Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adam Folstock

In Umbris Potestas Est
From childhood, Adam Folstocks life has been a mess. Born on Nar Shadaa, Adam's parents where extremely poor, scrambling for the little money it would cost for food. Other refugee's and homeless residents got bye in their world by steeling and killing, but Adams parents never once justified a thing as evil as that.
So from the start Adams life was harder than most. Getting beat by the corrupt law enforcement just because of his lack of dignity. While others found ways to hold jobs, nobody would take Adam in. He lived with his parents, and loved them more than life itself. The three individuals stuck together through thick and thin just to see the light of day once more. The gangs where hard in the slums that the family called home, and thieves ravaged anything they could get their hands on. Adam got his family through life by scrapping broken ships and electronics to sell to vendors. Though this brought little money with the vendors taking advantage of the prices, it was what Adam was willing to do to keep his family going. Adam was given love and compassion by his mother, and the knowledge to get through life by his father. Adams father would always be teaching him something different about the world. Adams favorite subject was always electronics, wheter it be terminals, space ships, general mechanics, or anything else Adam was blown away by it all. But his father only knew so much, and by the age of 15 Adam was at the knowledge level of his father.
from 15 to 20 Adam helped his family along, fixing up old terminals and selling them to in need shops. Adams life was harder than the common folk, but he still found love and happiness everyday when he came home. It was at night when Adam came apon something he had never seen before. When adventuring the scrapyards Adam went farther back then he had ever gone in the old abandoned warehouse. Nobody ever went in there because there was nothing to find, which became a common knowledge for scrappers, they stayed away from the building because the gangs owned it and there was nothing in there. The gangs had a lot of stuff they didn't need and didn't use. It always made Adam angry when they had so much but left so little for people like him. But even through all the arguments and conversations, Adams mothers good heart leaned toward what was best, and that was to leave the gang areas alone. Adam was wondering the warehouse, avoiding his mothers orders, when he tripped over a chunk of metal. using the small light he had fixed out of spare parts Adam pointed the light toward something big. A ship! It was small but all the key components where in it. maybe broken but they where all fixable.
Adam spent the next few years scavenging parts to fix up his old ship. Brushing the dust off it he found the name of his new ship was the Pearl Victory. Day after day Adam would look for pieces, it was always on him mind and frequently he visited the restricted area to see his ship. It was that ship the changed the course of his life. It was near an average persons dinner time when a man in green combat armor approached Adams poor family. He spoke of a gang, and rule breakers. Adam knew what was happening. When Adam made a reach for his makeshift vibroknife the Twi'Lek in the green armor was already holding out his gun in anger. Three shots fired from his gun. not one missing its target. a father, a mother, and a son. As the superheated laser came in contact with his shoulder Adam took out his knife and threw it. Perhaps it was a sense of pure disparity that caused the knifes blade to come in contact with the aliens neck. Adam didn't know, but didn't care as he wept over his parents corpses. There was no anger. it wouldn't be what his mother wanted, he couldn't stay on the planet either, his Father had taught him too much to make a strategic mistake like that. So Adam left. Left Nar Shadaa left everything behind.
It wasn't soon after when Adam became a first class engineer for the republic. Mostly he worked on space vessels but he occasionally got a more important job. Without the skills for combat Adam put in his time with republic ships and making adjustments during battle. Never once did he ever speak of his past to anyone. But little did he know that his life had bearly even started yet.
NAME: Adam Folstock
FACTION: Galactic republic
SPECIES: human
AGE: 26
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 5 ft 11 in.
EYES: blue
HAIR: brown
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS: can pretty much engineer and hack into anything. has a high knowledge of most electrical items
WEAKNESSES: relies on weaponry. without a highly powerful weapon he cannot conduct himself in battle regularly. without his engineering suit he cannot go nearly as many places as he can with it on.

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