Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The priest God never paid

NAME: Abril
FACTION: N/A (as of now)
RANK: Rouge Knight
SPECIES: Vashyada
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 177cm
WEIGHT: 67kg
EYES: Deep Purple
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Fair
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, to a good degree,


+ Observant
+ Versatile
+ Persuasive
+ Intelligent
+ Excellent duelist and Force user

= Unpredictable

- Short-sighted
- Moody
- Can't let go of the past
- Bossy
- Aggressive
- Arrogant

Brown hair and eyes. Slim but also fit. Abril usually walks around in robes and hoods. The right side of her face is covered in dark-side corruption. Her eyes are black or dark purple. Accompanying her are two lightsabers.
Abril was raised by her two parents on a rather busy and populated planet. She knows her way around cities and populated areas. Abril has had a hard time growing up, to say the least, a drunk for a father and a thief for a mother. Childhood was hard for her. She got no attention from her parents and the only one who really cared for her was her brother. The family soon found out he was adequate with The Force. He was sent away to become better, or at least that's what her parent He was quickly sold to the market for easy coin. Abril was crushed. Her only loved one. Sold away by her enemies. The hate for her parents grew on as she grew older. Her prowess of the Force also grew. She hid it from her parents. Kowing what would happen to her if she told them, the arrogant teenager escaped her home planet on a transport refugee ship. Now Abril is exploring the galaxy in search of somewhere to belong.

LLIC-1 Interceptor


Still Seeking His Place
How To Kill Paradise
Time For A Reckoning
Hunted Or Hunting

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