Beings of indiscernible race and identity brushed by the coat of Vereshin who wandered listlessly through the passageways of a space station deep in the outer rim. Holding the ticket for a public shuttle, he blocked out the surrounding chatter and pressed onward down the hall to the holding bay. Noise invaded every coherent thought as he held his breath for as long as possible before releasing, the smell and earthly fiber of the space denizens making him feel gradually queasy and long for his own room.
The incessant beeping of equipment provided a brief distraction while Vereshin caught on to the presence of another Force user, one who used the Dark Side. He stopped in his tracks to scan the corridor for the individual and wondered idly if they were also Sith. Should that be the case, they may prove useful on the Knight's endeavor into the maw, the feat of siphoning dark matter. Sighing deeply, the voices surrounding him became too much and Vereshin found a bench beneath a wide window overlooking a vast nebula.
Shuttle pass in hand, his gaze caught the illuminated numbers of a clock above the entrance to the hangar bay and woman with emerald skin rummaged through her purse next to him. He read the time on the clock, he shuttle was not due to leave for ten minutes and he rummaged through his pocket for a cigarette. A young man, though Vereshin could not guess his age, of a race with tentacle features strode up before him and the lingering presence he felt earlier grew strong. He cocked his head to one side, weary from travel and raised an eyebrow before opening his mouth to speak.
"Hello, are you Sith?" The acolyte slid the cigarette into his thin lips and lit the end with a snap of energy from his fingers. He blew smoke into the air, opening and closing his mouth in a few puffs in between talking. "I am myself, although I know I don't look like it." Vereshin finished while he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, they always seemed to fall down because his head was too small. "Are you taking this shuttle?" He asked a second question.
[member="Tsisaar Taral"]