Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adam Gardner - Deactivated


NAME: Adam Gardner
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Agricultural Corps
SPECIES: Zelosian
AGE: 37
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 162lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Ruddy


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Gunslinger: Decent shot with a blaster pistol
-Blind in the Dark
-Gets Drunk on Sugar
-Singular Power: Has no other abilities in the Force save the one mentioned. No precognition, no telekinesis, no mind tricks, no force barriers, etc.

Adam is a short, gruff man who usually wears his long hair pulled back in a ponytail. His square face is quick to smile, though it's usually impassive. Some find him taciturn, but he's got a tender heartedness toward all living things. Due to his past, he hates taking life and will do so only if necessary. He's got a few scars, rough hands, and prefers sturdy working clothes practical for farming. He wears an earring in each ear, remnants from his days as a pirate.

  • Consitor Sato


Adam Gardner grew up on Zeltros on his family's farm, but he wasn't satisfied with what he thought was a boring life. At age sixteen he ran away from home and left the planet, eventually winding up in a pirate crew that gallivanted around the galaxy. He had his fill of women, drinking, drugs, killing, and wealth. After almost two decades of piracy, Adam grew tired of the hard life. The crew became more ruthless as they ventured into the slave trade, bartering with Arkanians to traffic their Offshoot slaves.

During one of these slave runs, Adam became friends with one of the female slaves. He determined that he'd had enough of this mess and tried to set all the slaves free on the ship. In the middle of the breakout, he and Khione escaped in a fighter and traveled as far away as they could from the outer rim.

Gardner had always possessed some sensitivity of the Force that he knew about, particularly when it came to plants, but had never really investigated it. Khione also held strange powers. The two of them decided to travel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to learn more. They joined the Jedi Order temporarily, but Adam was eventually turned away because of the combined factors of his age, his sketchy history, and his lack of any force abilities beyond two, that of Plant Surge and Animal Friendship. Ironically, the very same powers that made him ideal for farming.

Rather than continue on in her training, Khione went with Adam into the Agricultural Corps. They married a year later. Adam was content to lead the life of a farmer, which he'd originally scorned. However, when the war with the One Sith broke out and Coruscant was taken, all available Jedi were recalled to assist in the war effort.

Junk Freighter

Nobody I want to talk about




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