Adora Namadi
NAME: Adora Namadi
FACTION: Mandalorian Empire
SPECIES: Sorrusian/Human hybrid, cyborg
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.6 m
WEIGHT: 63 kg
HAIR: Dark, dyed pink/lavender
SKIN: Pale
+ I Want to Break Free - A childhood of being relatively cooped up has Adora almost perpetually ready to burst with energy.
+ Tight Fit - Due to Sorrusian heritage, she has a likely chance at being a bit better at getting into tight spaces than her companions. And that’s not taking her comparatively small form into account.
+ The Fast Lane - Everything Adora does is with some amount of speed. She walks fast, she drives probably too fast for her skill level, even her brain seems to work at a faster rate than others, leading to her catching on to things a bit quicker When she notices something, assuming she has the patience to investigate, she can problem solve faster than her peers.
+ For Science - While her siblings hit the gym, Adora hit the books. Her attention lying in the sciences, she took to learning stoichiometry and transcription over how to hit something to death. The sciences, how to make things tick on a molecular level, spoke to her more than a blaster ever would, though even she wouldn't deny time behind a good sniper rifle.
+/- Cybernetically Enhanced - Accidents happen and so did Adora. All things considered, she wouldn’t have made it through her first decade without assistance. Cybernetics completely replace her right arm and leg as well as assist in keeping some of her organs functioning, but they have extra drawbacks and advantages as well. For one thing, she can stand to lose those limbs a bit more than her others. At least her arm’s been rigged with a blade and probably a snack compartment and, well, she’s alive. On the downside, having cybernetics at such a young age means frequent and sometimes costly adjustments, not to mention weapons that mess with electronics will damage her severely.
- Attention Span - After years of being cooped up and unable to do much, Adora is perhaps a bit too eager to make up for the lost time. She can be about as deadly in a fight as her fellows, but she certainly needs more of a guiding hand to keep her on track.
- The Harder You Fall - While her immune system has certainly gotten better, especially with the bodily modifications, she's still quite weak. A cold can keep her out of action for a good week. The common flu could have her on death's much sooner and longer than it would anyone else.
- Fear of Immobility - She can’t stand being stuck in one place. It’s happened too much in her lifetime for her to stand being in one area for an extending period of time, excluding sleep of course. In a scenery she's comfortable in, it's not uncommon for her to wander off almost mid-conversation.
- Kinda freaked out by geese
Perpetually paler than the majority of her clan, Adora has accepted her role as the odd one out. She freely embraces it, parading about with her cybernetics often in plain view and her hair in vivid colors. Beyond that, she stays fit and action-ready, granted she only has an arm and a leg to really exercise. Despite being officially average in height for someone of her age, she appears small in the company of such a physical group as the Mandalorian Empire.
Adora with a bloodied Mirshe Mra’ja’yr.
BIOGRAPHYThe youngest child of Khaliah and Mara the Unbroken, there was a time where it seemed unlikely she would make it past her first decade. Whether it be birth defect or the powers that be just deciding to inflict their wrath unto the child, she was always sickly, weak. It certainly didn't help that she entered the world almost a full month early. Always on the tiny side, always the underdog, a mere cold could render her bedridden for weeks at a time. One day she'd be fine and on the mend, the next her siblings would come home to her on the floor. They just couldn't pinpoint what went wrong where, all save that her heart was just too weak.
It wouldn't be until she was fitted with cybernetics that the clan could be certain she'd make it. It was a few more years of rehabilitation before she could really enter the world as a force to be reckoned with. As someone wanting to constantly be doing something, recovery bred the being of energy one sees this day. The bursts of energy aside, a cold could still keep her out of action for some time. Still, she tries her best. While still not the most apt for combat, she plays whatever role she can get her hands on, even if it's just a messenger.
In her childhood of being kept outside, she found more company in datapads and information than she did in her siblings that were busy with their own training. Even when she was strong enough to join them, she found herself yearning for more research, more to learn.
Mirshe Mra’ja’yr - Cybernetic arm blade
Yar Crer - Speeder Bike
Basalisk War droid