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Approved NPC Ace Thrakish

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  • Intent: To nerf, revamp, and adapt an old character into a NPC.
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Acts as a close combat fighter, and heavy weapons user
  • Links: Bio

  • Age: Unknown, around eight hundred years
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Standing at six feet tall, Ace can be perceived as intimidating by those who don't know him. He wears the average spacer ensemble, tanned clothes with a light plate of armor beneath his leather jacket. He seems to be middle aged, with short blonde hair, sometimes going about with a thin beard upon his face.

  • Name: Ace Thrakish
  • Loyalties: Jedi, friends, those in need
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Notable Possessions: Pyronium Shield
  • Skills: Adept martial artist, average marksman
  • Personality: Having been in the military all his life, Ace is a very serious man. He has a strong sense of justice and loyalty, even though he has become a mercenary. Ace strives to stay ethical in his line of work, preferring not to kill or capture being altogether. As friendly as can be, Ace is usually willing to help people out, even in extreme situations.

  • Weapon of Choice: Teräs Käsi, Echani Martial Arts, Z-6 rotary blaster cannon
  • Combat Function: Ace was genetically enhanced to be an elite soldier, his body altered to allow him greater strength, speed, and stamina. He utilizes these traits in hand to hand combat, where he shines the brightest. Sometimes he will use the blaster weaponry, but he never really excelled or even cared for the use of firearms, as he was usually involved in espionage. If strained enough through intense, prolonged exertion and/or pain, Ace will experience severe pain throughout many of his nerves, a side effect of the experimentation done to him. If unable to overwhelm his opponent, a tactical retreat is in order.

As a young child, Ace grew up during the Dark Times, years after the slaughter of the Jedi and years into the Galactic Empire's reign. Even as a boy, Ace recognized the corruption and oppression that the Empire spread, as it's armies continued to fan out across the galaxy and conquer. Growing up on Nar Shaddaa, he knew all about poverty, living on his own as an orphan among streets. Despite the depressing times, the youth was able to busy himself with other activities, such as sports and the occasional job opportunities. It was long until the Empire themselves conscripted Ace, forcing him into military service as an Imperial.

He saw and learned a lot of things during his time with the Empire, mostly things he did not like at all. At the age of twenty, Ace had already begun rising in the ranks of the Empire. The battles were something he would never forget, having witnessed the excessive death and gore that only war could inspire. It was never something he wanted to do, for he believed that no one had the right to take another's freedom away. For this reason, Ace quickly jumped ship and joined the Rebel Alliance, serving the faction dutifully with a passion never before seen in him.

With his extensive knowledge of the Empire, Ace would lead several battles against them in his time with the Alliance, once more making a name for himself within the military. Being recommended as one of the most productive officers, Ace was approached one day by a group of scientists aligned secretly with the Rebel Alliance. They offered him the opportunity to test out rediscovered and refined physical enhancements, which were be produced through an extremely complex genetic engineering experiment. Soundly agreeing in the name of the restoring the Republic, Ace would undergo the intense surgery and experiments, his body finally altered and enhanced after hours of work. Now stronger and faster, Ace became a Rebel operative, working dangerous missions that most would be unable to get themselves out of.

Traveling the galaxy and facing different foes, the man was able to learn and adapt to many different fighting styles, accumulating an adept understanding of several. By the time of 4 ABY, Ace had become a well known enemy and traitor of the Empire, constantly under attack by Imperial forces. During a particularly hairy escape attempt, Ace's ship was severely damaged, with the only way forward being a red nebula. Unable to find their prey, the Imperials left, assuming Ace lost for good. And so he was, for over eight hundred years, for he was forced to enter a suspended animation stasis pod, having been cut off from all communications and outside civilization. His ship had crashed upon a hidden planet deep within the nebula, and was ultimately forgotten.

Pirates and scum alike happened to frequent that hidden planet nowadays, using it as a hideout in between runs and raids. A group of them had come upon the remains of a downed freighter, which was ancient in design. After exploring for some time, they came across the stasis pod, deciding to haul it back to their own ship before opening it, as a precaution. They did so, and began to brutally beat Ace, intent on breaking him into a slave to sell on the market. He spent a long time playing the role, simply biding his time until he was able to make his move. Eventually he did, overpowering one of the pirates and freeing the other slaves they had gathered too. Together they took over the ship, with Ace leading them to victory through his courageous acts, rather than the brute strength he possessed.

Now a free man, Ace began to travel the galaxy, seeking out the Galactic Republic that had been reformed for centuries by now. He too served along side their forces, acting as a special agent in the new times of war. Things were very different, for Sith and Jedi alike were rampant on the battlefield. To help adapt, a special pyronium shield was crafted for Ace's use, able to absorb bursts of electricity, very useful when going up against a Sith. His days in the military lasted years, as it was one of things he had always known. When the Republic was officially disbanded, Ace turned to mercenary work, often helping those who truly needed it for free regardless.
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