Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay sat not in her office in the Palace, but in her quarters on her ship The Free Lady. It floated in orbit of Folor, one of Commenori's two moons. She drummed her fingers on her desk, staring at her datapad. A cup of tea sat beside her as always, steam floating and swirling in the air until it disappeared.

Her thoughts dwelled on [member="Veiere Arenais"] . Ever since his visit, she found herself thinking about him, his words, his respectful attitude towards her; and more importantly, his memories of her. They shared a connection that tugged at her core. No doubt that was blocked during her captivity due to the collar that she wore. She had no access to the Force during those months, no way to help herself but to comply. And she was all the stronger for it.

But still she felt vulnerable and incomplete. Veiere was the key. There was no way that Kay could ask her Master to give her back what was stolen. He would wonder what she was up to and deny her what she wanted as he had done many times before. With him gone to collect new apprentices and to further his secretive plans, she was free to do what she wanted. Kay had told no one what she was up to, not even [member="Connor Harrison"] . He too could try to stop her as he just wouldn't understand, and she had asked him to not let her falter from Darkness. This could be seen as a slip.


She's always held them and will never stop doing so. They were what gave her the upper hand. Yet at times they were her downfall as well. Which category this one would fall under depended on the point of view. Hopefully it would land on the point of view in which she gets her own way.

Kay opened up a new private holo-mail account. She had Veiere's contact info from her other account, so it was easy to know where to send her message.

~I need to see you~

She quickly hit send before second thoughts stopped her. Now all she had to do was wait.
The Chimaera,
Wyl Sector.
Veiere stood at the head of the bridge listening to the commotion behind him, Vikras Ansion barking orders at the men as they assembled the Twin Ion Engine Fighters into form and sent them screaming out of the hangers upon the main decks far below. With all the noise behind him, he could almost have pulled away from the vision that he saw before him, the reinforced viewing screen of the outside of the massive vessel flashing with colors red and green as rogue craft sought to disorientate her.

Piracy, it was everywhere in the Galaxy to date, especially with all manners of government so closely focused on themselves and negating all other truces and peace treaties upon the smallest notion of an upset; the constant warring of society quietly reminded him of the failure of the meaning behind what Commenor had been for him.

The Silver Jedi Order had taken him in and for this he was truly thankful. They'd naturally been encouraged by the sheer numbers that Veiere was bringing with him and though he were an outsider, he wondered if this was not the sole reason they tolerated him. It had been an awkward start at best and finding his feet had seemed impossible with all the conflict that surrounded him coming into Voss. Eventually he would make it up to him and this mission though small, was one such job that he had undertaken in the hopes of gaining some trust among them. After all, he couldn't solely rely upon Coci for his growth within the new Jedi Community...

The Squadrons had all left the Capital ship, the StarDestroyer slowly gliding through the black of space while the Tie's all lit up the area like buzzards wearing strobe lights. It certainly wasn't the fight he preferred though in truth there really was no preferred course into hostilities; this band of rogues had been given the option to cease and desist, to account for their crimes against the trade ships coming and going along the hyperlanes in towards the hear of the Silver Jedi Order's territories and rather than complying, they'd sullied themselves by attacking a vessel far superior to their armada.

"Battle formations, focus all turbo-lasers and forward batteries to fire on their flagship!"

Veiere listened and soon witnessed the squadrons of Ties being joined by both Interceptors and Tie Bombers as the giant craft accelerated into a mid thrust making it's way through the flak with the aid of it's battalion of noise little bee's. Tie Fighters were somewhat amusing when they were on your side, the style of the ship screaming of the old Empire yet beyond the origin of the craft, the simple design and the sound of them as they launched off into space seemed incredible. Veiere had never been one for flying yet having to adjust with his new station since Atrisia, he had come to learn more and more by necessity.

By forming something of a fragile shield ahead of the Chimaera, these brave pilots helped to fend off the attacking fighters and bombers that sought to over take them while the StarDestroyer itself could make head way and reach a closer proximity to the enemy flagship, to enable it's armament of weapons and ordinance to fire with full effect. The Tactics of these battles were something far above any sort of position he had encountered before and this was why he had brought in Vikras before everything had fallen apart on Commenor...
One Hour, forty minutes later
The skirmish had all but finished and the 501st were only just coming back on board leading the surviving personnel to the shuttle bay aft of the vessel in order to send them off with a select few to rendezvous with one of the Jedi Order's vessels, to be able to transfer them to the appropriate facilities their crimes had earned them. The conflict had ended and here, it was where Veiere was most comfortable; in the absence of violence.

"News from Commenor, it seems..." Vikras came to him, speaking under his breath in a less than improving manner. He wasn't at all happy about the state of their home world. He had been born and raised there unlike Veiere and so the insult was extra sour as it burned in the back of his mind now that the leader of the trade system had become so misled. He quietly blamed Veiere for not having pulled her out of there when the Jedi had the chance and yet in his voice now there seemed only a hint of regret, perhaps guilt, so minor that it was only felt through the mans natural aura; yet it was enough for Veiere to understand and appreciate.

"Thank you, Admiral" He dipped his head, soon reaching for the handheld device and turning to spare a glance back out the forward viewing port; "Well done today...-The losses were most regrettable but I'm relieved we were able to save some of those men from themselves...".

"Indeed" Vikras acknowledged the remark simply, he wasn't going to be jumping for joy by bringing in survivors of a fleet that were at fault for attacking them so recklessly and bringing harm to his own personnel though he didn't see things as the Jedi Knight did and in this Veiere had come to tolerate their differences with a great respect, "Bringing this Assignment to a close, do we have a new heading Master Jedi?".

"..." Veiere made something of a noise though it couldn't be considered much of a response, perhaps a hastened breath and an involuntary mumble of nonsense to no one in particular; his eyes darted across the message quickly. Once, then twice, he read the message a third time to be certain before lowering the device and glancing off to the side in a moments consideration. "Gather your men, set a new course for the Folor Moon of Commenor...if you would be so kind, Admiral" he offered a brief smile, bowing once more before this time taking his leave and moving towards the exit out of the bridge. He sought his private quarters to which he would be able to release himself from the discomfort of his armor, to return to those old traditional Jedi robes and also begin to send Kay his response.


I am currently in route to your position now though I must inform you ahead of time you have found me at a busied time, I will be coming to you via the Chimaera, a flagship under the Silver Jedi Order, whose command is mine.

Should you wish to come aboard upon my arrival, I will have an escort readied to recieve you and your ship, the Free Lady will be most safe with us, I can assure you of this.

Admittedly there was a great and subtle tactical advantage in bringing the Chimaera to this little private meeting of theirs. Kay Larr had been so certain that her power had come from the Dark Side of the Force and her Masters teachings, so much so that she appeared convinced that all others were beneath her. Veiere felt encouraged that he might finally be able to prove to her that despite the taint of darkness that hung over her, one didn't need the Dark Side to ascend themselves, the strongest power came from harmony within and peace in the Force. Neither Light nor Darkness was stronger than the other, they co-existed despite their extreme opposites. With a little hope, Veiere wondered if it wouldn't be too much to ask in the force to allow Kay to see beyond the narrow path of her new apprenticeship.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The message from [member="Veiere Arenais"] came in mid sip of yet another cup of tea. It was an addiction of hers that never left, despite the many other changes surrounding her. She opened up the message and read it through. Her old self would have felt guilty for calling him to her while he was busy. She would have told him to not worry about it and just to wait until he had the time to spare. But not this Kay. Instead his response pleased her and she took note of how he was at her beck and call.

However the second paragraph of his message gave her a bit of concern. The Free Lady would be safe aboard his vessel, but he had said nothing about her own safety. Kay chewed the inside of her cheek as she toyed with different ideas as to where they could meet up. She didn't want him to see the bases under construction on Folor, and given that the moon held no atmosphere, it wasn't as though they could just land anywhere. And she didn't want to be on Commenor right now either. Brelor it was then. The secondary moon to Commenor had an atmosphere as well as life. There was just no one living on it. Not for hundreds of years. It will have to do for now.

She quickly whipped up a reply:

~Brelor is better~

The message was sent, the shortness of it wasn't quite normal for her. Even after her fall, she still spouted out monologues when necessary. But again came that hidden fear of being caught, of being spied on, so she used the utmost caution.

She sipped her tea, knowing there'd be a while to wait before Veiere's arrival, so it gave her time to scout out a perfect and open location. Kay picked up her commlink and signalled her pilot. "Take us down to Brelor. Find an open plain or somewhere suitable for a private rendevous."

"Affirmative, my Queen."

She felt the engines pulsate as it broke orbit from Folor. At least out in the open, she had more room to breathe and to escape if need be.
| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] |​
Aboard the Lucid Retribution, in Hyperspace, en route to Commenor

Darkness swirled, a never-ending abyss that sought to devour all that it lay eyes upon, dragging into the depths in a fashion that ensured that such simple victims might never emerge. Those that did could not do so without having been changed: their nature forever altered, their destiny reshaped into something that would ultimately require them to sacrifice much of themselves in order to see it achieved. It was said that one could not stare into the Abyss without being seen by it: what was often not noted was that, once it had, it would pursue you with a relentless hunger that would seek out your soul and never care to relinquish it.

The Sith way demanded submission to the Dark, a bargain struck that allowed a being to draw upon that vast power, but in turn, lose something of themselves in exchange. And do we do this to perpetuate evil, or to fight it? That was a hard question to answer, but one that was required of all those who sought to touch the darkness, their lives balanced on the answer. If you seek the dark solely for your own ends, it will use it more fully than you might imagine, and your life will simply be the death of others. That was a fate to be wished on no person, death being preferable.

Resting in his meditation chamber aboard his personal ship, Tirdarius was forced once more to confront the darkness: around him, and within himself, as was ever the fate of those who adopted the Sith mantle. The bright swirling lights of hyperspace beyond the metallic hull plating did little to interrupt such meditations, irrelevant as they were to the dance of energies at play within his consciousness. He could sense the dark, the light, the way they flowed together, combined, worked both in concert and yet at odds. Just as we do within ourselves.

His role frequently required such reflections: he had to be sure of his own intentions in acting, to ensure that they were his own choices, actions of his own design, not merely a product of a darker manipulation that plagued him. Those who touch the darkness must seek clarity, lest they be overwhelmed by what it is that seeks to overwhelm and consume them. To play with the darkness was ever to risk this, but it was not something he would allow: not in him, not in another. And so I seek out others of our kind, to test their strength and ensure that they can withstand it, such that they may live to serve, rather than live to destroy.

One such had come lately to his attention: in similar fashion to his own Master, this one had styled herself ruler of a world, a political power that might wield ordinary authority above and beyond that which she might play with through the Force. She had ties to the Sith, but was not necessarily overtly declared as such: that has yet to be tested. Would she wield her powers for positive purpose, or bring ruin down on the Galaxy in pursuit of her own gains? That much must be determined. Such was his duty, and his judgment would thus be rendered. Such is our way.

Hurtling through hyperspace brought him ever closer to that moment: and, though she did not know it, his target would be waiting for him once that journey ceased. And then we will see your true nature, and reflect on your purpose. It was for him to bring her into the light, to best see the darkness within, and judge her accordingly: as monster, or as mortal. Let us see what secrets might be laid bare when we meet.
Brelor, the first moon of Commenor of which Veiere had used to conceal the presence of the Chimaera the day he had sought to meet with [member="Lady Kay"] after her infamous return to power. His message was brief in response, a simple word of compliance that he signed off across his datapad and relayed it through the vessel's communications systems, boosting the frequency in order for her to receive it from the smaller hand held device. Seated now within his quarters which the men had begun to think of as an extension from the command center of the giant flagship, Vikras Ansion's quarters were adjacent to the room in which they would frequently meet to discuss plans and their intentions for the rest of the crew; the long corridor then extended from the north of the larger room that would take them to the bridge and the lifts; leading them down throughout the many other levels of the vessel. Thankfully, Veiere's quarters were sealed and he had only his own thoughts to contend with.

It was a shame that Kay had changed the locale though not very surprising when he gave it some truer thought. His desire to prove to her that power didn't come only from the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force had made him act rashly, not thinking and remembering the distance at which she'd kept him the day they'd reunited. She was still suspicious of him though the fact that she had something to gain from him had kept him in the loop, Veiere had arguably placed too much confidence on that fact and treated the ordeal as if it was all a sure thing. Now in the stillness of his own mind, he questioned the ordeal. The Dark Side of the Force was ever the unpredictable omen in all sentient life, whether or not those consumed by it chose to recognize this fact or otherwise, it preyed upon weakness and ate away at the voice of reason and conscience. Those intelligent enough could play witness to the often hostile decline of their lives before attempting to take control of themselves back into their own hands and yet so few rarely succeeded. In her former life, Kay had been self-conscious, she questioned her worth to the people of Commenor and to what end her position would be able to benefit them or otherwise. She questioned Veiere's choice to stand by her at all times where as she knew for decades he had stood solemnly under the flag of the Jedi Order. Now which such a darkness fueling her on, Veiere's brows furrowed and he dropped his gaze to the desk before him, placing both hands atop of it and leaning forward in his stance to hunch over some, closing his eyes and trying not to picture just how unhinged she might have become. On Commenor, she had seemed to be holding her ground but such was her mask, a skill learned through constant debate in politics. The woman on the outside rarely displayed the passionate heart that she held within.

Slowly, he pried himself away from such thoughts and sought the nearby couch to which he carried his datapad with him. Seating himself, elbows against his knees, he worked the hand held device relaying his wishes through to Vikras, the Admiral and commander of the vessel in Veiere's absence.

Make ready all armaments and defensive capabilities, recover the men, all personnel are to remain on standby until we return to Voss.

It would not be long now that the Chimaera break out of hyperspace, mere minutes in fact. His eyes traveled to the stand built for the corner of the room, it held his armor in their assorted positions as if someone were already wearing them. Cyril Grayson had been a man of many things, a Sith Lord among them. He had taken the Chimaera from it's former owner and used it's battle prowess to further his own ends, seeking some sort of end to the war between the Light and the Darkness. Veiere had admired this in him, a Sith looking to act for both sides, it had not been something that Veiere had witnessed before yet he could see his brother's decline too. They had met again before the battle of atrisia, a battlefield that would be held on the eve of Kay's kidnapping. Cyril had sacrificed five of his fellow allies in order to summon a monstrous entity, a force storm that acted as though it held a will of it's own, such a hatred that Veiere himself could not have seen within his brother in arms before...-A cold sweat had taken to his forehead, though he knew it not. The images of the passed flashed through his mind, battles and countless lives lost with no end in sight. On Atrisia, Veiere had witnessed the immorality of the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance...-His faith in things had never quite been restored since, even with the Silver Jedi Order. Coci had been a wonderful host, a friend and the ally that he needed when he was gradually stepping to far from the light and yet...-There was Kay. Returned, broken, changed...-And there had never truly been a place that had felt so much like a real home, such as the one that she had offered to him, knowing that she would be there also. The chime of his com-link awoke him from his thoughts and threw him back into the real world. Tugging it from from his belt cufflink, he pressed down on the receiver toggle and spoke directly,

"Go ahead".

"We've arrived, Sir".

"Inform the Admiral of my leave, I will be down shortly. On my leave, initiate cloaking fields and move the ship away from Brelor".

With all said and done, he no longer had the need to wait and prey on himself with thoughts so conflicting. Rising from his seat, he neglected his armor and in turn stepped out through the hissing doors wearing his old Jedi tunic and robes, the sandy tan with a darker brown cloak flowing behind his feat as he moved in great stride. Reaching the lifts, he chose one solitary of his own and reached for his intended destination, the Vegabond and Cillian himself, the younger pilot who found himself rather at a loss these days among such a giant by comparison, waited for him.

Within the next fifteen minutes, they were leaving the StarDestroyer behind, heading down into Brelor's atmosphere in the light freighter; Veiere's expression worn but holding, considering the weight of his feelings towards Kay and her new change of life.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As expected, [member="Veiere Arenais"] had gotten back to her. His message was as brief as her own had been. But it was enough to bring a small smile to her face. Maybe now she'll get some answers and some pieces of her that were missing. Or at least that was her hope.


The Free Lady touched down on a vast plain. The pilot was skilled, having the diplomatic vessel almost seem to float down to the ground. "We are on Brelor, my Queen."

Kay picked up her commlink and signalled the pilot. "Thank you. Any sign of an incoming vessel?"

"No, my Queen. But I will have the sensors sweeping the area. Shall I have your escort ready?"

"No, that will not be necessary. I don't expect that the Jedi will try anything. But have them on standby in case he brings others with him."

The pilot knew that Kay would refuse escort. She had a habit of doing that and it got on his nerves. Either she was very brave or very stupid. He made himself believe that it was the former, lest he get sent to work in the mines or at worse was executed. "Yes, my Queen."

There were two guards on the ship with them, all dressed in blue and grey armour to match the colours of the Commenori flag, it's birdlike symbol etched on their breastplates. All dressed up and nowhere to go. But they followed their orders to the letter regardless of their thoughts on the matter. Leave that to her Head of Security.

Kay got up from her chair and began gathering a few things, her lightsaber for one, which she attached behind her back, and a small blaster that she tucked into her boot and hid under the folds of her dress. Her jacket was military in style, which was suitable to her previous destination, yet regal all the same. She made it a point to stand out when there was a need for it and appear as the Queen she was.


The ramp had already been lowered by the time that Kay got to it. The dry air caught her attention first, but then so did the smell of the grassy plain. There was plenty of life amongst the blades of grass, but the arrival of the Free Lady had caused them all to scatter and burrow deep. Kay moved a part of her hair that had blown in front of her face and tucked it in behind her ear as she walked down the ramp. Her eyes scanned the plain, but saw nothing as she headed further away from her ship. With no one else here, she had no reason to hide her Force sensitivity, so it was with open arms and her head held high towards the sun that she opened herself up to it. With a planet rich with life, the Force was strong and moved as freely as the wind. It was peaceful here. Quiet. But she knew that it wouldn't remain that way for long. Veiere was coming and she had to do her best to not let her anger towards his failings and that of the others get the better of her. She had to be smart. Her previous negotiation with him had been seen as a victory for her former advisor. It was a decision that others had scorned her for. But it was all part of the game, a strategic move on her part. Sometimes you had to lose to win. At least Veiere didn't rub it in her face like others would have.

Kay stopped and knelt down to the ground, seating herself on her ankles with her hands resting on her thighs. She closed her eyes and let herself drop into a meditative state. Quite a few Sith had come to her since her return, offering alliances and more. Some at a price while others seemed to want nothing. Nothing came without a price. It was still unknown to her as to why her Master took her and turned her, only to bring her back, have her secure her throne and then leave. What his end game was, she didn't know. But Commenor was her home, not his. She had to defend it and look after it. Only she knew how. And after everything that was lost already, she was not going to allow her throne to be taken from her as well.

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Lady Kay"] |​
Lucid Retribution, en route to Commenor

Seated in the command chair on the bridge of his vessel, right hand firmly pressed against the control panel that lit up beneath his fingers, the Sith Lord observed the swirl of hyperspace beyond the transparisteel viewport of the ship, an inch of transparent material all that stood between him and oblivion: the chaotic blue-white vortex that served as a realm beyond the confines of normal space, far removed from the Galaxy as he understood it, a refuge away from the concerns of all that remained in the realm of the day-to-day. You almost wish you could stay here for a while. Just activate the engines and go...anywhere.

But such desires were for weaker moments, those in which he wished it were possible to relinquish the burdens that duty placed upon him, to simply go and live a quieter life without the demands the Force whispered into his ear. That was a life long since rendered impossible, one that would be denied him by virtue of gifts given and benefits taken, a deal made, written in blood, impossible to break. Being a Sith demanded such commitment - there was no other way. And now I go forth to see if another is worthy of it. In truth, he did not know whether he would push her towards it, or advocate that she run as far as she could. Not that it would help.

They said it was a terrible thing, to fall, but that was nonsense in truth: it was easy, as simple as shedding one's cloak to don one of a different colour. But living with that decision, and mastering the opposing forces you need to survive it...that is a thing of a very different caliber. As he understood such things, the one calling herself 'Kay' had turned in a quiet fashion, but sought to rule, something few among the Sith were truly capable of. It was for that reason that he would seek her out: to see if she might be what she claimed, or merely a pretender.

Images flashed past his eyes as he relaxed in meditative repose: though he had broken off his meditations, the Force nonetheless had more it wished him to see, intruding upon his moment of rest in a fashion both brutal and yet with gentle simplicity. A world, not exactly green and beautiful, but certainly verdant, full of life. Bright sunlight illuminating all around it, far in antithesis to the archetypical Sith world, undoubtedly held as a pleasant place by those who lived there. There were people, too: a woman, though her features remained interestingly murky, not easily discerned - and he had a feeling that, if he looked too closely, he might see something he wished he had not. Another, too, more plainly dressed, a rough beard cut close to the face, the light reflecting from him as it might do from a mirror. Tirdarius knew the type, knew the Force was offering subtle warning: in seeking out his target, he might find himself hunted in turn.

The Jedi were known to be peskily tenacious in that regard.

A deep breath exhaled softly, and his eyes flickered open, the beeping alarms of the cockpit demanding his attention. Hyperdrive alert. The sensors were picking up a mass gravity shadow and warning him that he would either deactivate the hyperspace engines, or be wrenched out of hyperspace by the gravitational force of whatever it was out there. Undoubtedly, my destination.

He pressed his hand firmly against the lit panel before him, and it glowed with a soft white light, before deepening to a blue. A rhythmical shudder, and the ship decelerated, pulled out of hyperspace, the blue-white light that had bathed the cockpit fading as black came to dominate. Had the inertial dampeners not been functioning, he knew he would have ended up as a broken smear across the inner side of the transparisteel canopy before him, but as it was, he had barely felt anything of the sudden change in velocity.

Beyond the cockpit canopy, there lay a planet - a moon, to be more precise - vast and becoming larger all the time, as the vessel accelerated on sublight engines, heading towards it. The Sith Lord could feel the Force energy emanating from the world, oh-so familiar from the visions he had experienced, knowing that this was indeed the place he had felt called to. Now a simple matter of finding one who claims to be one of my kind. They would proceed from there, for good or for ill.
Brelor...A lifeless moon, vague and empty; it resembled so much of who Veiere had come to be in the recent months no longer remembering the life of duty and utter dedication he had striven to live with so many years ago. He stood holding one of the support beams of the Vegabond as it began its descent unto the smaller moon, his expression conflicted yet his attire of civil living, he knew not the path that he walked anymore. He had been considered many things in days gone but to date, he had to question if he was even Jedi anymore. Pursuing such selfish goals, trying to weave this fight of words and courtesies possibly lost upon this new [member="Lady Kay"], she who could not fathom how highly he held her up in front of himself.

The younger man in front of him could feel his unease, his uncertainty. Cillian Braedon sat at the head of the smaller craft working the controls until the landing struts had touched down with the moons surface and he could finally turn to see the very distant Jedi staring off in his own mind. In comparison to his much younger self, Veiere had always seemed so much wiser, less of a wreck emotionally and never one to question himself or feel at war with the life he lived. Being a Jedi Knight, Cillian figured that they must all be like Veiere, at peace within themselves. These last few months though had changed so much in his Jedi companion. Not only did it mean they were traversing the sector with an army of former imperial infantry and the goliath of a vessel like the Chimaera, but his persona itself was just so much more unhinged. Ever since Kay had gone missing, he had lost his sense of virtue. He didn't rush into a fight for the common good anymore, he moved with personal and selfish reasons no matter how he tried to justify it, Kay had gone missing and it was as if the Jedi part of himself had gone with her. Where was all the wisdom anymore? Veiere had yelled at him on Atrisia during the raid between the Galactic Alliance and the Sith there...-That was a memory Cillian could ever forget and ever since he'd been walking on egg-shells trying to avoid the same treatment from coming his way again...

Veiere glanced down to find Cillian looking back at him, his eyes soon glancing to the viewing screen ahead and realizing they'd landed, he remained silent for a moment as if to question the scene before him, then only to place a hand upon Cillian's shoulder in silent thanks and turn to bow out of the cockpit. The Vegabond was far smaller and much more comfortable than the Star Destroyer that drifted above the moon of folor, in view from the surface of the rock. It's landing bay, he reached within moments and taking one last look over his shoulder, he hit the release and began to descend the climb down into the open view of the land. The Lady Kay was not far from where they had come down, here she needed not hide her force signature and like a beacon, he looked to the force to relay his own arrival to her, to give her fair warning before they would meet in person. It would be a solitary walk across the far plain and it would give him time to reflect, whether or not it would aid him at all he did not truly know.

The Galaxy was so much more of a darker place. He had thought he knew his role in it all and yet even among the Silver Jedi, he had strayed and struggled to find his comfort. He was a Jedi Knight, but as much as he craved the welcome and company of his fellow Jedi he knew not how to close the gap and come to befriend them anymore. A decade upon Alzoc Three, a failed return to the Galactic Republic in which he had stalled himself only to desperately claw for answers where ever else he could find them and watch as they slipped through his fingers. Kay had loved him, she had kissed him once...They had held each other and nothing else had mattered. That had been stolen from him and despite finding her with the one responsible on Commenor, he had avoided the confrontation telling himself it was for the sake of keeping the peace and being able to help Kay more in the long run of things. Had he been a coward? Had his inaction resulted in the death of [member="Ryn'Dhal"], had he failed everything that he stood for only to ensure a few more moments with Kay in the future...-He had. She meant that much to him...What more could he sacrifice of himself to find her, as she had found him on that dreaded ice world of exile so long ago.

Darkness surrounded him, it clawed at the door like a beast pleading to come in only to devour everything within its path. Self-awareness told Veiere that he was still dangerously vulnerable, his emotions were rampant and he had left the safety of the walls of the Voss Academy, said walls were such an illusion in that they could be breached yet the presence of so many Jedi often helped to cloud him from his woes. Yet they always came back, he had to face them, he had to try...His integrity had withered but he could not abandon her, even if he had abandoned every oath he had sworn under the guise of the Jedi Order...-That Order had been murdered long, long before any of this...Perhaps that had been his doing too...

And then, just as he was so close, his gaze was drawn skyward, an unfamiliar craft soaring down through the moons atmosphere, [member="Tirdarius"] bringing with him a wave of cold apprehension in his own descent for Kay's location. As if to answer his silent plea's with an even darker truth, Veiere slowed to a stand-still and simply watched as the new arrival made headway before him.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was at peace for the moment. Practically alone for the first time in, well, a good many years. After her husband was killed by a Sith Lord nearly 15 years ago, she had gone into exile for just over five years. But it wasn't as though she stayed in one place. No, she had travelled wherever her small amount of credits could take her, cut her hair, hid her features underneath a lot of make-up and just stayed out of public life.

But the Force or Destiny, whatever one wants to call it, had different plans. A call came out. Commenor needed someone to represent them in the Senate, someone that wasn't selfish, but could hold their own for the benefit of their world. And Kay answered it, half expecting that she'd just be kept in the background anyways. Commenor wasn't an important planet in the grand scheme of things, it's population small in comparison to other worlds in the Republic. But that soon changed when the Republic began to fall apart with the continued fight against the evils in the Galaxy. A new leader for the Republic was elected and Kay soon found herself out of a job once her Force sensitivity was discovered by him. Force Sensitives afterall, were forbidden from holding Office. Once again she found herself exiled, maintaining her secrecy after striking a bargain for her departure. That was when she stumbled across [member="Veiere Arenais"] . They were kindred spirits in a way, each suffering great loss in their lives, including their own paths in life. So it made perfect sense that they would choose to work together.

Public life didn't stay away from Kay for long. Once again Commenor was falling to corruption and she was asked to do what she had never considered; running for President. Kay didn't expect anything to come of it, but she had won by a landslide. She was the People's President, working hard to restore the economy and build up alliances and trade with other smaller governments in the Galaxy. Her relationship with Veiere had grown to the point where they both had finally admitted to how deeply they felt for one another, a connection far deeper than their Force bond. It was all going rather smoothly, everything was perfect.

But perfection never lasts....

Darkness entered her life once more by the way of a powerful Sith Lord. She couldn't escape capture, having the Force blocked from her and knocked unconscious. It all went downhill from there. She was rendered in a constant state of helplessness, tortured physically and emotionally. Kay soon lost track of all time, of how many times she had died. Her most treasured memories of her friends and Veiere were ripped out of her mind as she continued to resist what her captor had wanted. But finally, after staring at herself in a mirror that was placed in front of her, looking at her frail form, beaten and torn, her skeleton easily seen through months of malnutrition and lack of exercise, she gave in.

Little by little she regained her strength, was healed from her various physical wounds and was rewarded for her efforts in her training. But always there was the warning that he could take it all away from her at any time.

It was almost a repeat of her past that caused the death of her husband. She made a different choice this time, hoping for a better outcome. Yet despite her Master's attempts at making her strong, he still kept her limited. There were dozens of people that knew her, people that she had no memories of, including Veiere. That put her at a disadvantage. And she hated him for it. And as she was abandoned on Commenor, her hatred for him grew. But instead of focusing on that, she in turn took steps to rule her world the way that she wanted, and to ensure it's survival and safety from any that could threaten it. That included from other Dark Lords.

Feeling Veiere's call to her, she opened her eyes and got to her feet, turning to see his ship break the atmosphere and land gently on the plain. Kay recognized the ship, a small part of her memories that weren't stripped. Though she couldn't remember it's owner, she remembered the ship's name; the Vegabond.

She stood there, waiting as she saw the small figure of the Jedi climb down the ladder and make his way towards her. He was alone. That's good. It showed a bit of trust on his part. What her first words to him would be, she didn't know.

Yet before a sentence of thought in preperation could be finished, another ship broke the atmosphere and was on it's way down towards them. The cold weight of the Darkside almost vibrated in the air. "Oh no...What now?" Just as she was about to hopefully regain some of what she lost, or get some answers, someone had to get in the way. Was her Master spying on her? Did he send this person to keep her in line? She had no idea. All that she knew was that her opportunity, despite how careful she was, that opportunity was now gone.

| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] |​

The force of life energy concentrated upon this ball of dirt struck him fully as his ship approached the planetary atmosphere, buffeting the pilot as the turbulence of sudden resistance struck the hull of his ship, softly deflected as he adjusted the course for appropriate entry. It was like walking out in the dark of night, only to step into a room arrayed with thousands of tiny little candles, each one a speck of illumination that might draw his attention. The burned with a soft luminosity, not blinding in their intensity, but sufficient together to offer a combined light.

Still...light alone was not all present on the surface of Brelor. Lights were ever used to push back the darkness, a means of offering respite from the cold and the fear imposed by the unknown that one might not see in the depths of shadow. The energy of those lives arrayed on Brelor, from the tiny spark in inanimate plants to the burning glow of living sentients, each was but standing in the foreground of a darkness that arrayed itself silently behind them. He could feel that darkness, feel it reach out to him, seeking and hungry, wanting nourishment from one of its own.

Among the lights and the waiting shadow, there were others that drew upon it, that made themselves more than a simple speck. He could sense them there, others of his own kind, those rare handful among billions that might be able to feel the Force and change the flow of those energies to their own benefit. One carried the Light, a strong beacon of those life-giving energies, the other, a counterpart to the Dark, not yet an all-consuming shadow, but rather a servant of that, a stormy presence that flickered with momentary shards of light, the way the sky might do when lightning struck it, blinding luminosity quickly swallowed by the dark.

One he knew to be his target. The other...perhaps would become such, if it decided to interfere with his business in this place. The fact that one was a Jedi was obvious to Tirdarius with little effort, recognising well the presence of their kind, the insidious manner in which they tapped into the Force tainting their every breath with that self-righteous call to duty which assailed their every waking moment. The allegiance they held to their misguided principles ultimately led many of them to be enemy to the Sith, and the recognition that one was here only angered the Sith Lord. Perhaps he would have to shed his inhibitions and cleanse this place of another life, perhaps not. The presence of a Jedi made that an uncertain thing.

A scowl twisted his features as he focused his attentions upon landing his ship upon the surface. The dark of space had given way to the daylight of the world before him, bright blue stunning his eyes for the few seconds it took to adjust, though his hand remained steady on the panel that read the impulses of his mind, directing them to control the engines that were slowly powering down, kicking in the repulsorlifts that would sustain the craft and slowly dial down to lower it to the ground, adjust the inertial dampeners to take into account the atmospheric turbulence, and a hundred other things besides. Soon he would be on the surface, and his attentions might be drawn to other matters.

He, too, had a duty to perform, the sort that no Jedi would be likely to understand nor to tolerate, but he would not be put aside in his performance of it. If the Jedi interferred, their presence wouldn't last long. That much was the only certainty that Tirdarius cared to summon for the moment. The rest shall come as it will.
Slowly he took in a deep breath through his nose, holding it for a matter of seconds before exhaling through parted lips. Before him, lay the path yet it was not without a great obstacle now and he needed to prepare. The Force flowed around him, his presence calling out to it as he drew in the natural energies, guiding them to his center. To his chest, he called to the Force, to his hear that it would pass throughout his body as his blood did through his veins. His eyes were closed, though he remained standing, he listened to the wind and the sounds of the new vessel as it began to wind down farther off in the distance somewhere closer to where [member="Lady Kay"] was.

'Veiere, some people are beyond your saving, you cannot help those who do not have want of it'.

It was a distant voice, barely heard yet Veiere recognized it instantly. As if a memory replaying in his mind, it seemed so real and yet she had died long ago before his Knighting Ceremony. Sora Ahkrin, a Jedi Master of the branch of Svivren, a Togruta and Veiere's Mentor. She had found his youthful idealism bemusing though not without it's small comfort in that her student had held a wish to help others where ever it was possible. Why it was calling to him now, what trigger might have spurred such a thing on, he had not thought of her in many years. Her loss had been one that had almost ended his time with the Jedi.

"Give me the strength and the patience that I might meet this challenge with the virtue and integrity you taught me..." he whispered quietly under his breath, his eyes opening and finally after what felt like the longest moment, he continued to walk across the field of dry dirt and dead grasses, that he might eventually find Kay before the new arrival did.

Kay had been seen in worse states though it soon became clear to Veiere that she wasn't expecting this new guest either; "I take it that this is not one of yours then..." Veiere spoke up, that she might hear him as he gradually closed the distance and moved to stand by her side, looking on ahead to the manned craft that sought to complete it's landing sequence; "Never a dull day with you, is it Kay..." He forced a smile though the seriousness of the situation was growing more and more painfully clear, the strength in the dark side around this arrival only grew with the proximity that he drew in upon them.

"I do believe this may be a problem..." He concluded. The Aura that seemed to come from [member="Tirdarius"], similar to those of the Sith Veiere had made contact with in the past. Most recently, Kay's mentor who had a similar corruption about him; "I came here of my own accord" He spoke firmly, soon glancing to her as if to force the fact on her despite it's lack of truth, "and if this becomes a conflict, you will play no part of it for I sought you out on my own; Do you understand me?" he held the gaze, his sense of humor all but gone and now within the impending presence of the Darksider, he needed to hear and understand what he was trying to tell her, it was for her own good that she remain the ignorant part as far as this newcomer was concerned. Veiere's cover after all, had already been blown the moment that this Sith Lord had come out of hyperspace.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Instead of watching [member="Veiere Arenais"] as he approached, her eyes were focused on the other ship as it landed. "...No one knew that I was here besides you." And her pilot. Though the timing was far too soon for her pilot to spread the word. The Dark energies that seemed to radiate from the ship was very strong, much like her Master. "My communications must be monitored." There was no other excuse that she could think of at the moment. Dread exposed itself in her mind, the same sort that she had gotten during many hours of her captivity.

A quick glance was given to Veiere, noting the position that he took, beside her as though they were a team. Yet they weren't. He wasn't in her employ, nor did she even remember him. It was far too dangerous for them to be viewed as such.

He asked her to lie too. Lying was something that she wasn't very good at, even to herself. "I understand..." Though her left hand reached behind her and found the hilt of her lightsaber hanging from her belt, almost to be sure that it was there. She didn't unclip it however. Not yet.

[member="Tirdarius"] ' ship had landed. And given that it didn't open fire on them meant that the confrontation would be of a different kind. Kay stepped forward towards it, putting some distance between Veiere and herself. As she did so, she clenched her jaw, pushing down her emotions and hiding them as she didn't want them to be used against her. She was almost a void that way. Retreating inside of herself is what she had often done during her training, when her Master forced her to kill other captives in various ways. Every time he had appeared, her personality would leave her, safely stowed away until he was gone. Her Master had conditioned her in such a way, gave life to a part of her that she didn't know existed, or could exist.

And right now she needed that part of her to have control, to give her strength while facing the uninvited guest.
| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] |​
The ship powered down with a soft hum, the computer systems tied into navigation and the engines no longer needed, even life support unnecessary on a planet with suitable atmosphere. The lights dimmed in the cockpit at his command, the boarding ramp dropping from the belly of the ship, a release of steam from the hydraulics momentarily obscuring the view both into and out of the vessel. As it cleared, the Sith Lord descended from within, eyes momentarily blind by the change of luminosity from the gloomy dark of the vessel's interior. Never a pleasant sensation, but a necessary one.

Already he could see a figure approaching, a woman dressed in a formal dress that looked suspiciously tailored to match elegant military fashion, a statement spoken without words. Amusing, but his mind had already focused beyond that: the tempestuous presence he had sensed was approaching, and it aligned with the form of the woman before him. The days when it became necessary to track a target are evidently over, he thought with a touch of irony. He had expected it to at least take him a little time to find her, but she had instead come to him. Something she might have reconsidered if she knew my purpose.

She was not alone, however: further behind, there was a male, his height difficult to ascertain from a distance, but his aura just as distinct as hers. Moreso, in fact: this one was a Jedi, the one that Tirdarius had sensed on arrival, the one with whom conflict might be inevitable. At this closer range, visible to the other, the Sith Lord could sense power wrapping around him, that stunning effervescence that the Jedi always sought to restrain within themselves. Interesting to see him in the presence of one who claims to be one of us. He would take that into account.

"Greetings, Majesty," he said, a trace of irony present in his voice as he addressed her, a slight nod of the head being the sum total of acknowledgement he would offer to the post she had adopted. Though Sith were known to take on positions of power of that form - his own Master had once ruled Kuat - such things were irrelevant within the hierarchy itself, and he would not reflect upon her as a monarch. "Clearly I've interrupted a meeting of some importance. I trust you'll forgive the transgression," the Sith Lord continued, his tone coldly unapologetic.

The presence of a Jedi clearly suggested that this woman was far from the Sith she had asserted herself to be: perhaps she was on the verge of tipping over the edge, straying into the Light. Such wasn't necessarily objectionable by itself - the Jedi were moral beings, but restrained by their morality, incapable of doing what needed to be done for the greater good. Tirdarius had not come to see that Kay remained with the Dark, but rather to make sure she was invested in it for the right reasons. If she is tainted beyond saving, the Jedi and I may both seek her life. That would make for an interesting moment.

"I can't say I approve much of the company you keep, but such is your business, within reason," he observed calmly, stormy grey eyes flickering past her to acknowledge the Jedi presence before fixing her once more with that relentlessly stern stare. "Odd to find you away from Commenor. What, I wonder, could you be doing here?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay stopped her approach as she saw [member="Tirdarius"] leave his ship. She wanted a bit of distance between her and [member="Veiere Arenais"] . Just as the Jedi wanted to protect her, so she too wanted to protect him. Her reasons were selfish of course, but she needed to hide it for as long as possible.

She bowed her head slightly as he addressed her with formality, yet Tirdarius' tone did not go unnoticed. He was addressing her in the same manner as her Master. No doubt they ran in the same circles. The very fact that he was here was not a good sign at all.

And then he spoke up, speaking as though he held some authority over her, as though she answered to him. Her mind traced back to her captivity and torture, going through all of the different faces that she had seen, yet his was not one of them. At least not that she could recall. She didn't even know his name. Surely her Master would have told her about others that she was to obey, wouldn't he?

His question about her being off of Commenor led her to believe a couple of things. One, that she was indeed being monitored. And two, that she was being discreet enough in her communications that those watching her was unaware of what she was up to. Both were valuable lessons to learn. It showed her what her next tactics to use should be.

Seconds ticked by as she remained silent. She wanted to tell him that her business was her own and that he should keep out of it. But that wouldn't be smart. She had to tread lightly, the look in his eyes as he stared her down told her as much. "Commenor is not my prison. I am free to go where I please. And it isn't as though I am far. I am still in Commenori space. What I am doing is enjoying a few hour's break after inspecting a new military installation." Every word was true, just slightly misdirected. Kay was never one that could lie very well.

"And what about you? Who are you and what brings you here?" It was evident already that he was following her. But her question was why.
The arrogance within [member="Tirdarius"] was an afront to his mood, though Veiere stood at a small distance from the both of them, his hands falling to the front of his belt, etching his thumbs beneath the leather and studying the scene carefully. His eyes taking in the form of this new arrival with great interest and an equal sense of reluctance. He could have been blind to the force yet still would have been able to see the experience behind the man, the way that he carried himself and spoke with authority laced in skepticism; Tirdarius would quickly become a problem for the both of them had Veiere only give him the incentive.

"I have come far to speak with you, Madame President..."

He spoke up above them both, his eyes narrowing ever so marginally, a brief hint of something within his expression, a creature habit that might threaten to reveal the mask he held over himself, had the distance between them been any less. "I know not the business you have with the Sith, yet the Silver Order still holds an embassy down upon Commenor...-Forgive the manner in which I approach, the change in your circumstance has forced my discretion" his words were carefully chosen and yet clearly spoken, he held not a hint of waver in his proposed ambition as he fell to the Force to guide him. On the outside, his presence within the energies natural to the moon, flowing between them all was nothing indifferent to the presence of any other Jedi Knight and nor was he making any attempt to hide his identity from the Sith who so radiated with a darkness opposite to Veiere's alignment.

"If it would please you, I will wait...-This is however, an audience I must urge you to partake in" He looked to [member="Lady Kay"], gesturing to his right. There was nothing but the horizon around them, the flat of the moon spaced with nothing save for the odd elevation in the surface, nothing that would compete with the hills overlooking Chasin City. Veiere knew the government around Commenor intimately, he had once been Kay's personal advisor, and she had asked him specifically to overlook the peace treaty and the installation of the Jedi Embassy the very same day that they had met with [member="Connor Harrison"]; his story though false, held enough merit to hopefully outweigh any suspicion from the Sith for Kay's part in Veiere's being there. For the Jedi himself however, it neglected to turn the attention away from him whatsoever; in fact he had voiced the recognition of this mans presence in the Darkside of the Force, assuming him to be Sith by way of the presence that Tirdarius so conveyed, a statement loud in that Veiere did not fear him. Nor would he be intimidated.

Looking across to Tirdarius, Veiere's head lifted some. It was a half nod, acknowledgement of the other presence yet not so much as a greeting. He slowly made his way east, if only to add some feet between the three, a small gesture of respect for the Lady Presidents privacy. So that she might deal with the Sith Lord, and they speak plainly again.
| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] |​

Lip curling at the disdainful manner in which the woman responded to his words, Tirdarius could not help but admire the backbone required to offer such words to a Sith Lord. Pointed, delivered in the cold and precise fashion of one used to pronouncements and commands. He could respect that, appreciate the way she took control of the situation, not accepting a submissive role, nor being pushed onto the back foot. Hardly surprising to find her in a position of power. But capability did not equate to acceptance of such: she might hold power, but whether she could wield it effectively remained to be seen.

And if there is the faintest hint of corruption, that won't last long. He was certain of that much.

That she would ask the same of him was something easily swept aside: his movements and reasons for them were not the purview of any, not even those who stood among the ranks of the Sith Lords. He had chosen to come here of his own will, and would depart when he felt ready to do so. What he did in the intervening time was his business and his alone: and though it concerned her, he was not about to be so brazen as to tell her. She would want to know, certainly, but the frustration of being denied that was part of the plan.

"Discretion," he intoned softly, arching an eyebrow in response to the words of the Jedi that now stood slightly off to one side, as if to give the two of them some space. "Interesting thing for a Jedi to say, but irrelevant to Sith. We go where we will, and do what we must. You should not fear to be more direct, Jedi," the Sith Lord added, a faintly predatory smile crossing his features. Jedi were ever the kind to walk on eggshells, yet had a terrible habit of cracking them open at precisely the most inopportune moment. "Playing the diplomat demands that you cannot say what you mean, so I cannot imagine you often mean what you say."

That too was an irrelevance, of course: the Jedi's business with the Queen was a matter of intrigue: and, truth be told, it had a rather direct bearing on Tirdarius' own business with her. If she were in league with the Jedi Order, she would place herself in a position of emnity to those of the Sith, given that the two were diametrically opposed. Tirdarius himself had little reason to concern himself with Jedi, but they had a nasty tendency of getting in the way when they would do better to step aside, and any alliance between those self-righteous hypocrites and one who purported to follow a darker path would be a very problematic thing indeed. And he does not speak to her with the cold courtesy of an enemy.

"Finding a Jedi in your presence does complicate matters, Lady," he observed calmly, grey eyes flickering back to the woman standing in front of him. He holded his hands before him, such that they disappeared into the long sleeves of the black outer robe that he wore, his expression contemplative, calm, absent the malice that so often characterised that of his fellows. "Not often that our kind has dealings with them that might be characterised as benign." The Sith Lord shrugged slightly. "Could it be that you have had a change of heart in the nature of the path you walk?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As hard as it was, Kay did her best to try to ignore [member="Veiere Arenais"] and focus on [member="Tirdarius"] . This was a dangerous situation for the Jedi to be in, as well as herself. But neither of them had even the slightest notion that a Sith Lord would come at this precise moment. It was obvious by now that she wasn't going to get what she had originally come for.

Tirdarius turned his attention to Veiere, addressing the Jedi's comments. Kay felt it prudent to interject as the Sith Lord was already suspecting Veiere of lying. "The Jedi speaks the truth. The Silver Order do have an Embassy on Commenor and have for a while. So there are matters for the two of us to discuss pertaining that. Which of course can wait.."

The Sith Lord had turned his gaze back on her, and she held it with her own. He was calm and in control, whereas she was calm, but in the process of trying to maintain that. He was poking at her with his words, trying to get her to reveal the full truth about why she was here on this uninhabited moon. And yet he still revealed very little about himself, including who he was when she had asked.

"You don't know me well enough to make such assumptions about me,...sir. My business here is my own. And you have yet to state yours. Did my Master send you?" Praz had left her soon after he brought her back, all without a word. Not that it mattered. She had her own goals, neither of which needed him to be there. Neither of them needed his support. She had always been independant. More than likely she'd always will be.
'Oh to be so arrogant...'.

Veiere thought the words yet chose better than to speak them, it was not his life that he was here for but Kay's and though [member="Tirdarius"] seemed to be taking subtle bites, the Jedi Knight was not one to bite back so easily. Far better that he remain the neutral party for Kay's sake. 'So many Sith with so little time...' He mused inwardly, keeping his eyes to the peer though to do naught but study them in quiet. They seemed to be ever increasing, the presence of the Sith and Veiere had to question where this one had come from. Once upon a time they had been known to hold Korriban though the last he had heard, the Silver Jedi Order had been involved in some battle there and went out of their way to level the place. It hadn't done much to encourage him, admittedly. He was already well on his way to questioning the moral strength and unity of the Order in today's standing and yet this was before his time. Even more significant was the question to which he had not yet found an answer, was he ever going to accept any sect of the Jedi Order that was responsible for pairing off from the Galactic Republic and shirking the ways of old. They all held equal amounts of responsibility there and in a time where selflessness was needed the most, it was hard to find Jedi anymore that couldn't look beyond their own needs. Following the collapse of the conclave, a push to work for something truly beneficial, Veiere too had fallen inward on himself and lost that dedicated belief that they could make it back from how truly different they had become. It could be argued that all things change with time, and yet the problem therein lay the fact that nothing had improved. The Republic had fallen, the One Sith were collapsed in on their own ambitions whilst the Mandalorian capitalized on the struggling war economy and working so hard on the very small world of Commenor, it had taken one day for their queen to go missing. Another six months to reveal that she had been abducted by the Sith, who seemed to be making a return...

Veiere himself had become self-righteous and even he could see it. The Jedi Order wasn't the same Order that he had followed so long ago and now with things becoming so dire, the galaxy so unstable, he sought a fix to something that was quite unfathomable, certainly unrealistic. How could he possible serve the Force and best with no faith in those he had walked beside, half a lifetime of teachings and training all seemingly inadequate, helpful for him maybe but none the less a failure when it came to making a true difference...-No, had he need an alibi that badly, there was plenty that he could discuss with [member="Lady Kay"] here. This Sith Lord who seemed just as interested in her however wouldn't receive the same quality of time from Veiere if he were to be simply spoken down to. Instead, he was content with waiting it out. Kay of whom knew how to speak for herself could deal with him and unless the absolute need arose, Veiere hopefully wouldn't be required to draw his blade in order to rid themselves of his presence.

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