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LFG Academy of Korriban | Acolytes and the Paths to Power



Korriban's recent history saw a significant turning point with the defeat of the Ashlan Crusader occupants, orchestrated by a coalition of prominent Sith. Following their victory, Darth Caedes and a select group of loyal and ambitious followers established Korriban as their home, rejuvenating the planet and reestablishing it as a revered Holy World.

At the forefront of this renewal is Kor'ethyr Academy (Kor·eh·th·eer), founded with the mission of cultivating future generations of Sith through careful mentorship and disciplined guidance. The academy welcomes those who seek to distinguish themselves—whether through family heritage, allegiance to the Sith's most ancient home world, or in service to the Sith Order. Promising youth from across the galaxy are scouted, brought forth by family members, or presented by discerning masters and patrons looking to invest in their potential. All applicants undergo a rigorous vetting process, evaluated against the Council of Lords' guiding principle: "Unifying the Sith is our path to victory."

Kor'ethyr Academy adopts an intensive, generalist approach to education, focusing on experiential learning rather than traditional lectures and stationary exams. Emphasizing fieldwork, group projects, apprenticeships, and comprehensive real-world/simulated assessments, the academy ensures that students gain practical, hands-on experience. After all, what better way to learn than by doing?

Finally, it is crucial to understand that Kor'ethyr Academy is constantly moving—shifting its location across Korriban, earning it the title The Shifting Citadels. The academy itself is alive and ever-changing, situated atop a fluctuating, interconnected network of Force Nexuses, with ephemeral sections appearing across various locations on Korriban. For example, the greenhouse might be located in a distant, swampy area of the planet one day, then in the flats of the Golg Desert the next. The Library may remain nestled nearby to the capital city of Vardin for a time, then shift unexpectedly to overlook the Valley of Dark Lords. However, student common rooms are kept stable and consistent, ensuring a sense of continuity amid the academy's shifting nature. With careful navigation through the academy's shifting halls, a student may reach any of the academy's locations; sometimes emerging to find themselves flung halfway across the world.

This institution of learning is split into three Houses, each fostering different strengths in potential students while encouraging them to learn from their peers. The Houses are as follows:

House Tuk'ata (Generalists)​
  • Students from House Tuk'ata forgo any emphasized specialization in favor of a more traditional, well rounded Sith education. Students in House Tuk'ata are well known for their martial and saber skills, traditional understandings of the dark side of the Force, aptitude with the philosophical tenets of the ancient Sith, telekinetic prowess, and even such famed skills as Force lightning.​
House Rakghoul (Warriors)​
  • Students from House Rakghoul choose to specialize in the arts of warfare. Students in House Rakghoul are well known for their martial, saber, unarmed, and exotic weapon combat skills, their aptitude with the more destructive and/or defensive dark side Force talents, skills in assassination, fighter piloting, and even rigorous training in both ground-force military and naval/fleet war-tactics.​
House Derriphan (Scholars)​
  • Students from House Derriphan choose to specialize in the more scholarly arts of the Sith lineage. Students in House Derriphan are well known for their mastery of philosophy and history (in subjects such as light side, dark side, exotic traditions, and Jedi and Sith cultures, etc.), sorcery, alchemy, healing, tactics, religion, the sciences, leadership, and political diplomacy.​
First-year students are not immediately assigned to Houses and are required to wear robes which distinguish them as such. At the conclusion of their first year, uninitiated students undergo a trial in which they either select or are selected by a Master of their future House. These trials differ widely, much like each student's individual curriculum. The academy maintains a structured approach with high expectations for effort and dedication, and students are held to these standards at their own risk. Neglecting academic responsibilities can have serious consequences, even jeopardizing one's safety.

Upon completing their first year, students gain the freedom to choose their own attire. They may opt for civilian clothing or specially tailored pre-military uniforms; which allow them to display the ranks and honors they've accumulated during their time at the academy. Since many students pursue the military track, it is common for students to proudly wear their achievements as part of their daily dress.

Given the competitive yet collaborative nature of the Academy, our goal is to create a learning environment which challenges students while simultaneously offering a measure of protection from the more severe aspects of Sith life. The Academy serves as an ideal setting for youth and young adults to develop, grow, and occasionally make mistakes in their journey. However, this does not mean that mistakes come without consequences. Expectations remain high, and the lessons imparted can, at times, prove to be perilous.

Ideally, we would love for folks to create students or staff specifically for use in this setting. However there is plenty of room for flexibility. If you already have a character you love and feel their story will benefit from some kind of interaction with this Academy, we’d love to have you.

Kor'ethyr Academy offers a wealth of storylines for writers to explore, contribute to, or even craft entirely on their own, should inspiration strike. While there will be some orchestrated or DM-led threads, we encourage writers to immerse themselves in the abundant opportunities that Korriban provides. With the Academy constantly shifting locations, students may find themselves in a variety of environments, from traversing vast deserts and delving into ancient caves and catacombs, to uncovering new plant species in the swamps or stumbling upon ancient Sith temples lost to time. The possibilities are limitless, and we invite you to unleash your creativity within the ever-evolving halls of Kor'ethyr Academy.

If you're interested, please comment below and feel free to share something you're excited about. For specific questions, character concepts you'd like to discuss, or ideas for story arcs, don't hesitate to reach out to Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia or Darth Caedes Darth Caedes here on the forum, or over at the Sith Order discord! For more information, check out the links below.
Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia as my co-conspirator, drafter, & editor.
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan for the awesome academy header image.
Zal Aditi Zal Aditi for the incredible Korriban world & footer images.​


I think Elmindra would be best suited to work with Professors Darth Xolepsis and Lord Davros to lead occasional lectures or full courses on advanced fleeting strategy and/or politics as well as maybe advanced force abilities such as mass compulsion and battle meditation.

She’ll also continue to be actively scouting and recruiting students that stand out to her and facilitating their placement with powerful mentorship.
Hey there friends and foes!

I fill a number of roles on Korriban and at the Academy: School nurse, greenhouse keeper, and sometimes student - I am also Lord Seer on the Council of Lords on this most holy of worlds. I’ve had a range of experiences in my long strange life but scholarly pursuits have been calling so this is where I’ll be spending a lot of time and energy!

To future fellow students, please feel free to connect with me so we can scheme shenanigans and mischief. To my pseudo-peers on AoK staff, looking forward to learning from you and perhaps challenging you like few students will. And to future academic rivals, I await our competition.

A bit about me- to be updated in the coming weeks
(And as stated in the above LFG- feel free to reach out on Discord! I’m most easily found in TSO and my handle is @GoldDustDaemon)
I heard Sith Academy.

Sorry for chiming in a bit late. What's your policy on cats?

I'd be interested in writing an initiate working his way up in House Derriphan. Blame Srina Talon Srina Talon (you had one job...)
Never too late to jump in on some fun! We would be delighted to have you.

As for a clever kitty seeking to go the scholarly route? Well well well, those nine lives and always landing on your feet ought to help you along your way

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