Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Abyss Eater [Solo Thread]

Azazoth, Hauntruss’ Dark Chamber

Consumed by thought and the powers of the darkside, Darth Hauntruss ruminated on her plans, her obsession with her legacy, while she fell into deeper meditation. She wore simple black robes and a black cloak. Sat crossed legged her palms open rested over her knees and eyes closed; her breathing ebbed and flowed with her thoughts.

What was to become of her and her ambitions. Projects here and there, monstrosities to build and essence to consume to prolong her existence. She was but a spirit, escaped from the netherworld and away from the dark from which she drew power she had become forced to find more and more drastic means to preserving her powers. For it is against the natural ways of the force for such a festering soul to exist in the realm of the living. So Darth Hauntruss made contingents. She created Grimoire and her Twin Sisters. Grimoire was coming along nicely, but not fast enough, she would indeed become a powerful Sith Lord but, not in time to be useful to Hauntruss. Her eyes darted about beneath her closed eye lids. She searched the darkside for answers.

Frustration. A new feeling burned into her heart. Nothing was working and her powers spent. Hauntruss hissed beneath her breath and the powerful Sith Lord began to feel tired for once. She opened her eyes. Strained golden orbs gazed into the dark stone and metal confines of her private chambers atop the spires of Azazoth’s dark cathedral. None of her projects were yielding results. And she had even dared to create another project with her waning powers. She had ventured to create fonte for the dark side. A vessel that would emanate and consume darkness. This creation would consume and consume and when ripened with darkside powers, like a battery, Hauntruss would absorb its power source.

So she had her legions kidnap force talented younglings for trails and experimentation. Deep inside Azazoth she carried out her heinous operations. Of the younglings experimented on only one survived. A young miralukan boy. But, he in turn was a failure. The dark side had driven him insane and his thirst for the flesh and force essence of his fellow captured younglings drove him to devour the other experiments. Hauntruss growled and spat at the failure. A waste of her powers. Hauntruss brushed her failures aside in her mind. Rising up from her meditations she reached out in the force and activated the circle of lights embedded in the floor. Her dark chamber bathed in light revealed a chair that sat atop a platform ahead of where she meditated. Her boots echoed with every step she planted her foot on as she walked up.

A feeling came over her as she rose however. Putrid and tortured signature defused into the bottom of the chamber. An unreal bloodlust vibrated behind in the signature in an eerie echo. Hauntruss knew this signature, knew it very well. It was a warped version of her own and only one of her creations, her greatest failure, could produce such a shocking aura. Hauntruss stopped in the middle of the staircase and turned her head slowly. Her grey hair brushed aside and she gazed at the blast door that marked the entrance. Mechanical whines cried out and the blast door zipped aside.

Silhouetted by the light of the corridor the outline of the miralukan failure emerged. Passing into the dim glow of Hauntruss’ meditation chamber the silhouette gave way to more detailed visage. At first glance one could mistake the miralukan for a young woman. He had a slender gentile frame and beneath the golden mask that covered his eyeless sockets a feminine chin and lips. Long strands of silver hair bled over his shoulders. His upper body was covered in a tattered thin black robe stained in blobs of crimson, remnants of victims devoured in past…and in present.

It was the young miralukan’s lower half that revealed his twisted existence. Hours and days of Sith Magic had warped the man’s legs into two long undulating serpentine tentacles. The two tentacles of obese and warp flesh left a dragged trail of blood from the bodies scattered across the corridor behind him. Blood dripped from his slender fingers and bottom lip down his throat. Hauntruss’ curled her upper lip and her fangs showed. He had escaped. Somehow. And had also managed to murder and devour her guards. If it wasn’t for the wanton destruction she may have for a brief moment revelled in her prowess in creation. But, the sight of her greatest and now most powerful mistake only conjured utter disgust.

“What have you done, Abhorion.” Hauntruss cursed at the miralukan monster.


Abhorion's body slithered forward dragging the dead along with him. The miralukan monster stretched out his sickly pale arms and flexed his gentile bony fingers. His pale lips, devoid of any living colour, grinned.

"I came to see you moth-..." Abhorion's words were cut short by the sharp shriek of electricity. Abhorion froze. He stared at the scorch mark before him and then looked up at his creator, the one he called mother. Hauntruss had her dark gloved right hand stretched out like the claws of a beast. They sizzled and sparked with force lightening. Abhorion's grin decayed into a limp frown.

"Is it because I am not perfect like you?" Abhorion growled. His body slid over the scorch mark consuming it like he did everything else. His out stretched fingers which were once craving an embrace of his creator now curled into claws. And Abhorion shivered.

"Why, must you cast me aside moth-..." once again an arch of lightening struck out. This time it shattered into Abhorion's chest and passed into his serpentine tentacle legs. Abhorion cried out a whimpering gasp of pain and clung his arms around himself cuddling his own wounds. The lightening burned and he flopped onto the ground splattering into the puddle of blood and flesh he had dragged.

Hauntruss' teeth were now on full display as she bared her fangs at the rebellious mistake. "Never address me so fondly you waste of flesh!" Hauntruss barked down at the misshapen product of Sith Magic. Hauntruss turned fully and began to travel back down the steps. She fired another round of lightening at the beast. It cried and shuddered. Clinging to the stone floor Abhorion tried to crawl away as bolt of force manifested in pure hatred blasted into his monstrous form. "You are a creation of failure Abhorion and exist only for me to test and compare my future projects. And for your disobedience and destruction of my men I will make you pay, and pay slowly. Filth!"

Torture upon cruelty. Abhorion writhed and squirmed, like a worm baking in the heat of the sun. Hauntruss now loomed right above him and her fingers hovered preparing for a final crack of lightening to fully cook Abhorion into a mass of fried flesh. A bright blue flame grew and collapsed upon Abhorion who had crawled into a ball. The lightening storm fell but as it struck the space right above Abhorion it was bent into a bizarre shape and it had been dispersed into a brilliant deflection of disturbed blue and purples. Hauntruss now froze, wide-eyed she had been taken fully by surprise. How could this weak failure deflect one of her most powerful attacks.

A slithering cackle bubbled from the depths of Abhorion's coiled form. His golden mask tilted up and he looked at his mother.

"You are a fool mother." He hissed in glee. "Chss. Chss. Chss."

Abhorion's tentacles lashed out and their sludge like grip grasped Hauntruss' legs slamming her onto the stone. Hauntruss still in shock reacted late and her face smashed across the floor. Her nose broken and lip cut blood poured from her broken face. Fear. Hauntruss now knew fear. She rolled back as fast as she could and blasted the monster with lightening and a whole mantra of curses. But, Abhorion lashed back with the Force and cast the spells and dark powers back into the ether of the Force, their powers cancelled.

Hauntruss gazed in horror. Blood smudged across her chin and throat, a cruel mirror for which Abhorion stared back. He cackled once more, and as he did his tentacles crawled up Hauntruss' body until they began to crush her throat.

"But, do not cry tears of blood for me." Abhorion whispered to Hauntruss, his lips tenderly brushed against her ear.

"Soon I will be perfect just like you...Mother."
Hauntruss could only watch. Her monster drew near. Her face bleeding and her strength mysteriously subdued Hauntruss gasped for air as she was squeezed. Abhorion reached out with his crimson stained fingers. Hauntruss reeled back with her neck but, her escape was futile. Wet with flesh his fingers caressed her face. Then they suddenly dug into her skin and fully grabbed her head. The force oozed from Abhorion like a plague and it mingled with Hauntruss. The malevolent aura was heavy and putrid. It ate away at Hauntruss' mental barriers like an acid until it fell upon her soul. Hauntruss' eyes widened. She began to struggle and convulse. In her mind she screamed and howled, the howls of a cornered beast.

You fething piece of dare... Hauntruss growled. Abhorion smiled and dug his nails into Hauntruss. Her soul and Force spirit began to crumbled break apart into pieces. Hauntruss now audibly cried out. Ghastly screams as her soul was being devoured piece by piece. Her body shook and she gritted her teeth once more. Shivering she summoned her last resort of escape. Her lightwhip slipped into her fingers and when it meet her thumb it burst into red curved life. The bind kept her hand by her body causing the blade to slice into her leg before she could slash at Abhorion's misshapen lower half. The heat of the plasma whip sliced open Abhorion's serpentine body and spilled the its absorbed victims across the floor. He recoiled from the wound and Hauntruss crashed to the floor.

Her leg gashed Hauntruss couldn't stand. Flailing out Hauntruss tried to drag herself to safety and summon what she had left to kill off Abhorion. Abhorion pursued, wildly sliding and rolling over his own spilled flesh. His sinister demeanour given way to a mad shouting banshee like tone.


Hauntruss didn't listen she only kept dragging herself. Thousand thoughts and the pain of her cracking spirit consumed her thoughts. She had spent much of her life causing destruction, pain and torture, so to satiate her own pain. But, every time she felt empty and required more horror to keep her spirit going. Now half consumed by her own horror Hauntruss could feel it. The end. Her powers could not hold her cracked form together, with it eaten by Abhorion her body, created and maintained by Sith Alchemty, began to crack and crumble. She suddenly thought of [member="Spencer Varanin"] and her daughters she lost centuries ago. She cursed the Jedi, had they not cursed her, none of this would have eve happened.

"Now you will be one with me...MOTHER!" Abhorion hissed and loomed over Hauntruss like coiled viper. However, Abhorion the froze. His fanged grin faded to a limp line. He couldn't sense Hauntruss.


She was gone.

Her spirit was broken. And without the powerful spirit to hold the body, the vessel began to decay and melt into a puddle of loose flesh.

Abhorion howled and anger. He was supposed to end her, make her one with him. And now he only had the debris of her soul and the alchemy of flesh. Enraged into a bestial renzy he lunged at the corpse and began to devour it. His hands filled with chunks of flesh and his mind swallowed the Force left by Hauntruss broken form.

Hauntruss was no more.

And now Abhorion was her unwanted legacy.

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