Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adasean Black Crusades #1

A top a single spire built in the central core of Coruscant, hidden in a force meditation surrounded by the dark lights of her monitors and other data projecting holograms, Darth Hauntruss quietly felt through the force. The Netherworld's rapture had cleaned the slate in the Core Worlds. Scattered and taken all those who had once stood in the Sith's way. A strange turn of events. Parting her eyelids her golden eyes illuminated by the light of her holograms she came to a realization. Now of all the times, abandoned and scattered to the outer section of the core- the Sith were in position to finally remove the Jedi from the Core- the one section of the galaxy that was always held as a bastion of the light. With Coruscant in toe and the Jedi Enclaves within striking distance, the Jedi religious culture was never this exposed.

As her eyes opened more and more fully revealing her gleaming gaze her thin black inked lips stretched into a smile.

"This chaos, this rapture is a gift. A gift from the Darkside of the Force." Hauntruss hissed in personal glee and reverance. Staring off into some metaphysical distance in her mind her smile widened. "One which I completely accept my Dark Master. With your blessing, I will bring about a cleansing and purge the likes of which have not yet been reproduced since the Hundred Years of Darkness. Thy will shall be done." Unfolding her fingers from the clasped center, she rested them in a claw like clench on the arms of her meditation chair. Rising her dark form became a tall singular form. Hauntruss began to brood over the preparations. She raised her fingers and the holograms gathered to form a central large presentation of the known core. Like a child thumbing her gifts her fingers past through the ghostly images of the planets she would engulf in flame and would purge them clean for the Sith to rebuild.

"Isolated. Single worlds. Like bright lights in an abyss. Together you are powerful, but alone you are a candle in the wind." Hauntruss laughed while perking her lips she mimicked the wind that would blow these lights out. Smiling she then turned her face into a serious frown. "The right servants and leaders must be gathered. I shall first inform his darkness the Emperor of my ambitions and then when the time is right. The Core Worlds shall be awash in the dark flames of purification."

Stepping out from her transport she watched the dark landscape of the world transformed by her long old comrade in darkness [member="Darth Vornskr"]. Now it would only be on the Eye of the Sith [member="Darth Isolda"] to bring word of the Emperor's potential blessings. This was all for him and the Dark Side. I the Sith could eliminate any trace of the Jedi Culture in the Core Worlds, permanent darkness could be organically sewn into the very force-fabric of the Core and the One Sith would finally possess a space that was theirs.

Walking to the great hall of the Dark King of Prakith, she announced herself by passing through the great black gates and with the darkside by her every step she proclaimed her presence with a dark hissing greeting.

"Come my dark brother. There is work to do."
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]

Amaethon read over the message on the data pad and he could not help but smile. They would soon drive the Jedi out of the Core. He looked forward to crossing blades with Force-trained opponents, a true test. Security forces and civilians were nothing, but a Jedi, they were misguided but well-trained all the same.
Prakith, despite being the capital of the One Sith, was a planet she rarely frequented. It wasn't that the Dagobah Sith hated the planet, even though there were planets she wished to see engulfed in a fiery blaze, that kept her from being here; it was the activity of the One Sith's crusade to dominate the core worlds. Though not a Sith warrior by choice, she had thrown herself into the mix of assisting the others in laying down the foundations of Sith rule on planets such as Rendilli, Khomm, and several others. With the galaxy in turmoil by the recent events of the catastrophe some were calling the Netherworld Event, or Rift; several worlds had become ripe for the picking. And the Sith had become harvesters.

So when word had been sent out through the channels that a gathering was to take place on Prakith, curiosity had gotten the better of her. Normally she would avoid such a meeting, with so many Sith present there was bound to be some heated arguments that could possibly spill over into violence. It was afterall the Sith way. Rivals, and there would be plenty afoot, would take such an opportunity to plot the demise of one another. She being the opportunist herself already had set plans in motion to eliminate certain rivals if they chose to openly oppose her. Promises were made, deals agreed upon, and pacts were formed away from the prying eyes of the other Sith. But she was no fool. She would not react until her hand was forced. So for now, she was here to understand why she had been called.

It didn't take long for loose lips to speak about the prospect of another Great Jedi Purge or the prospect of dealing a crippling blow to the Republic. Regardless if these rumours held any merit of truth to them, it was intriguing to say the least. Her hatred for the Jedi and Republic ran deeper than an ancient squabble between the two legendary and long time enemies. But if there was just a tad inkling she could strike at their hearts amidst the galaxy's struggles, then her blade would gladly feast on the flesh of the Jedi and all that supported the Republic.
"And what work it shall be, dark sister."

The figure of the Sith Lord Vornskr emerged from the inky darkness, his robes billowing menacingly in the harsh Prakith wind. The Sith crossed his hands in front of his chest as he surveyed the expanse of jagged and broken land that spread out before the citadel for several kilometers in all directions. The debris of war still littered the land, the bodies of Republic and Sith soldiers carpeting the hellish landscape, and the ruined husks of war machines dotting the crags. Even now the scavengers of this dismal world pecked and clawed at the innumerable corpses, devouring the remains of the violent battle that had taken place several days earlier. He still could not rightly fathom the reasoning behind the Republic's assault on Prakith, while taking Prakith would have been a detriment to the Imperial supply lines to Chiss space, the planet was a virtual fortress that had never been conquered through martial might in all of the galaxy's history.

And it would remain unconquered.

The Sith Lord let out a sighing breath, and then set his eyes on the towering series of spires that jutted up from the blackened rock, the Citadel of the Sith. It was once the headquarters of the Galactic Empire's Inquisitorius back in ancient times, but it had fallen into ruin after the Empire crumbled. For centuries it had remained abandoned, becoming a haven for craven lunatics, but the One Sith had reclaimed it for their own before the Gulag Plague. There they had hidden from the eyes of the Republic, rebuilding their strength in secret for many years, and when Vornskr had been brought into the fold the Citadel had been entirely refurbished into a mighty fortress once more. The Republic sought to shatter that symbol of Sith might, but they had been laid low before the Dark Lord's power, and now their failure littered the endless wastes of Prakith.

"Let us go, sister, and summon the others."

[member="Darth Hauntruss"]


The Second Seal, broken.
She'd be lying if she claimed her visit to the world was entirely voluntary. That one visit, weeks ago, had been more than enough for the woman, and the possibility of getting stuck on Praktih, again, because of some other inspired strategist wasn't exactly appealing. Still, the woman knew a worthy call to heed when she heard one, and this one qualified on all fronts.

That didn't mean she arrived with a smile, however. In fact, the Knight was doing her best impression of a cumulonimbus, dark and brooding included.

It was with that peculiar expression that Vrag could be found leaning on the wall of the chamber where the gathering was supposed to take place, not looking the least bit enthusiastic. Then again, that was the firrerreo for you; cloudy with a chance of blizzards, any day of the year. She had come decked out in full armor, partly because it was a habit of hers anyway, and partly because her suspicion of Prakith was nearing paranoid levels.

Better safe than sorry, though, and Vrag would much rather gaze upon the grief-stricken faces of her enemies than feel the cold pain of grief herself.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"]
Many thought the Mon Calamari Sith Lord known as Darth Veles to be a moderate among the Sith, a very rare thing indeed. The amphibian didn’t revel in committing atrocities or random acts of evil, a dangerous and distasteful hobby of many of his fellow Sith. In fact, Avreet disliked pointless killing so much he had killed himself rather than to lose control over his body, which would have been a sign of weakness. A true Sith always had to remain in control, never becoming a slave of their urges or instincts! Unfortunately for the Republic and their Jedi puppets, the Sith Lord did not stay dead for very long, walking the surface of Prakith once more. Unfortunately for the Republic, he also disapproved of their constant attempts to have all Sith exterminated. While he disliked or outright hated many members of his “family”, he was still one of them, an undeniable truth. Even moderates had to fight when someone threatened them and their family and so Veles cared little about what his fellow Sith did to Republic worlds. Actually, the amphibious Sith Lord fully supported completely extinguishing all sparks of rebellion/terrorism within the One Sith space by whatever means necessary. How were the Sith supposed to build a paradise for their followers when constantly attacked by various degenerates who did not appreciate all their hard work? And so, aside from creating a paradise, Avreet wished to make a living hell for all that opposed his beloved Order. War radicalized people in their ideals.

After his return from beyond the grave, the Mon Calamari heard the news of the Republic once again hell-bent on conquering the galaxy and defeating the One Sith. It was quite… surprising, to see this impotent group of Jedi and poorly trained soldiers suddenly capable of biting the might of the One Sith in the arm. After seeing one loss of the Republic after another, Avreet never would have expected them to wake up and start stealing planets from the greatest war machine in the galaxy. Something had to be done about that, therefore Avreet travelled to Prakith to take a look at the plan of some of his fellow Sith. Finally, a chance to get revenge on the cursed Jedi! The only thing that ruined his mood quite significantly was the fact he still didn’t have his second lightsaber, the one with containing a crystal that held much sentimental value to him. Surprisingly enough, he could not remember why exactly; ever since he returned from the Purgatory, Avreet found himself thinking not about his old Master, but about Lady Akala, a dark mistress that ruled Hell. Still, the crystal within the missing lightsaber was a present and he intended to get it back.

It hardly mattered now though, all love for the Empress of Chaos pushed aside by the hatred burning within his heart. As the amphibian made his way through the land of Prakith, observing the Jedi strike force didn’t do much in their attempt to eradicate the Sith presence there, swift and powerful strides carried him to the Citadel where the meeting was going to take place. He would undoubtedly encounter some faces he didn’t want to see, but was willing to put their differences aside to achieve their common goal; to make the Jedi suffer, have their supporters and families lashed on crosses and possibly destroy some of that ugly architecture that had no respect for order, preferring to be “natural”. Oh, Avreet was going to show them what he thought about nature and harmony.

[member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]
[member="Amaethon"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Hauntruss spotted her old friend and nodded while removing her dark hood. "Indeed, let us gather." Hauntruss spotting the other summoned Sith Members and their entourages beckoned them to draw near. As they walked in a group down the main promenade of Prakth fortress palace, Hauntruss hiss in dark tones her plans for their assembly.

With the force as her guide in illuminating the situation she let her conciousness bleed out in a dark aura.

"The Darkside has given us a great gift my lords." She began. "The Netherworld, my home for centuries after my banishment by the Jedi all those centuries ago has broken the Republic's hegemony over the Core Worlds."

"With thousands disappearing into the abyss, the once powerful centers of Jedi culture and religion, bolstered by their connection to Republic positions are now isolated and running on remnants."

Hauntruss' smile widened into a sinister smirk. "Now is the time to enact a plan I have had for quite sometime. To lay the foundations of a truly united and pure Sith controlled Galactic Core."

"But to do this we must first erase and reform the remnants of Republic ideals and Jedi creed within the most strategic of worlds." Revealing one of her dark gloved hands from her sleeves she opened a small hand holoprojector which illuminated a holomap of the Core worlds. Several worlds were highlighted in bright green sparkles.

"The Jedi Enclaves at Dorin and Cularin act as bastions of Republic and Jedi culture. They first of any most be purged and cleansed. While more industrial worlds can be reformed by means of lighter, diplomatic means. One which the Imperial Mission may provide." Hauntruss said shooting a look towards [member="Darth Vornskr"] and [member="Darth Veles"] who was known for his level-headed approach to subjugation. "However, to fully remove the Jedi, a much harsher method shall be needed. One which will totally erase every physical and cultural trace of their presence in order to convert the worlds into Sith power-bases. And that is - "

"A Dark Crusade."
"One of which hasn't been seen since the days of the Jedi Purges. To do this I have asked and received the blessing of his darkness the Emperor in forming the First Council of the Imperial Inquisition."
"And this First Crusade against the Jedi Enclaves, I have been commanded to name-
the Adasean Crusades.
Named after the first King of the Sith, the First Dark Lord- Adas."
Reaching the gates of the central chambers were the council would reside in a lavish hall, Hauntruss waited as her plans were digested by her fellow Sith Lords and brethren.
The Citadel seemed even grander than the last time he had witnessed its beauty, a true marvel of architecture, sharp edges and perfect symmetry that appeared to the Mon Cal’s senses, his footsteps echoing through the endless maze of hallways that gave the illusion of lasting forever. To think the Jedi barbarians wanted to destroy something so wondrous only strengthened the fire of hate burning within the Sith Lord’s heart. It was time to pay the “peacekeepers” a visit and teach them a thing or two about the famous passion of the Sith and Imperial efficiency. Emerging from one of the dark shadows, the Sith Assassin joined the tow around Lady Hauntruss and briefly observed other Sith with his large amber eyes before fully focusing on the Sith Lady as she presented her plan, explaining it to her fellow Sith. What caught the amphibian by surprise was the revelation Hauntruss had spent so much time in this Netherworld. He never would have believed it if not for dying and appearing in the place himself, witnessing its beauty and horrors alike in quick succession before being brought back to life.

The woman only peaked his interest upon mentioning a united centre of the galaxy fully supporting the Sith ideals, something Avreet could easily get behind. To have their place in the galaxy to truly call home, spread their ways from there into the whole galaxy and unite it, once and for all, under the rule of Sith. To achieve the Sith dream! Of course, there would be sacrifices, but any price was small to pay when one considered the possibility of eternal peace and stability, bearing strong resemblance to Lord Sidious’ vision. In a way, Jedi stood against everlasting peace, preferring momentary periods of calm over a permanent alternative. As such, the amphibious Sith Assassin nodded when the Sith Lady spoke of purges, a necessary evil for a greater good. Some people and cultures, such as Mandalorians and Jedi, failed to see the light the Sith offered, and such groups had to be removed from the galaxy by whatever means necessary. Despite what some might think, Avreet had no problem with the concept, moderate Sith or not.

The holoprojector illuminated his face in light, showing the key locations that had to be taken care of. The first foundations to tear down in order to make an entire building fall and create space for another. It was a clever idea, reminding Avreet of the One Sith completely wiping out any traces of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, building the Valley of the Dark Lords in its place. A simple, yet effective concept of replacing cultures. Obviously, it would take a few generations for the people to realize they are not Republic citizens oppressed by the Sith, but rather Sith citizens. It would be a while before the ordinary citizens finally let go of the empty promises of the Jedi and finally chose to forget the hypocritical Order. Sith would completely replace the Jedi Order, becoming the peacekeepers and guardians Jedi have never been. In the end, there would naturally be no need for Jedi, no memory keeping them alive. Avreet liked it. Closing his distance to the woman, he now paced beside her.

“It is a wonderful plan, Lady Hauntruss,” Veles commented, his large eyes falling upon the beautiful woman, “One that will undoubtedly help us greatly. Even if the Republic and its Jedi dogs come, they will find no support among the ones they claim to wish to free from our tyranny.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he imagined the "always good and right" Jedi puppies forcing their will upon the innocents. Quite an amusing thought.

[member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Amaethon"]
@Vrag[member="Darth Vornskr"][member="Darth Venefica"][member="Darth Hauntruss"][member="Darth Veles"]

The Acolyte strode behind the Lords and Knights, listening to Hauntruss' plan. It would seem that the One Sith Empire was ever closer to it's goals of domination. But what else did the Emperor and Council have in mind, and indeed, the members of the Council as individuals. What role would he play and how could he gain. He studied the holo projection.
Elegant and depraved.
Returned from the darkness of the Unknown Regions, Helios was mostly unchanged, save for his paranoia which had been escalated. His missions in the darkness of wild space allowed him little sleep as he attempted to unearth the secrets of ancients but his data was to be deciphered and broken down at a later date. Had someone else been in Helios' body, they would discover that it felt good to kneel, and even better to sit. His feet were sore. His legs ached, and his body longed to lie down and sleep. But there was no safe place here. Nor anywhere.

Helios' fiery molten eyes swept the grounds around him as he moved towards The Citadel. The discolored metal of past battles littered the barren grounds along with corpses both old and recent. The scene brought overall indifference to Helios' state of mind but the motive of the Republic's actions punched a needle of perplexity into the Hand of the Dark Lord. With the planet's history one would assume that the Republic were aware that the Immortal spirits of Gods roamed about the planet called Prakith. A Sith's will to defend and conquer remained even after death and it inspired those whom would battle on their grounds in the future. Helios loved planets like this, smitten of war, death, pain, festering anger, hatred, and spite. All things for the Eldorai to feed upon and wallow in. Even now he could hear them whisper in his ear, although it was perhaps the product of his own lingering madness.

The Republic were to experience what dire straits truly were, as the Light would continue to fail them time and time again. The Sith looked upon the Republic in the same way that a great beast might watch the stuttered actions of their prey, like a predator would watch the vermin scurry across the floor in an effort to escape or to hide their location. Almost bored but at the same time curious, as if waiting to see if it might do something worthy of interest but expecting nothing. It was an aloof stare, one that a full animal might wear, contemplating whether or not the vermin were worth attacking, considering if the minimalist amount of effort to kill the creature would be a waste if used to strike when there was nothing to gain. But there was something to gain now, even if it was only to claim their territory and eradicate the Jedi's presence.

Helios himself bore a cold look, detached and dispassionate and as unfeeling as a motional statue. He was the white flicker amongst a blue flame, an icicle in a vast blue expanse. If he still harnessed hatred as he once had, it was so overpowered by his total indifference that the Jedi might as well have been an ant he were contemplating whether or not to squash beneath his heel. These days there seemed to be much more to the galaxy than the Republic's presence, which was on borrowed time as it is.

Chalk white hands elevated to push open the massive black gates at the threshold of the Citadel as he strode forward and moved inside the refurbished halls of the beautiful establishment. Something Helios could appreciate any day of the week. Following the dark signatures of his brethren, Helios walked the halls to their gathering center. He entered the room as Val'ryss spoke of their plans of Crusades and wiping out anything tainted by the Jedi on the planets lined up for the campaign. For a numerous amount of years opportunities had failed to present themselves for the Sith to make such a move, but here and now, came an appropriate means to deliver such an expedition. What better way than through what was proposed? The Eldorai smiled, but it was as unfeeling and dispassionate as his level gaze.

After Veles spoke, a respectful pause was allocated after his statement before speaking himself.

"Your plan is sound." Helios started. "After Palpatine's purge the public did not mourn the elimination of the Jedi, nor shall they during this demonstration."

@Amaethon [member="Darth Hauntruss"] @Vrag [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Veles"]


The Second Seal, broken.
Well now. Nobody had said anything about a murderous binge — the cordial invitation she'd received had been rather vague — but the news had her pushing off the wall, her boredom forgotten. Before the mass exodus, before the tearing of the rifts, Vrag hadn't been much of a killer. Sure, she'd taken lives when necessary, but the recent turn of events had given her an appetite for destruction the likes of which she'd never felt before.

If what [member="Darth Hauntruss"] said was true, however, these crusades could very well sate her hunger.

The armored Sith fell in step with the rest of the Dark & Brooding™ posse, her gait unusually light for the topic of conversation. Then again, these were Sith, and if anybody could discuss wholesale slaughter over afternoon tea, it was them.

All that needed to be said had already been uttered by other people in dark robes, and Vrag didn't feel any urge to mince words with no particular purpose. She would show her enthusiasm for this new project when it entered its execution phase, and leave the brainstorming to people with the patience and talent for such things. The woman herself was much more at home with a weapon in hand and blood on her armor than in some conference room; finding a comfortable position to sit in on those cheap office chairs was a pain in the ass when you were wearing plate.

[member="Darth Helios"] | [member="Amaethon"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
She listened to the words from the one that called herself [member="Darth Hauntruss"]. So it was a crusade to purge and cleanse the galaxy of the Republic and Jedi culture and ideals. She could get behind this. In fact, she was eager to get on with this. And so were others as they spoke to glorify the Sith Lord's creed.

She pushed herself from the wall she was holding up and walked around the chamber looking at all the Sith that had gathered here. She saw [member="Vrag"] and gave the warrior a slight nod but didn't stop to converse with her. She had worked with this woman many times and knew the woman rarely spoke. As for the others, she paid them no mind. Her concern was keeping the voices from making an arse out of here. And luckily for the Dagobah Sith, they were quiet.

[member="Vrag"] ... [member="Darth Helios"] ... [member="Darth Veles"]

Tes Dralyn

Amongst the gathered was one of the most recent additions to the ranks of the One Sith, a girl of Corellia who had been one of the last to lay eyes upon the places familiar to her before the strange, otherworldly planet attempted to merge with the world she had been birthed upon, had been raised on. That once-home now lay strewn in space, a marker of its former status of wholeness, the broken sphere of Corellia. It was if the gods had tried in vain to make a great and cosmic joke of her life and all she could do is laugh. Laugh more with each event that pushed her to here, to follow the path laid by one Kaine Zambrano, the [member="Darth Vornskr"].

She hardly cared what her so-called Jedi friends might think. For all she knew, they were dead. Even Jaron... she shook her head. She musn't think about that, about him. That was the only part that caused any degree of pain, of hurt anymore. Her green eyes followed the Sith Lordess as she gave her speech, and even Tes found herself feeling a welling-up of... something of use. Something purposeful. There was a task that this woman spoke of, and a task might be just what she needed.

[member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Helios"] | [member="Amaethon"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"]​

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