Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Adean Castor

NAME: Unknown

Adean Castor
Brassius Zambrano
Sairyse Fields
Marzan Daaé
Ardinia Crofte
Erin Locke
Lorvel Efreeti
Ismari Talon
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: late teens - early 20s
SEX: Female
BODY TYPE: Athletic
HAIR: Black, dyed green
SKIN: Pale
EYES: Green


I’ve been here the whole time.

Some heroes are born into greatness, with parents whose deeds pave the way of legacy for a progeny destined for the grand. Others find themselves stemming from nothing, forging their own destiny out of grit and the recognition that sometimes there just is no going back.

And then there were others. Those who found their origins resembling less of those of the greats and more of the average. Hidden among masses, where deep down no one really cares who rules the galaxy or even the sector. Where the marks of heroism are mistaken for growing pains and there's nothing to hide because everyone minds their own business.

So when a little Adean started moving objects around without touching them, it went largely unnoticed. That or anyone who did see a cup move across the room or a doll land gracefully on the high shelf simply assumed the matter was already addressed and taken care of. Adean’s parents, as perfectly okay parents as they were, ranked rather low on the perceptive side and seemed perhaps too content to simply accept things as they were.

When Adean’s mother lie bleeding out in the small family home during an armed robbery gone wrong, her leading thoughts were centered around just how troublesome it'd be getting the blood out of the carpet. Likewise, as the father plummeted to certain death after being blasted through a window, the chief thing crossing his mind was something along the lines of 'this might as well happen.'

And so it did happen. And, like with so many things, life moved on.

I’m always walking as somebody else.

Taken in by an aunt and uncle, Adean’s tendency for the telekinetic continued here and there and with it, a tendency not to linger. Yet as strange as these abilities were, they and their host continued to be mostly unnoticed. Invisible. Adean continued with school, walked home on weekdays, and watched the great conflicts of the galaxy from the safety of holovids. It was a simple existence, relatively untouched by the larger world’s machinations.

How that all changed is a tale of similar unlikely circumstances. A family trip turned hostage situation saw Adean separated from her extended family. With this separation also came an opportunity - agents sent to secure a politician’s runaway. Vaguely fitting the missing person’s physical description, Adean was posed with a simple question - were they that individual?

Adean said yes.

Spirited away from immediate danger, it became very clear that Adean had traded a frying pan for fire. Anyone who’d been close to her borrowed name would need look at her maybe a second to recognize the artifice. And so she borrowed another name. Then another. From intern to janitor, reporter to pilot, the fake names and stolen identities propelled her to the stars. While the occasional names of renown afforded her brief moments of privilege, they also fully solidified an ever-growing fear of the day that saying yes is the wrong answer.

The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?

Thought Shield: A major benefit of Epicanthix heritage, Adean maintains a high resistance to the mind-altering aspects of the Force.
Borrowed Power: Perhaps Adean wasn’t meant to have access to the Force. Maybe her sensitivity was simply weak enough to go unnoticed until later in life (or under duress), or perhaps a small speck of power was stolen from entities that wouldn’t know of her existence otherwise. Regardless of the how or why, the sensitivity’s there. Without that early attunement, however, comes a lack of control. It’s all or nothing in more ways than one.
Yes, and…: A seemingly perpetual victim of circumstance, Adean has become more than adept at rolling with the punches. Too adept, one could argue, as unearned confidence (or just situational acceptance) can and will land her in positions she is not prepared for.
Doublethink: The more unintentional lies and accidental fake identities add up, the more the actual truth becomes obfuscated. Sometimes, what’s real and what’s fiction is just as unclear to Adean as it is to others.
Blink and You’ll Miss it: Adean’s presence in the Force is questionable at best. Sometimes she’s radiant with power, other times she appears almost Force dead. It’d be an effective defense mechanism or a skill well used by the stealth-inclined, if not for a lack of control.
The Flesh is Weak: One to think on her feet, Adean is far better with words than she is with feats of physical prowess.


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