weight of the armor. The Armorplast components of the armor are essentially 50% lighter than their durasteel counterparts.
Helmet Package: HUD w/ Friend and Foe Designators, Infrared Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, Air Scrubbers, Noise Dampener Systems
Diagnostic System: A series of simple computers and sensors that monitor the wearer and the armor. Diagnostics systems can be displayed via the helmet hud.
Weapon Mounts: Retractable vibroblades in each of the gauntlets. The Vibroblades are approximately 9 inches in length and 1.9 inches wide. Retractable spikes in the boots and kneepads of the armor. Dart Launcher underneath the left arm which fires durasteel darts, activated via muscle tension reflexively. The Dart Launcher carries 6 darts which can be fired at an effective range of 10 meters. A CZ-Wrist Mounted Flame Projector is located on the underside of the armors right arm with a tube feeding into a canister on the belt of the armor. The Flame Projector has enough fuel for four bursts. Each burst from the Flame Projector creates a cone of fire 4 meters long and 1 meter in diameter.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Abric Korne"]

I'm going to have to ask you drop that weight(and thus protection) or remove mentions of retaining a large amount of mobility, putting 16 kilograms on your body actually restricts motion quite a bit. Additionally, though I understand your submission is based off the canon, but I can only allow so many things on a man's gauntlets at once. I'm going to have to ask you to pick between retractable vibroblades or the dart launcher/flamethrower. I'll also need an ammo count and range for the dart launcher(if kept), a range and width on the flamethrower(if kept), the Friend Foe Designators removed, the air scrubbers removed, noise dampener's removed, and the diagnostic systems removed, unless you'd like to do a dev thread, in which case I'll allow you add bits and pieces of it back. Lastly I'm going to need more clarification on the lightsaber resistance, exactly what type of blows you expect to take and what type of blows you expect to break through, how many strikes it takes, how long it takes, etc etc.

@me whenever you're ready.

I've made several of the changes or modifications you've asked for....

I've replaced the Durasteel in the armor entirely with Armorplast which has comparable strength to Durasteel but cuts armor weight by 50%. I've set the Armor's weight at 10kg which is lighter than the previous 16kg. Due to the armorplast it should remain essentially as durable in combat while retaining mobility. While I haven't added this in my submission I'd say that it's obvious this mobility is in comparison to other armored opponents not someone who isn't wearing armor. Sun Guard armor was known to be highly durable and also mobile though as referenced in this quote:

"The Guard covered themselves with heavy, characteristically black armor, although other color variants such as yellow,[2][3] silver,[4] and red existed.[12] While resistant to damage, Sun Guard armor did little to restrict movement.[3] Sun Guards also donned belt-spats around their waists, which later inspired the kama worn by the Grand Army of the Republic.[14]"
I've added an ammo count of 6 to the Dart Launcher with an effective range of 10 meters. 6 seemed an appropriate, limited, amount of ammunition and 10 meters is the standard range for many Dart Launchers not augmented by compressed air to assist in firing. As for the Flamethrower I've set the range at 4 meters and the width of the cone at 1 meter. This is comparable to the ZX Miniature Flame Projector, also a wrist flamethrower, which has a range of 5 meters and a cone width of 1 meter.

I've left the Vibroblades for the moment due to the fact that they are stated in canon and would like you to take another look and reconsider. The Vibroblades are built into the gauntlets whereas the Dart Launch and Flame Projector are located under the arms. This is a quote from the source I am citing:

" Sun Guard armor was designed to aid in up-close combat; vibroblades in the gauntlets and spikes in the boots and knee pads were common, and the forearm gauntlets and fist plates could be quickly heated to temperatures capable of burning flesh. Many Sun Guards augmented their array of offensive capabilities with flamethrowers and dart launchers under their arms.[3]"
I understand the hesitance to allow this as it seems a bit armored to the teeth however it is correct by canon. I would cite that many Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries modify their armor to comparable levels if not levels beyond what I have done here and they do so merely by mixing and matching whatever catches their fancy.

As for the Helmet package itself I'd also ask for some clarification if possible. It seems to me that the load outs I've requested are fairly basic modifications. I'm not sure why they would need a development thread?

Lastly I added more to the lightsaber resistance of the armor. This is the blurb:

"The Duranium and Armorweave provide limited lightsaber resistance to the armor. Duranium being able to withstand glancing blows from a lightsaber and armorweave offering its own protection. The Armor can successfully withstand light blows from a lightsaber, an example would be getting clipped by it, however any kind of blow that is solid, even moderately so, will bypass the armors protection. Due to the Duranium being specifically used as the breastplate of the armor with an underlay of armorweave beneath it that area could withstand one, solid, lightsaber blow but any others would break through the protection."

I think it's fairly straightforward but can add more if you want. The Armorweave itself can't withstand anything more than glancing blows, being clipped, by a lightsaber. The Duranium itself can withstand glancing blows as well but due to having an underlay of armorweave the breastplate section of the armor would be able to withstand one solid lightsaber shot. Only one though.

That's about it. This is the link to what I have on Sun Guard armor and what I've used as my source matterial:



Professor of Alchemy
I already stated I knew what canon basis you were using, please only cite sources in your initial post or when requested. That being said, I don't particularly like how armed this is, but it's canon tech, and there are worse things running around. Edit in the clarifications you've made, along with the length/width of the retractable vibroblades and we're good.

[member="Abric Korne"]
Done. On average Vibroblades are approximately the length of a short sword according to the material I've read. The average short sword has a blade between 20-24 inches in length as far as I've seen. That said I think that would be much to long for a gauntlet mounted vibroblade so I made the length of each 9 inches. I set their width as 1.9 inches Hope that works.



Professor of Alchemy
More Katar than Republic Commando-esque punch dagger. It's not too terribly long, so I'll allow it. Abuse and suffer. Pending Approval.
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