Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Activity Check


This is in effect as of the new Minor Faction & Ship announcement. I expect a grand total of two people, maybe three, to post here - and in that case, then I'm deleting this faction, because it proves that no one is interested.

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Yush. :3

[member="Darth Sinna"], [member="Warren Century"], [member="Mrrew"], [member="Darth Morgoth"], [member="stardust"], [member="Aldous Hofmann"], [member="Enigma"], [member="Matsu Ike"]:
So after thinking about something Sinna said earlier, I've determined that this group was a novel idea but lacks a solid sense of direction. No one is doing anything because there really isn't anything apparent to do. The problem is, I don't know how to fix that, lol.

I was thinking of turning it into a more theme-centric faction like every other faction on the board *rolls eyes* and maybe that would help. You know, give it a structure and write up a concept, rather than just "big fat conglomerate of people doing stuffs." If any of you have any ideas, feel free to send me them or leave them in the Suggestion thread. Otherwise, I can always try bringing the old Dominion theme back with a more inclusive and open concept.

Thank you for posting, by the way. :)
Here! Sorry for the late response. Merging with nuxus could pose a problem with Ice if he finds out it is run by Sith. I wouldn't want to have to leave Nexus and this group.


[member="Darth Morgoth"], [member="Ice"]
Merging will not happen. It would be largely unnecessary/redundant since it's not a major faction and hardly even a minor one. Besides, anything greater than a neutral alliance would counteract my efforts to try and centralize this group into a legitimate faction, as I've heard most people don't even know to this point what this faction even is.

I am most likely going with the old Dominion model - with a few new touch-ups, of course - and making the Ri'essi Union a part of that whole, since no one has objected to it yet. That is why the faction's been renamed "The United Commonwealth of Ri'ess." It will begin completely neutral and inclusive, but maintain a somewhat grim anti-hero-esque stance as far as persuasion/alignment goes.

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