Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adult Life?

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
So...I was recently approached by a former classmate who offered me a job teaching at the middle school they also teach at. I've decided to contact the AP there about actually getting the position...So if I actually get it, which is pretty likely at this point, not only will I be jumping unexpectedly back into grad school already a week behind as I wasn't planning on being in school this semester, I'll be jumping into a classroom where I will be a semester+ a few weeks behind in regards to what they have already learned (or not), getting to know my students, planning for the semester etc.

That being said, its a two year contract, but this first full year will probably be hell on wheels (minus the summers) so until then...consider me on an LOA. I come here to write with friends and relieve stress so I will be around to make the occasional post, but I'm going to have my own school work to do on top of planning and prepping and grading for both seventh and eight grade social studies...So I'll be pretty busy. Have fun!

I would say don't burn down Mandalore while I'm gone buuuuut

*eyes the rebels*

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