Naast Vizsla
Haran Gang Leader

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Intent: To provide an edge over armored opponents for Naast Viszla
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Naast
Model: Acidic Shells
Affiliation: Naast Vizsla
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Unique
Material: Gunpowder, Xenoboric Acid, other ammunition components
Description: This shotgun ammunition comes in two types, soft target rounds and armor piercing. The armor piercing rounds contain hollow metal spikes which are filled with xenoboric acid. The intent of this is to pierce or damage the armor of an enemy. Once the hollow spiked crashed into their target, they would shatter and release the acid to eat away at the armor and flesh. The soft target rounds featured bird shot which was hollowed and filled with xenoboric acid.
These rounds would significantly reduce the range of a weapon, in some cases up to 8 meters.
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