Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Absalon Diljar

NAME: Absalon Diljar
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 60 kg.
HAIR: Hazel
SKIN: Slightly tan


  • S: Force Sensitivity | Diljar's relationship with the Force is very intimate, even for a Miraluka. His sensitivity gives him supreme awareness of all movement within a 20 meter radius of him, and his cognitive functions are highly sharpened. By extension, he is therefore very trained with mental and subtle force abilities, as well as telekinesis.
  • S: Survival | Due to Diljar's profession, he is profession in the basics of surviving off of minimal resources and traveling in less-than-optimal environments for extended periods of time. His tolerance to extreme temperatures and pain is heightened compared to a standard male of his age (this alone does not make any wounds he suffers less serious, though).
  • S: Academic Expertise | Diljar is skilled in archeology and tracking down people and objects of interest that might be hard to find. His highly effective control of his surroundings through the Force, greatly reinforce this skill.
  • W: Below-Average Physique | Diljar's body is relatively weak and frail compared to a standard human male at his age.
  • W: Nonexistant Combat Skill | While adept at hitting the broad-side of a tank with a blaster, Diljar has next to no experience or military training in CQC, and will fall easily if forced to handle a threat up-close.
  • W: Relationship with the Dark Side | As a Miraluka, Diljar is several times more prone to fits of anxiety and weakening of his connection to the Force, should he be exposed to a source of Dark Side energy. These shortcomings increase exponentially in intensity with the strength of the source.
Diljar's body is slender, healthy and well-trained. He prefers to travel light, so while working, he is usually seen in little to no armor and whatever clothing is appropriate for his environment. While he definately has a taste for finer garments, he is by no means aristocratic and will usually pick the practical choice over the smart choice, if warranted. His choice of eye-mask changes, depending on situation and convenience, and he usually goes between 3-4 masks in a month.
Born on Rishi, into a childhood that is all but fragments of memory to Diljar, the Miralukan boy sowed his first seeds of interest in archeology through digging up old junk from pirate skirmishes along the beaches of the nearby trade port. At age 8, he was discovered by an exiled force user who discovered Diljar's potential and gifts of the Force. Through most of us teenage years, he learned how to focus, communicate, learn and grow through the force. He started putting those skills to use by feeding into his previous interests and becoming a tracker for the various pirate crews that docked at the trade port. Helping the various crews track down treasures, deserters and other assets. After his master's death, however, Diljar saw it as a sign to expand his boundaries. At age 24, he took his late master's ship and set off into the vast galaxy, towards endless amounts of fantastic discoveries.
G9 Rigger-class Light Frieghter "Vulture"
Diljar's ship is an ancient, but well-kept G9. The freighter is retrofitted software and instruments and updated hyperdrive. Complete with a security system that is protected by a key-sequence, only unlocked by telekinetic access.
DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Encrypted Datapad
First-Aid Kit


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