Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Activity erratic

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
We're in the final stages of waiting for the kid to arrive. Here's my time breakdown for the last few days and the next few days:
  • Assist wife
  • Assist toddler
  • While they sleep or relax,
  • Do chores
  • Occasionally binge post to relax
So expect long periods of silence, occasional Skype checkins, and short periods of 'holy crap he's in ten threads what is he doing he's got like eight padawans and is that ANOTHER factory sub???' Just a waiting game now.
Youtube and Netflix.
Walking helps too. You move your body and get the blood flowing. It helps your mind focus, but also makes you feel like you're doing something productive about it because you body is dumb and believes that sort of stuff.

Oh. And congradulations.

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