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Character Abrielle "Abi" Piani

  • Thread starter Abrielle "Abi" Piani
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Abrielle "Abi" Piani

Name: Abrielle Piani

Affiliation: Death Riders SC (Swoop Club)

Height: 5’6

Weight: 130

Species: Human

Home planet: Exocron (Kathol Sector)

Appearance: Facial tattoo insignia from birth as the oldest child in her family./Red and blonde hair/Brown eyes/Scar on her spine/ two scars on her right shoulderblade/several tattoos on her arms

Family: Tarkeshi Piani (Sister) / Forlan Piani (Sister)

Allies: TBD

Enemies: TBD

Associates: Chris Flynn (Boyfriend). Tycho Rond (VP).

Weapons: (2x) DC-17 Side arm blasters/Splicing tool kit/Switchblade/Vibro-knife

Vehicle/Bike: (Phantom)

Dreams: To live amongst her family in peace, and to reach her wildest desires to become Queen of the Death Riders SC

Fears: Losing any of her family/ carrying offspring


Fast and agile: Abrielle uses her feet and mental awareness to evade incoming blaster fire as long as she can focus on the hands and positioning of her adversary.

Fighter: Abrielle tends to fight in other ways most don’t adhere to. She uses her hands and feet to attack her opponent's knees, arms, and rib cage.


Parties/illegal pleasures

Biography: The Piani family was known for being a family that took life as it were and accepted the reality that they grew up in. Making do with what they had. It worked…Especially in the inner city of Exocron. Abrielle, is the oldest of three women and she was the type of person that learned how to survive on the streets. Seeking a family besides her own with the promise of cred’s and other valuables, she became known as an opportunist that would buy, steal and sell anything to anyone. Meeting Chris Flynn and a few others during their earlier years, she had always felt like one of the “guys”. Doing alot and getting her hands “dirty”, she could hang with the best of them. She learned how to defend herself and respected the code that the Death Riders lived by. She aids them in missions and will do anything were her fellow brothers and sisters, no matter what origin, race, or profession.

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