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Character Admiral Karanxul of the Sith Empire | Aristocrat of the Harch Ruling Nests | Terror of the Outer Rim



Age: 497 Years Old (281 years old by the start of the Clone Wars era, 284 years old by the end of it and subsequent carbonite freezing, 497 years old current date to when he was awakened approximately 213 years ago).

Species: Harch

Gender: Male

Height: 1.89 meters

Weight: 171.458 kg

Force Sensitive: Not force-sensitive.


See the reference image, though in short, nearing his five hundred year of life, he is around the late fifties to early sixties of human biological lifespan for his race. He is very much a chubby, slightly obese figure - but those eyes gleam with intelligence, even if his old frame is weary and worn. Possessing a spiffy uniform still as well as his ceremonial sword and feathered kepi, he stands out like an odd duck amongst the Sith Order's military personnel - an old dog of war unlike most others. An Admiral in their naval fleets, even his ship is a throwback to the old periods of the galaxy, though modernized in order to keep up with the technological limits of the galaxy.


Holocommunicator, customized uniform and feathered kepi, ceremonial sword, datapad, commlink, modernized Providence-class Dreadnought known as the S.O.S.S. Malignant Annihilator.


Karanxul can be best summarized as a Harch who is old, experienced - very much storied and reputable. Approaching the middle point of his lifespan, Karanxul is a Harch that is cautious and meticulous, detail-obsessive and very much idealistic in the sense that what he is doing for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and more importantly, his homeworld, is fundamentally correct. He does not believe in the notions or ideas that what he does is wrong - he is a true patriot and a son of Secundus Ando first, and then the Confederacy second thereafter. Moral and principled, he is also ruthless and sometimes contradictory in certain ways - he does not see the Clones or Jedi as people, merely seeing them as unfeeling biological droids and hypocritical murderous monks respectively. Moreover, Karanxul does exercise compassion to the people of the galaxy to some extent; they are people who cannot rule themselves due to their lack of ability, and thus aristocrat, educated, intelligent leadership must guide them - though his views on droids are somewhat mixed at the worst of times, he's willing to tolerate them. Just as importantly, though, he is willing to make the hard calls and decisions when they are needed - but not before or after those points. He is a true old soul in a body that holds up still to the rigors of age and time. He does have an aristocrat's education, of course, and very much affects a noble and proud demeanor, though never condescending or rude to his troops - even the droids are treated with professional respect.

Even after his carbonite dunking and subsequent reawakening, he still maintains an air of formal poise and posture, even if he has thrown in his lot with the scheming Sith. Better the devil you know how to appeal to, then the memories of an old life he fights hard to forget. Now, serving the Sith Order does have its challenges - but he knows his value is hard to ignore, needless to say. Even as a mercenary admiral post his awakening and prior to being recruited by the Sith Order, his old carapace, if jiggly and soft, still bears the scars of war.

Also, he enjoys tea. Very much so.


Brilliant commander both in naval and ground warfare. Competent in strategy, tactics, and logistics. Military-minded genius and overall a savant. Superb statesmanship and diplomatic skills too. Other Admiral-related life skills are also included here.


Personal combat is a weakness he has still both due to his age and overweight nature. Also, he's terrible at personal piloting and medical care.


Birth and Childhood

Born in the year 697RUU on the first day of the second galactic standard month, the figure known as Karanxul was originally a small Harch infant, by all means, a standard, typical child. While larger than most at his size, and very similar to his first cousin, Furrow, Karanxul indeed was nothing special. At least, for the most part, barring his blue eyes, which glimmered with beauty and luxury. Raised by a wealthy family of the Harch government, Karanxul was given the finest tutors, and of course, the most elegant of training as a noble-esque child. Taught to handle a sword, to conduct himself in warfare, and to handle politics and diplomacy, he became very much keen on the idea of learning languages and culture, primarily as a way to pass the time at first, though it eventually blossomed and grew. Of course, Karanxul was not wholly ignorant, and it shows, as the Harch became fascinated by the ideas of learning and improvisation, despite his “noble” background. However, Karanxul was no doubt also interesting in that he has eidetic memory, and thus, could remember far more than most Harch could, realistically, which garnered him much praise… and yet, criticism from his parents. The only reason he did not turn out the way he did, was because of his parents ensuring he would keep a level head. Indeed, Karanxul would soon grow older, and thus began to learn more advanced concepts. This would not just extend to military warfare, but also to strategy, politics, diplomacy, and other matters concerned with being a statesman.

That did not mean his early childhood, however, was completely without flaw. Karanxul in general tended to suffer heavily from preconceived notions that the Republic was inherently flawed, and indeed, needed to be replaced with something far more strict and authoritarian to ensure peaceful rule of law. And of course, it did not hurt that, as much as he trained with swords and blades, and even close-combat weapons, he would not pick up a blaster. For the Harch, it seemed a crude weapon that was uncivilized and quite heavily flawed. That was not getting into one of his major dislikes, which was the Jedi Order. To him, the Harch felt they were bestowed too much power and authority, and thus, had too much command over the Republic’s assets as a whole. Of course, many Harch, while not disagreeing, were not as fiery as the young Harch, and did their best to keep him in line, and from attracting notice, which thankfully worked. It can be best said, however, that Karanxul never let go of this childish grudge, and it still permeated throughout his life. However, in fair measure, the Harch also retained a strong sense of honor, duty, and loyalty. These qualities, and more, would help him in the years to come.

Adolescence, College Years, and the Kulviax Family

Karanxul, however, could not forever live on Secundus Ando, and as much as he admired, enjoyed, and appreciated his homeworld, he felt it best to go explore the galaxy once he reached the legal age, learn from others, and even act in his own interests. With permission from his family, and of course, the helpful sponsorful of a noble, impressively-powerful family, he went to Eriadu in 712RUU. The planet was quite splendid, though Karanxul would wonder who his sponsors were. That was, until one of the Kulviax family members intercepted him at the starport, and revealed they had been the ones to sponsor him. Quite impressive, given how Karanxul was not exactly a famous figure, though this could have been due to his own family’s military and statesman backgrounds, working in the key governmental structures of Secundus Ando. Whatever the case may be, the Harch soon found himself becoming good friends with a majority of the Kulviax family, mostly due to his similar views, and in Karanxul’s opinion, the Kulviaxs being one of the few competent Republic loyalist families he has met. That being said, he did not fully agree with the Kulviax’s ethnocentric views, but he did engage in discussion long enough to suggest the idea of peace through firepower, an idea that Karanxul has no idea he started in truth. In addition, Karanxul would also begin attending a prominent college, though sadly not on Eriadu, as he and one of the Kulviaxs were given an offer, and a very, very impressive one to boot. A full-ride sponsorship to the world of Anaxes’ naval military college program in 715RUU, and of course, the possibility for a career in the Republic “Navy”. That being said, Karanxul was ambivalent to the idea of even engaging in such a college, but he chose to accept after his good friend at the time, Rudolf Kulviax, agreed to go.

That being said, college life was fascinating for Karanxul. As a Harch who had never before been away from a relatively safe environment, the aspect of his notions being challenged and upset excited him. He would still stick to his guns a majority of times, but Anaxes proved to ultimately better the Harch, teaching him many valuable concepts that would go on to inspire his own views and the way he conducted battles. From line formations, to asymmetrical warfare, to even such things as the concept of fighters and bombers being utilized, something which hadn’t even been focused upon truthfully at the time. While Karanxul was not a force-sensitive god, or skilled with the lightsaber, or even really a major soldier in terms of physical combat, his tactical mind was impressive and keen, which revealed some similarities to Furrow. Despite this, the two were very much different in application, with Furrow being more ruthless, and Karanxul being willing to engage in diplomacy and discussion if he felt it suited his needs. Regardless, Karanxul did still keep in touch with Furrow and Rudolf Kulviax, both of whom he admired as close family (or in the case of Kulviax, a good friend). Eventually though, college wouldn’t last permanently, and after eight years of studying, with the Harch male having learned as much as he could, he graduated. Given an offer to serve in the Republic Judicial Forces' Naval Taskforces, Karanxul would actually turn it down, stating that he did not feel he was ready to hold command at such a young age. And thus, instead of pursuing a military career, for the moment at least, he would return back to Secundus Ando. Saying his goodbyes to Rudolf Kulviax, who Karanxul had held in close regards, the two parted ways on the fates of destiny.

Years on Secundus Ando, Turn of the Century, and Becoming Known

The first thing, when he returned back to Secundus Ando, was for Karanxul to see his immediate and extended family, and soon enough, began to settle down once more. Instead of going into politics, however, like many in his family expected, he would go into more civilian services as a teacher, which he utilized to not only better his grasp of language and culture, but to teach other Harch about the galaxy, and thus, hopefully inspire a generation. Impressively, Karanxul became very well known as a tutor for both civil and military education, working with many problematic children, and even helping those who had immigrated onto the planet with their children learning. That being said, Karanxul did not feel comfortable in his current job, and while he did not mind it, the Harch felt he could do more, do better. Decades would pass, then centuries, until finally, at the turn of the century, 878RUU, Karanxul would resign from his teaching career. Receiving a send-off from his former students, peers, and countless many he had educated and/or spoke with, Karanxul would soon find himself being recruited by the Techno Union as a mercenary admiral. At first, Karanxul debated upon this, and even wondered if he was meant to accept it, but eventually he would. Establishing close ties with several other corporations such as the Trade Federation and the Intergalactic Banking Clan, mostly due to his training of their enforcers and such, he would become quickly known as an honorable and impressive figure, stalwart and determined. For example, one of his most notable early battles was fighting off a pirate raid that had been launched to capture a minor shipping lane that the Techno Union owned, and through the use of applicated fighter strikes as well as the idea of missiles, the Harch would, with a smaller fleet, defeat his enemies so badly the pirates were broken. That being said, there were accusations leveled against him, that the Harch was too soft for his work.

However, this did not affect Karanxul as much as it could, for though many enforcers saw him as weak, equally as many saw him for the virtuous Harch he was. Eventually, or perhaps because of it, he would visit the planet of Obredaan, and found himself in cooperation-based talks with the local clans on trading to the Trade Federation, a close (if not reliable) ally of the Techno Union around the year one hundred and eleven. Indeed, this is where his swordsman training came to use, for he proved himself such a competent and valued emissary to the local tribes, that he was gifted several relics he still holds onto today as part of a fond memory. Taking part in the cultural exchanges of trade that would inevitably occur, Karanxul would soon find himself not alone, as a tribesman, Grull Kagun, would become his bodyguard for the time being. That being said, he could not take the Jin’ha warrior with him, and eventually he departed from Obredaan in 891RUU, after a lavish celebration thrown in his honor. Putting his usage of political and statesman knowledge to the test, he would eventually negotiate for harder contracted jobs, feeling that the only way to improve himself was to continue pushing himself, and to grow stronger. Indeed, this would soon see Karanxul being assigned a job that was unlike any other, and one that would catapult him to fame. So dangerously risky, that the Harch was given the option to notify his family of a possible death, and given the choice to sign his will. He did, but the Harch would feel confident in a hopeful success, and prepared himself for it. And then, Karanxul, after this mission, would become not just known as a minor figure, but perhaps a moderately-famous character in history.

The Mission, and a New Foe Revealed

In the year 891RUU, Karanxul was deployed to the border of the Outer Rim and the Mid Rim, where planetary raiders, led by a coalition of renegade militias from various planets, had begun attempts at seizing the planet of Metalorn. A valuable foundry world, Karanxul would be the only reinforcements able to arrive, as the Techno Union was dealing with investigations into its occurring hierarchy. Trandoshan, Barabel, Sluissi, and other raiders, backed by the Hutt Cartels in secret, would launch assaults on Metalorn, seeking to claim the planet’s resources for themselves. Karanxul’s fleet held admirably for as long as it reasonably could, but with a three to one advantage for the enemy raiders, the fleet would eventually disengage after killing a quarter of the enemy fleet, in exchange for half of their own. Karanxul would flee to the planetary surface, and commanded the defense there. His second would also perform admirably, launching harassing raids with whatever ships were left, but that would not be enough to stop the invasion. As a result, Metalorn was invaded, and Karanxul would finally prove his intelligence, and the naysayers wrong, once and for all. Utilizing local knowledge and the foundries, he would utilize a mixture of guerilla-based warfare, as well as implementing droids for larger-scale battles. Said guerillas, formed from the workers of Metalorn, would prove so effective that the enemy would frequently have to resort to airstrikes to root them out. As for droid-based battles, these would usually end in enemy pyrrhic victories, bleeding them of resources and forcing them to constantly attack.

That did not mean Karanxul was done yet, though. Launching an impressive counter-attack after the enemy had been bled, his tactics would see the enemy forces withdraw, and later be decisively shattered by the fleet he commanded and his second, who had caught them in a compromised position. Metalorn, while suffering moderate civilian casualties (Karanxul had done his best to preserve as many lives as he could, and noted the evacuation efforts), had its foundries kept almost wholly intact. It was here that he ascended from just an enforcer in the Techno Union, to one of its chief, top-most enforcers. Karanxul became an icon overnight for the aggressive might of the Techno Union, and with it, was tempted to engage in brand deals with Blastech as well as ship-builders such as Corellia and Rendili. However, any such hope of these brand deals occurring was put on hold when Karanxul promptly (and decisively) chose to utilize that inertia to back Eriadu, the Techno Union, Anaxes, and Secundus Ando. As a result, those planets and the Techno Union would see increased investment from military contractors and companies, and ironically enough, Karanxul himself was scheduled to be in an advertisement for the Techno Union. Unfortunately, that did not last long, as Karanxul soon found out that Rudolf Kulviax, who had now reached an extremely ripe age and had his life prolonged through cybernetics, was dying. Putting everything on hold so he could go visit him, what follows is perhaps a key and emotional part of Karanxul’s history. Indeed, Karanxul’s decision would change vastly many outcomes and influences, be it better or worse.

Rudolf Kulviax’s death, Kulviax Family Part II, and the Beginning of the War

Upon arrival at Eriadu, Karanxul would immediately go to see Rudolf Kulviax, and the two would immediately recall each other, even though it had been a decade since they last spoke in full. Sitting with the Kulviax family, and of course, being there for Rudolf, Karanxul would recount many experiences with the young Rudolf, and adventures they had. It was something of a deep, emotional moment for Karanxul, as he spent the next two weeks with Rudolf and his family. Eventually, though, Rudolf would pass away, and Karanxul was devastated. The young man that Karanxul had become such a stalwart friend to, was now buried in a coffin on Eriadu. Being one of the pall-bearers, the Harch male would give a speech on Rudolf’s life, and his experiences with him, managing to pull himself together long enough. That being said, Karanxul would stay for a few days longer with the family, mostly to comfort those who had been devastated, and thus, became cemented as a family friend of the Kulviaxs, even if he was an alien. However, he could not stay forever, and eventually had to leave the Kulviaxs in order to focus on his own work and life. However, he would never be forgotten, and it was this act of kindness that would influence a later event in his life. For now, though, Karanxul would do his best to move on and live day by day.

However, upon returning to Secundus Ando, after twenty more years of service, and then finally retiring from the Techno Union, Karanxul would discover something amiss. The Andoan Colonies in the Lambda Sector would begin to discuss breaking away, and of course, their desires to be free. Karanxul had now not only the struggles of family to worry about, but the idea of a civil war splitting the entire sector in half became his priority. Enlisting as a military officer once more, the Harch was placed under the direct command of Furrow, and both soon enough began to cooperate together and share their experiences. Family bonds were strengthened, and blood ties were tightened as a way to grow stronger. Indeed, Karanxul would find himself slowly beginning to understand, if not embrace, some of the ideals Furrow had. It would not be enough, however, as soon enough, the years would begin to become far more chaotic and havoc-riddled. Indeed, the Andoan Colonies had finally had enough of the so-called despotic government they were under, and rebelled in secret. Arms were taken up, fleets were readied, and families were torn apart on ideological lines as the conflict began to brew heavily. One thing was certain, though, things would never be the same again…

The Andoan Free Wars

The Andoan Free Wars started with a bang, not a whimper, in 921RUU and indeed, it would be devastating. A surprise attack on Secundus Ando would see the planet besieged, and Karanxul, being under the direct sub-command of Trench, a well-reputed figure in the Harch Ruling Nests, who handled the entirety of defense, would handle the left flank of the defensive space forces. Again, it was a nightmare, as they were outmatched on a two to one ratio, with equally-capable starships and ground forces for both sides. But that outmatch quickly turned to a non-factor, as Karanxul followed Trench’s orders, and would even interject his own if he felt the order could be better. Curiously enough, Trench would accept this a reasonable portion of the time, and as a result, the Battle of Secundus Ando would end in a decisive victory for the Spiverelda and Andoan Governments. But that would not be the end. Thus would begin the constant raids, the skirmishes, and even occasional battles, as Karanxul would directly work under Furrow for the time being. That being said, the figure of Trench became feared and legendary, and while Karanxul did to some extent, it was not as much. Not concerned about being overshadowed, however, Karanxul would do his duty, and follow the orders given as much as he could. In the end, it would lead up to the Battle of Raquish, and something that would go down in history for Karanxul, not as a defining moment, but as a painful sign of powers beyond his control.

The Battle of Raquish in 939RUU was bloody, brutal, and unforgiving. The Andoan Free Colonies had begun to utilize terrorist attacks as well as forcibly-conscripting civilians to survive, a matter which would be handled as carefully as they reasonably could. Furrow and Karanxul may have been the strongest military generals and admirals in the conflict, but they were no match for what would come next. As the battle reached its climax, the top of its crescendo, where a decisive victory could be had… the Republic stepped in. Indeed, Karanxul would watch with horror, as a cease-fire was forced upon them, and the Andoan Free Colonies spared, even though they had been the aggressors, the violators of peace. It was disgusting, it was horrifying, and forever did it blemish Karanxul’s view of the Republic, and of the Jedi who had been convinced into supporting it. Too many had died, sacrificed their lives, and now that sacrifice was very pointedly ignored. It did not matter much for a peace that was false, and Karanxul felt very real, palpable anger. Indeed, the Andoan Wars had ended not with a bang, but with a whimper. And thus, did Trench and Karanxul go their separate ways, at least for the time being.

Aftermath, and the Beginning of the Clone Wars

Karanxul would soon see just how corrupt the Republic was, even if he respected the Kulviaxs (and only the Kulviaxs) as a matter of personal friendship, he could not help but feel very real hatred for them. It did not hurt that his first cousin, Furrow, was later injured and nearly killed by Republic-sanctioned privateers seeking to take a payout on a bounty in 944RUU, which drew further rage from the Harch. Even if his first cousin was alive and in hiding on Secundus Ando for recovery, it still infuriated him. To this end, Karanxul would again take up a position at the Techno Union, and thus, was assigned, surprisingly enough, to assist the Trade Federation. Indeed, the blockade of a minor planet in the Outer Rim as the same time of the Blockade of Naboo in 968RUU would be something of a sore subject for Karanxul, as its later issues, namely, dealing with the local Humans who had essentially disrupted any way for the Trade Federation to function on the ground. Despite these setbacks, Karanxul would conduct and aid in the blockade, and later, invasion of this minor Outer Rim world. Correctly viewing it as a foolish and idiotic move, Karanxul would do his best to minimize oppression as well as casualties and ensure civilians were being supplied and fed. While this earned him a hint of anger from the Trade Federation officials, he would maintain it was the correct course of action. Indeed, this move would later save him once the Breaking of the Blockade of Naboo occurred and the Outer Rim planet was likewise dismantled, and thus, his forces were deactivated promptly. Though he was captured, he was eventually let go with more or less a slap on the wrist due to his humane activity with the city he occupied, as well as refusal to follow orders and starve them (though he never divulged said orders and ensured careful wording was done to minimize the damage of the Trade Federation’s reputation) out.

Still, the Harch male was not happy with the Republic, or the Jedi regardless. All this would mean now was the matter of dealing with either corporations who kept each other in check, or a massive intergalactic entity with no qualms about enforcing its democratic mess of a government, something that couldn’t even decide upon what it wanted. That did not mean he rebelled, however, as he retired to Secundus Ando, and prepared properly for what would be a life of peace, as he was getting older, and didn’t want to be fighting all of the time. Or at least, he would have, if not for a Separatist recruiter showing up to recruit Furrow and him in January of 978RUU. Karanxul bided his time, however, until his third cousin accepted, and then the Harch male joined. Placed over the command of droids once more as a Admiral, Karanxul did not feel comfortable with the forces, and pushed multiple times, utilizing his sway and influence in the Techno Union to try to have better starships produced, though was denied due to the cost efficiency, and thus made due with what he had.. Associating closely with Furrow as his third cousin became commissioned into the Separatist Droid Army as an officer themself, he was deployed to the frontlines, and readied for combat once more, claiming the C.S.S. Providence-class Dreadnought (2,177.35m variant) 'Malignant Annihilator' as his command vessel at the helm of the 13th Fleet.

The Duration of the Clone Wars, Freezing, and Up to Current Date.

During the Clone Wars, Karanxul found himself often-times at odds with the orders given - though, the old crafty Harch still found himself obeying them without question. It was during his tenure that he found himself engaging in major key and critical battles, gaining a knowledge of the galaxy as well as military experience and warfare related to such. His particular field of expertise was the Outer Rim, and thus he gained a moniker - "Terror of the Outer Rim". As a consequence, when the Clone Wars came to a head during the Outer Rim Sieges, Karanxul and several other officers were discretely, secretly chosen for carbonite freezing - to be awakened at a later date in order to be brought back in the event of an emergency contingency from a secretive cabal within the Confederacy. As a result, Karanxul was frozen since the end of the Clone Wars - up until two hundred and thirteen years ago from the current date, where he was awoken by spacers. Returned back to Secundus Ando, Karanxul found himself listless - unable to settle back into civilian life, he returned to being a mercenary admiral. It wasn't until the Sith Order, a few hundred years later, found him and hired him, that he felt a sense of purpose again. At least this time he's working with organic soldiers as well as droids, though the Sith do... perturb him. But for now, he serves willingly - though not dogmatically to their ideals. But for now, it remains to be seen what happens...

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