Lan Porgata
IGBC Chairman
Please use the appropriate template when requesting an account with the IGBC. Reply to this thread with one of these templates:
NAME: [Character's name]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your character? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
NAME: [Business name]
FACTORY VERIFIED: Y/N [If your business has an approved Factory application, please link it here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the business account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your business? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
NAME: [Faction name]
VERIFIED: Y/N [Please link to the usergroup here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the faction account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your faction? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
After your account is open, please use the TELLER WINDOW thread to post transactions to your account using the template provided there.
NAME: [Character's name]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your character? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
NAME: [Business name]
FACTORY VERIFIED: Y/N [If your business has an approved Factory application, please link it here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the business account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your business? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
NAME: [Faction name]
VERIFIED: Y/N [Please link to the usergroup here.]
ACCESS: [What characters have access to the funds in the faction account?]
OPENING BALANCE: [How many credits are you depositing?]
TRACKING: Y/N [Do you want the IGBC to track your posted transactions for your faction? If yes, your account listing will be linked a google sheet for accounting purposes and viewing.]
After your account is open, please use the TELLER WINDOW thread to post transactions to your account using the template provided there.