Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Achim Veers

  • Full name: Captain Achim Veers.
  • Alias: None.
  • Titles: Scion of House Veers, Captain of the ‘Nolantia.’
  • Species: Human
  • Race: Anaxsi.
  • Homeworld: Anaxes.
  • Faction(s): The First Order
  • Rank(s): Senior Captain (Navy.)
  • Mentor(s): Unknown, First Imperial Military Academy - Dosuun.
  • Students(s): None.
  • Force Sensitive: Unknown - Untrained Genetic Markers.
  • Force Alignment: Unknown.

  • Gender: Male.
  • Age: Fourty-Two.
  • Height: One Hundred and Eighty-Five Centimetres. (Six Foot, Two Inches.)
  • Weight: Eighty-Eight point Five Kilograms. (One Hundred and Ninety-Five Pounds.)
  • Complexion: ​Caucasian.
  • Skin Tone: Sun-Kissed.
  • Eye Color: Pale Sapphire Blue.
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown, Graying.

Appearance Description:

Enjoying the second renaissance of handsomeness afforded to him by his family's strict policy of eugenics, Achim Veers had aged well. Silvering stubble marked his patrician jawline whilst streaks of gray dominated sections of his scalp. Though he primarily lived aboard a starship, many of which he served upon or commanded, the man had kept himself in a remarkably healthy condition. However, beneath the attractive veneer - Achim harbours a dark secret as to how he’s kept himself in peak, physical condition. Extensive rejuvenate surgery. His polished teeth were entirely replaced with compound substitutes, and subtly woven into the cartilage of his ear were several aural transceivers. Having nearly developed cataracts, the Captain’s retina’s were replaced with combat implants - giving his normally azure glare a more fearsome visage by the addition of a thin silver lattice imbedded within eyes.

  • Voice Sample: Gideon Emery / James Cutter.
  • Face Claim: Gideon Emery.

  • Marital Status: Single.
  • Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual.
  • Languages: High Galactic, Galactic Basic, Binary, Bocce, Sullustese.
  • Occupation: Imperial Navy Captain.
  • Residence: FIV Nolantia - Captain’s Cabin.


Though Achim was relatively unknown outside of the First Order’s sphere of Influence, the Good Captain had slowly begun making a name for himself by the merits of his style of command. Behind the tactical strategium, the man is governed by cold and harsh logic - willing to sacrifice the myriad pawns atop the game board in order to take down the King. He’s uncompromising and ruthless, knowing full well that it’s better to be feared by one’s subordinates, rather than being loved.

When not ensconced within the command throne of his vessel, Achim’s stoic and stubborn mood changes ever so subtly. He becomes soulful, as his brilliant mind cycles into down the darkened path to depression and regret. To get where he was, the Captain had trampled on the shoulders and while he’s proud to inherit the mantle of command, he harbours guilt over what it had taken to obtain it.

These dark notions were kept in his private musings and rarely found themselves being noticed or in the hands of others, due to the projected aura of calm and level-headedness whenever he’s in the public eye.

  • Fanatical Xenophobe.
  • Echoes of Vanity.
  • Ruthless Commander.
  • Stubborn and Stoic.
  • Deaf and Blind, Ion Damage.

  • Bold Idealist.
  • Brilliant Tactician.


A Work in Progress.

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