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Adi vs Aya of House Dizen

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Our combatants find themselves in a simple practice arena. There are no crowds of cheering spectators, and no obstacles either. The arena is free of any distractions. Today, there is only the fight.

The arena is circular, twenty meters wide. A waist-high duracrete barrier surrounds it. Being thrown out of the arena does not count as a loss, but leaving it voluntarily will be taken as surrender. It's reasonably well lit, with the lights adjusted so as not to shine in the fighters' eyes.

The floor is smooth dirt, packed tightly by centuries of feet treading the same ground. It's slightly uneven, but not enough to really throw off footing. Combatants need not worry about anything but the fight.

The fighters will enter from opposite sides. The fight will go on until either one or both fighters is dead or incapacitated, a fighter surrenders either verbally or by leaving the ring, or time runs out.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

[member="Ahogo Skuji"]
[member="Aya of House Dizen"]
*Aya was standing on one side of the arena, shrouded beneath a voluminous white robe threaded with intricate gold patterns. Nothing of her equipment or clothing beneath the robe could be seen, but it would be obvious even from across the arena that the robe was held on only with a simple break away clasp. Her left arm emerges from the robe, bare but a metal bracer covering her forearm. The hand pushes the hood of the robe back, revealing golden eyes & black hair tied neatly back with what looked like a twisted green sash, faded with extreme age. A finger barely brushes against the aged cloth.*

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. Eliel.

*At that, her hand withdrew back into the concealing robe, she would allow her opponent to make the first move.*
Ok, this wasn't where he was supposed to be.....

Last thing Adieumus Matango knew, he was booked on a 'green' cruise to Naboo for the four-twenty holiday. The next thing he knew, he was wandering down some long, featureless corridor with a hand-drawn map given to him by a very sketchy-looking HRD who claimed to 'Know this place like the back of his robotic hand'. That was probably his first mistake, and it most certainly wouldnt be his last.

He did have the bad habit of finding trouble where ever he went, after all.

Well, that mistake had led him to the doorway of a room containing even LESS features than the hallway, and heard someone speaking Mando'a. Ugh....bucketheads. Female voice or not, there were very few Mandalorians that Adi wouldn't simply strike down on sight...let alone ones he actually liked. Call it what you will, but it was pretty much brought on by the fact that the Mando had created the stage for the Arkanian's downfall. Regardless, there were a -couple- of them that Adi still liked and respected, and he would rather not start anything among any clans that could be friendly toward him. He tried to be polite as he spoke in horribly broken Mando'a, truly hoping he wasn't insulting anyone's mother or clan with his words.

"Uh, lost, Ni cuy?'. . . looking par tra fart. bat trip at carud behot. . . .Um... copad at ve'ganir at naboo. carud much grass ogir. Gaa'tayl ni, gar liser?"

Ok, It probably came out really badly, but Matango figured he got his message across to the woman...Or maybe he called her some horrific name...but he really didn't think so. He had his lightsaber clipped to his waistband, should he need it...but the white-robed woman didn't appear to be a threat....

Not yet, at least.
*Aya snorted slightly, then bent over in side splitting laughter. After a few moments she managed to regain her composure.*

Your Mando'a is nearly as terrible as that haircut. Are you sure you haven't already found some herb?

*Popping the clasp on her robe, Aya catches it as it falls. Setting aside a device that looked vaguely like a small vacuum cleaner for a moment, she folds it & places it outside the ring. Aya stretches upward in a long movement before settling down & picking up the vacuum-cleaner device again. Her clothing under the robe is simple enough. A body glove that had been cut down to little more than a pair of running shorts & a brief top. The only armour in play was a pair of low profile pauldrons, held in place with a rather tight looking network of leather straps, & a matching pair of bracers. To those familiar with the warrior culture would quickly spot it as Beskar. The way she held the vacuum like thing clearly labeled it as a firearm of some kind, but other than that weapons were sorely lacking. The body glove left no place to stash weapons. The pauldrons & bracers were ornate enough to hide slotted weapons, but any such would be on the smaller side.*
"You think that's bad? You should hear me trying to get a date from a pretty woman. And I'm never without herb...but I always love a good festival, ya know?"

She was armed, and she looked like she knew how to handle herself in a fight. Apparently, that is what you do when you are in a training arena.

"Guess I couldn't talk you out of this impending scrap, and have you go with me to the Festival of the Green Dragon instead, eh? I hear they have some great music this year...."

He still appeared to be just the bumbling fool who smoked one too many joints, but he was actually just trying to keep the ruse going for a bit longer. Whoever she was, she didn't need to know anything about Adi until he wanted her to know about it. The valve opening the faucet to the powerful flow of the force had been opened, and he felt himself immersed in its power. If a fight was indeed a foregone conclusion, he would be ready.

Then again, maybe he -would- luck out, and she would decide that good food, music, and company would be more fun than a fight....
*Aya paused for a moment before deciding, what the hell. After all there wasn't any rule against socializing with the opponent before you gutted them. Propping the tubular device against the short ring around the arena, Aya walks over & excepts one of the offered rolls.*

Light me up, stud?
Well, well, least she was up for a bit of know, just to make sure the fight didn't hurt QUITE as much. He liked this one already. Pulling out his lighter, he sparked the hand-rolled herb cigarette for her, and lit one for himself.

Ah yes....any day could be a holiday, and any location could be a festival, if you were in the right company.

Taking a long drag and holding it, he chuckled.

"This stuff is good, but it doesn't hold a candle to Endorian Endo. That's hard to get if you aren't on Honoghr. This stuff will make you grow hair on your chest, be sure."
*Finishing off the offered roll, Aya watches the smoke drifting about around her head. It certainly was good stuff. A moment later, she shifted her head around as if she was listening to something faint that only she could hear.*

Right, My writer is say that as fun as this is, the rust bucket is getting antsy for us to start beating on each other.

*Returning to her original starting point, She picks up her vacuum like weapon. After spending a moment checking it, she calls out across the arena.*


*Without waiting to see what his reply would be, she brings the weapon to bear & fires. Her target wasn't the man himself but instead the ground beside him. The weapon, true to form was not a standard thing. Instead of energy or a chunk of very fast metal it instead launched a glass jar across the arena, shattering on the ground & releasing a surprisingly large wave of very annoyed but tiny spiders. Each was only a little larger than the smallest nail on a person's hand, but they immediately began jumping outward in every direction.*
"Aye. We shall. Wouldn't want the tin can getting grumpy now, do we?"

She brought the Hoover-looking thing up, and a very distinct *Toomp!* resounded.

It sounded sort of like a larger version of Adi's old cybernetic arm's weapon deploy system. Air was an effective method for propulsion, but it was usually lacking in 'oomph'. Velocity lacked for the most part, and this was no exception.

As her weapon thumped, Adi's hand came up, flicking away the last remnants of his joint. In the same motion, he opened himself to the force, and felt it tear through his body....and out of his right hand. It enrobed the oncoming projectile, first slowing it, then stopping it completely.

"Not bad...but try again. I'm not -that- high."

A quick flip of his hand, and the canister was flung back toward its mass of the woman across from him....and took a few quick steps forward to close the distance. He would slowly tighten the noose, step by step....patiently waiting for the single moment he needed to end this. One strike could do it, he just needed to bide his time, and wait.
*Aya noted the glass cylinder flying back at her chest, she could step to the side & out of the way. She did however, have another idea on how to demoralize the jedi. Swinging the stock of the 'jar of bees' launcher up, the projectile jar smashed against it. Continuing the sweeping swing, she flings the now useless one shot weapon out of the ring. The welter of small spiders & shattered glass impacting her chest & face was ignored with a completeness that few biologicals could match. One particularly large shard of glass did however manage to leave a shallow cut along one cheek.*

*lowering herself into a Hanmi stance, right hip toward the jedi, with her right foot pointed toward him & her left foot back & nearly perpendicular to her right. Deciding to use Chudan until Adi made a move, she holds her arms out, the fingers on both hands pointing at adi. Her left forearm crossed her belly & ended with her hand nearly at her right hip. The right arm held in an arm-wrestling position. It almost looked like she was palming an unusually long handled sword. She began to stalk forward, seeing how close he would let her get*
The bugs went -everywhere- around her....and she didn't even as much as react. That was noble...or she wasn't exactly human...either way, it was rather impressive.

But it didn't make Adi want to hit her any less.

She was advancing, and that meant she was moving closer to the effective range of the Arkanian. Her stance was crisp, and she held herself very well. Her training was apparent...but she was lacking use of the force. This gave Adi a distinct advantage, to be sure....

He just needed time. Her caution was going to buy that.

He, too, snapped into a neutral stance. He took a side stance, his left side front, and his left arm extended out in front of him with a slight bend in the elbow. His right hung loosely across his waist in the front of his body. His knees stayed bent even though he was matching her movements, circling slowly inward...yet still keeping a respectful distance from his opponent. The whole time, his connection to the force built, and the Arkanian's eyes looked his foe up and down. His eyes never left her, taking note of each and every twitch her body made. He needed to know how she moved, especially for what he was about to do. He would continue to move in the exact opposite circling direction toward Aya, always keeping a certain amount of distance between them for now.

She wouldn't like it very much when and if Adi was able to pull it off. He just needed a few more moments, and he would be ready. Until then, movement was the key....
*Aya knew from long experience that the best way to deal with forcies was energy projection weapons. Things like flamethrowers, sonic weapons, or grenades. She didn't have any of those things with her. After that the best way to deal with them was to run away & get one of those things. That also wasn't an option. To a biological, the next option was to throw themselves bodily at the forcie & hope they were either feeling merciful or extremely unlucky. Aya had a different option. She was fast enough to go toe to toe with a Force Master, even taking into account Force enhancements. Against a 'normal' person such as a non-Force martial arts master, she wouldn't even break a sweat. In her case the third best option, the first & second still being the same, was to get right up in the forcie's face. This one was proving unwilling to close quickly, so she decided to cut the cord so to speak.*

*For a moment it looks as if she had collapsed, like a puppet with its strings cut. Her rear nearly touched the ground, arms to the outside of her legs, head bend forward. For a moment it almost looked like a fetal position, but toppling forward with her feet still flat on the ground. Then she snapped straight again, literally blurring with the speed of the motion. Her feet dug into the ground, cutting a pair of small pits as she launched herself in a flat arc barely half a meter off the ground. Flying toward the jedi like an arrow. Ten feet in front of the jedi, her hands would dig into the dirt, pulling her heels over head, before once again pushing off from the ground in an upward moving drop kick. At least that was the plan. With a regular person she doubted they would even be able to blink before taking the kick in the gut. For a jedi, any number of things could go wrong in a headlong attack like that. On the plus side, he wouldn't have time to draw anything, sabre included, so she would probably make it through the attack in one piece.*
Ahhhh, there it was...real movement.

There were more aspects to force speed than just movements. It also allowed you to see things that, to normal people, were just a blur. If you were a master of the ability, well, that just enhanced things further. To Adieumus Matango? Force speed was second nature. Quite literally, it was a power he had been practicing and using for nearly his entire life. So, when the woman started into her drop, Adi watched closely. Her movements -were- very clean, crisp...almost perfect.


He waited until her hands hit the ground to make his move...and move he did. As the woman's feet came over her body, Adieumus tensed his own. He was already immersed completely in an accelerated state, so his movements were just as enhanced as his vision. Even still, the woman was blisteringly fast. It took every bit of precision and timing he had to step out of the trajectory of her drop kick. Once clear of the devastating feet, the airborne girl had 'target' written all over her well-toned body. He almost hated to throw his left elbow down as she was going past...he kinda liked her, and really didn't want to hurt her. A split second later, *and if the first elbow manages to land*, he would snap out a hard right elbow, aimed for the face of his flying foe. Like her or not, Adi was not going to stand for being mule kicked by a horny, attractive female Zabrak. It was time to take her down a peg or two.
*The elbow caught her in the jaw, there wasn't anything she could do without a point of contact. But the blow was very much a point of contact. Once he started to move she knew he would either let her sail by & attack her rear, or go for a more powerful passing strike. Her hands were already moving into a position as if they were gripping a pull up bar level with her eyes. He would strike her yes, unless he pulled back at the last instant, but the same strike would plant his arm directly into her right hand.*

*Using the sudden point of leverage, she whipped her legs forward, folding up like a washing board & aiming a kick at the back of the jedi's head.*
She tried to grip and pivot, but that cut out the original idea of the right elbow dropping on her head. Instead, her motion put her in line for a devastating attack...

...and all that it would take is two fingers on his right hand.

As she began her ascent, Adi snapped the index and middle fingers of his right hand out in a pointing motion as he adjusted his right arm from across his body to a position aiming the pointed fingers into Aya's body, at a very steep angle. In one fell swoop, the rest of the concentrated energy not used up by the burst of speed earlier tore from the pointed fingers...aimed up through Aya's center mass. In this orientation, it would be like aiming a gun up into someone's gut, and trying to send a bullet up toward their brain. No, it was nowhere near the strength of a bullet, but it would still do its share of damage should it hit. It wasn't as powerful as it -could- have been, but it -was- strong enough to rattle her internal organs a bit if all went as planned. This was something Adi called 'force spear'. It was nothing more than force push concentrated into the smaller space of two fingers. If it hit, it was usually pretty effective.

One could only hope that this was the case this time as well.
*The beam tore into her gut, cutting a tunnel upward & out of her back. The path was from roughly level with her navel, through her liver, up through her right lung, & out her back, clipping a rib on the way out spraying an arc of ground below her red. On a bio it would be a crippling or lethal shot, though even then not immediately. For Aya, on the other hand, it was merely distracting. Even with her pain sensors more or less completely turned off, the blow was incredible. If it had been more widely used if would have driven her into the ground. With as narrow as it was, it had little effect on her momentum. It did distract her enough that she lost her grip on his elbow.*

*Unfortunately for her foe, the attack did nothing to stop the kick aimed at his head, except shift the aim slightly off center. Of course her own momentum would carry her clear of the jedi once the blow had landed without her grip on his elbow.*

The kick landed like a ton of bricks on Adi's shoulder. Between landing the spear, and the slightly adjusted trajectory, the kick didn't land on its intended would have knocked him out at the very least....maybe even split his head open. Thankfully, it was just across the left shoulder.

It did, however, do some pretty solid damage.

It dropped him to a knee, and he felt the grinding of broken bone....dammit to kriffin hell, the left clavicle was broken, and the muscles in the shoulder were impacted so hard that the entire arm had gone numb....and not a numbness that would go away anytime soon. It would take weeks to get feeling back from a blow like that.

What. The kriff. Was. this. chick???

Regardless, tournament fight or not, this was getting a little rough for Adi's tastes. He really really didn't want to truly hurt this girl, and that force spear had gone right through her like a bullet, splattering blood on the ground. Or was it? It looked a tad off for some reason, and he turned with a concerned look on his face to make sure she was all right. Putting up his right hand as a signal to 'hold on a moment', Adi checked on his opponent.

"Hey, you ok? hit harder than Eralam when you call him a rust bucket.. Who -are- you, anyway?"

Gingerly pulling himself to his feet, Adi held his left arm against his body. He was lucky the blow had quite literally numbed the entire left arm and shoulder, because he was quite sure that it would hurt like hell right now. It wasn't too often that someone was willing to take a shot like he had peeled off in the spear attack, just to land a blow of their own. It showed a warrior's spirit...and an internal structure unlike that of anyone else Adieumus had ever fought. Whatever she was, she wasn't human...but he honestly didn't care.

She was actually pretty cool. If he wanted to get her to go to the festival with him, popping her full of holes probably wasn't the best approach. Still, he remained on guard. She could still want to kick his head off, and in his damaged state, he wouldn't be as able to protect himself as he had been. He had to approach this with extreme caution.

He needed to buy a little more time. He needed to think. He, truth be told he -wanted- to take....

"Blunt break?"

He pulled two fat handrolled cigarillos, and offered one to Aya.
*She took a moment to regain her feet after her particularly rough landing. She was clear on the other side of the arena from where she started. Working her jaw for a moment, she carefully spat out a tooth. That blow to the jaw had been harder than she had expected.*

Eh, Era is a pushover & he knows it.

*Her writer aims a wink at a certain rival tech head. Aya meanwhile does a quick damage check. Most of it was internal, but most of that stuff was just for show anyway. Blood loss would have been any issue had the cut veins not already sealed themselves. It wasn't a lethal blow by any stretch, but it would slow her down a fair bit. Especially on her right side. The offer of a break was a welcome one, as after a blow like that even a synth like her would need a moment to catch her breath, metaphorically speaking.*


*After rejoining Adi in the center of the ring, she takes a moment to light up the wrap. Pausing to listen for a few moments she turns to her opponent.*

So, my writer says she & your writer have agreed to call the duel on account of the time limit. If your offer of the festival is still open, I might take you up on it. You fight well, for a jedi anyway.

*The last was said teasingly, but the offer was serious enough.*
"Honey, I am most CERTAINLY no Jedi. Not anymore. Sorry bout the tooth, by the way. I get excited sometimes, and hit a little too hard."

He took a massive toke from the wrap, and blew out a series of smoke rings, followed by a single long arrow-like 'projectile', sending it through the rings. He had been practicing that for months...he was hoping to win the smoke-blowing competition.

Everyone knew Adi was the best at things to do with hot air...he was filled with it.

Putting the blunt in his mouth, Adi pulled out his datapad. It was then that he realized that he really couldn't use the touch screen with one hand. Shrugging, he used a wee bit of TK, and held the screen in place. Making a few swipes, and a couple of taps, Adi took another large toke, and held it as he spoke.

"Got your ticket for you. We can pick this up when we are both a bit more healed up...and recuperated after the festival. Who knows? Maybe you'll have an actual reason to kick my head off then....Gahd's know that I'm a pain in the arse."

Putting the datapad away, Adi puffed on the blunt. Finishing it, he offered his good arm to Aya.

"Shall we?"
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