Tyden Sheppard
Heroes, there is no such thing
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]
Their was a large steel chamber with silver chandeliers hanging from the ceiling setting off a strange and airy light to brighten the room up from it's gloomy atmosphere. Criminals armed in combat armor and holding oddly shaped and painted weapons within their grasp tightly as to fire them upon a enemy at a moment's notice. A set of four heavily armed guards stood at the long cylinder entrance leading into the chamber armed with ElectroStaffs and heavy armor along with some type of black gas mask as to intimidate fear. Within the center of the room lied a sturdily built iron throne with some type of hardened but soft leopard skin lying upon the seat and arm rests of the throne. A tall and muscular figure sat upon the throne clad in a desert camouflage shirt with a blaster proof vest on along with some black padded pants. His arms rested lazily upon the arm rests of the throne and his head leaned against his upright right arm with only the elbow resting upon the arm rest of the throne. Painted upon the Walls were the Symbols of the O.C.A.G along with a symbol containing ten rings and a sword crossed over a sword within the middle of the ten rings. A dark jade cloak and hood lied upon the figure upon the throne, masking his identity to all around him like that of a supernatural being watching from afar but also from within the sole eyes of the men working around him. Tapestries hung from the ceiling above the throne which were the color red with the symbol of a white skull with a black blade shattering through it from below and sticking out through the roof of the white skull. Behind the throne was a concrete wall with a map of the galaxy strapped to it with X's crossed through certain places and circles and arrows leading and around others.
Their was a large steel chamber with silver chandeliers hanging from the ceiling setting off a strange and airy light to brighten the room up from it's gloomy atmosphere. Criminals armed in combat armor and holding oddly shaped and painted weapons within their grasp tightly as to fire them upon a enemy at a moment's notice. A set of four heavily armed guards stood at the long cylinder entrance leading into the chamber armed with ElectroStaffs and heavy armor along with some type of black gas mask as to intimidate fear. Within the center of the room lied a sturdily built iron throne with some type of hardened but soft leopard skin lying upon the seat and arm rests of the throne. A tall and muscular figure sat upon the throne clad in a desert camouflage shirt with a blaster proof vest on along with some black padded pants. His arms rested lazily upon the arm rests of the throne and his head leaned against his upright right arm with only the elbow resting upon the arm rest of the throne. Painted upon the Walls were the Symbols of the O.C.A.G along with a symbol containing ten rings and a sword crossed over a sword within the middle of the ten rings. A dark jade cloak and hood lied upon the figure upon the throne, masking his identity to all around him like that of a supernatural being watching from afar but also from within the sole eyes of the men working around him. Tapestries hung from the ceiling above the throne which were the color red with the symbol of a white skull with a black blade shattering through it from below and sticking out through the roof of the white skull. Behind the throne was a concrete wall with a map of the galaxy strapped to it with X's crossed through certain places and circles and arrows leading and around others.