Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Account Sign Ups

Please use the appropriate template when requesting an account with the IGBC. Reply to this thread with one of these templates:


NAME: [Character's name]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your character? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]


NAME: [Business name]
FACTORY VERIFIED: Y/N [If your business has an approved Factory application, please link it here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the business account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your business? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]


NAME: [Faction name]
VERIFIED: Y/N [Please link to the usergroup here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the faction account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your faction? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]

After your account is open, please use the TELLER WINDOW thread to post transactions to your account using the template provided there.
NAME: MalRust Enterprises
FACTORY VERIFIED: No - Not a factory subbed business
ACCESS: [member="Malia Afredane"], [member="Rusty"]
OPENING BALANCE: 946,000 credits divvied up between several accounts
98,000 credits for the Wicked Grace fuel and expense account
223,500 credits for the Grey Warden fuel and expense account
7,850 credits for the Isabela fuel and expense account
250,000 credits for the payroll account
366,650 credits in the cash account

NAME: The Lazy Riveter
FACTORY VERIFIED: No - Not a factory subbed business
ACCESS: [member="Malia Afredane"]
OPENING BALANCE: 147,286 credits

NAME: Malia Afredane
OPENING BALANCE: 2456 credits


Well-Known Member
NAME: Merr-Sonn Incorporated
ACCESS: [member="Fos Misao"] Adriel Daemon([member=tempist]) and Valashu Elahad
OPENING BALANCE: 300,000,000 Credits
TRACKING: Please, if you would be so kind

NAME: Mandalorian Hunters
VERIFIED: Kop'ad Beroya
ACCESS: Valashu Elahad
OPENING BALANCE: 500,000,000 Credits
TRACKING: As requested above, so shall it be here..

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