Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Admin Suggestion Box

So, been a lot of rumbling lately. That's fine, that's part of a large group of people writing together. Growing pains are natural and we'd like to know what they are, so that we can fix them or address them.

So please, take the time to post here or PM the admins of the One Sith if you feel there is something that we can do better or something we can change. However, our one request is that you keep things respectful and constructive. We are trying to improve but we need the help of the whole faction.

[member="Vrag"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
Gonna get a bit meta here: Anja, leader of Primeval, made this suggestion to me and we are going to do our best to implement it.

Currently, the OS has a very active leadership and admin group. Unfortunately, a lot of our planning is on Skype - because it's super fast and effective. However, that change and planning isn't reflected on the board and for those not involved, they perceive this change as something uncomfortable and out of their control. As such, the Admin of the OS are going to work hard to fix this issue and relate more of the planning and change of the faction to actual board, where everyone can have an opportunity to take part in it and make suggestions/requests/etc.
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

We do, but for the hierarchy (voices, hands, etc). Historically we have used this primarily for dominion and skirmish planning but as [member="Setzi Lunelle"] has mentioned, it can get in the way of the more important things and detract from focus on the board.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

It started as one, yes, before you were brought you in on as a hand. However, it slowly just became more of a discussion, mostly not focused on planning or events or even necessarily OS focused. That being said, we should have invited you to it and I apologize that we didn't.
[member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Sage Bane"]

The only thing I can think of that was suggested but no implemented is the idea of having a thread preferably pinned that contains the Dominion que.

I don't remeber who borught it up, credit to whomever, but it would be a great idea to have it created. So that everyone can go to a central place and find that Dominion idea that so and so did the pre-planning for and know when that particular Dominion is taking place. For example the "Space Japan" Dominion the one with the huge Fleeting potential being 4th in line or where ever in the que it is.
A social IC section if sith wanted to meet outside of training might help faction cohesion, and encourage people to create IC interaction which leads further into character development and stories.

I know were all IC dotted about but some quarters for example, which would vary depending on the Sith, with meeting halls contained in the same location, council chambers possibly all that type of stuff, to draw people into possible interaction. Essentially a catch all location, entertainment too if you wanted it.

Perhaps set on Coruscant, Tython etc?

The downside is, the more boards you have the harder they are to look active, but in this case I think one more IC board is worth it.

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