Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Act 12: Finishing touches

Mesen'loras Campaign
Act 12: Finishing touches

It had taken six months to design, build, and maneuver the Mesen'yai Space Station into position over Ord Cestus. The station was... unique. And expensive. Unique was always expensive. But all the more so when what you built was essentially the galaxy's largest cloning tank. It was more than that of course. But the simple explanation was enough to satisfy the curiosity of most. Onlookers and curious freighter captains who had asked about the facility during the six months since it had first arrived.

In that time, Larraq had kept his employees busy. Both his bioengineering experts from Auron Helix and his engineering experts from Mandal Hypernautics had been staffing the station since its arrival. In that time, his most recent investment had grown considerably. Tucked away within specialized shielding, held in place by tractor beams, and nourished by massive amounts of ocean water, bacta, and innumerable salts and minerals... was his pride and joy. [member="Naast'ika Laaran"].
The sleeping giant had grown considerably over the past six months in 'the second womb' as Skek'zus had called it. Naast'ika had grown nearly ten times in size since entering the second womb. Currently, that put him at around 150 meters long. And to Larraq, he was beautiful. Like a father admiring a newborn child, Larraq took great pride in what he considered to be his finest creation.

Unfortunately, like all fathers, Rygel Larraq had high expectations for Naast'ika and his siblings. They were beautiful wonders of science and nature. But they were also a commodity. They needed to out-perform every other ship in their class, or else his endeavor would be laughed at by the corporate community as an act of eccentricity and nothing more. In order to truly turn a profit from this endeavor, he would need to modify the Mesen'loras beyond what Skek'zus Quall and Auron Helix had managed. For this, he would need to turn to his own area of expertise.
To him, it seemed like the simplest thing in the world. Companies had been creating cybernetic augmentations for people for thousands of years. Why could they not simply do the same with a bio-mechanical ship? The Mesen'loras had nerve endings like everyone else. They had a central nervous system. They had muscles and bone. They had skin and blood like everyone else. They were simply larger.

It was with this in mind that he set out to augment and enhance [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] as his time in the second womb came to a close. His engineering and bioengineering experts had been collaborating on the project for nearly as long as Naast'ika had been in the womb. They had mapped his nervous system. They had projected his growth rate. They had designed and forged thousands of meters of wires and cables, electronics, hardware, and weapons to implant into Naast'ika.

A week ago, they began the procedure.

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