Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character AD-173




NOTE: I know its the epitome of stubbornness, but I refuse to RP in anything related to the Mouse's episodes VII-IX, due to the fact that there's no proper worldbuilding or even basic in-universe history in any way, shape or form. EU and the occasional fanon only for me.

Name: AD-173; prefers his self-given name of Valqon Phantomspark.

Faction: Currently independent

Rank: None

Droid Classification: AD-Series Weapon Maintenance Droid - 4th-degree droid (heavily modified since his original creation).

Age: 168

Sex: Masculine programming

Height: 6'5

Weight: 402 lbs.

Build: Slightly taller then average, though with bulkier and vastly thicker humanoid proportions.

Photoreceptor color: Purple

Trim color: None.

Chassis color: Navy Blue.

Force Sensitivity: No

Occupation: Mercenary and self-declared "Ignicul Paladin" and "military historian".


Enhanced Heuristic Processor and Behavioral Circuitry Matrix: Coruscant's top-of-the-line Elite Security Force's Special Tactics division granted this field engineer droid the the most advanced heuristic processor the could afford for this droid's original security squadron. A newly-added behavioral circuitry matrix added later in his career subsequently ended that career when it malfunctioned on the field, and began one of the strangest independent droid legends that has since begun to travel the Galaxy...

Elite Security Chassis Upgrades:


Ion Vulnerability: As is standard for droids, AD-173 is vulnerable to being disabled, or, at worst, having his distinct self lost forever if he receives excessive ion damage in any way.



Alignment: Lawful Good

Voice Example:






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