Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
Former Moross Crusade Territory
Wild Space
The Gypsymoth shuddered and went to sleep, and Jorus leaned back in the pilot's seat as what felt like six years of tension drained from him in a moment. Crystalline blue dominated the view from the cockpit in all directions, clear enough that he could pick out individual fish in their iridescent schools. It was night; he'd approached under repulsor power only, and submerged as quietly as possible. This was his longtime landing spot, a stretch of rock where the coral hadn't grown so thick. Now, of course, the Gypsymoth's landing gear left their impressions same as ever, killing little patches of one of the most virginal ecosystems he'd ever encountered. Alna's Pathfinder, the home she'd designed for them, lay farther down the coast, an angular shape in the water.
He stripped off his Levantine Captain's uniform, an odd Jal Shey creation in brown and gold, and donned a pair of the local shorts in rough-spun plant fibre. He knotted the tie and cracked the bottom hatch, revealing a circle of seawater.
The ocean hit him like a long hug after a long wait. He took his time getting to the surface, and then to the shore. A couple of miles down the coast lay the hut they'd built together -- local materials, local methods, all as much for the joy of it as to blend in.
He switched his cybernetic eyes to infrared a moment too late. Several dozen pounds of nine-year-old half-Zeltron burst out of the darkness and slammed into his knees.
[member="Alna Merrill"]