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Acronyms / Suggestions

  • Thread starter Valessia Brentioch
  • Start date

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Sentiri"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]​
Someone asked me for a list, here's a list of military acronyms that I use. This is by no means something that *has* to be done for the entire faction. Again - these are just what I use when I write out my posts and make references. Of course, feedback is welcomed :)

Acronyms: Definitions
  • FIASG: First Imperial All-Surface Guard
  • FIHM: First Imperial Home Militia
  • FICO: First Imperial Covert Outpost
  • FIIS: First Imperial Intelligence Service
  • FINB: First Imperial Naval Base
  • FISFO: First Imperial Starfighter Outpost
  • FIAB : First Imperial Army Base
  • FODAS: First Order Division of Applied Science
  • FIMS: First Imperial Medical Service
  • FIIO: First Imperial Intelligence Outpost
  • FILP: First Imperial Listening Post
  • FIM: First Imperial Marines
  • FIFW: First Imperial Fighter Wing
  • FIIW: First Imperial Interceptor Wing
  • FIDW: First Imperial Defender Wing
  • FIV: First Imperial Vessel
  • FOCIE: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • FONC: First Order Nursing Corps
  • FIN: First Imperial Navy
  • FIA: First Imperial Army
  • FIGV: First Imperial Ground Vehicle
  • FISFC: First Imperial Starfighter Corps
  • FIS: First Imperial Station
Also, in case you're wondering. First Order is more of an out-of-faction branding thing, basically people outside of the faction. First Imperial is in-faction branding, and again this is just me. I refer to us as Imperials/Empire in-character not something that has to be done for everyone.
Pretty cool! Although personally, I would prefer if all things were simply called by "First Order" rather than some things being called "First Imperial", to avoid confusion. I know we're trying to signal our imperial-ness with that nomenclature, but being that we're the First Order, I feel the fact that we're Imperials should be obvious.

Just my personal taste though.

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