Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: PharmaTech
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

  • Extremely high defenses against poisons
  • Extremely high defenses against pheromones
  • Extremely high defenses to EMP and Ion effects
  • Extremely high defenses against poisons and pheromones - maintained a stream of antitoxins to provide the relevant antidotes when a poison is introduced to the user's body, rendering the user with extremely high defenses against all poison and Pheromone effects.
  • Extremely high defenses to EMP and Ion effects
  • Requires an initial level of healthiness before it can be equipt and sometimes causes dry mouth as a side effect
  • Subsequent Ion and EMP attacks may eventually cause failure
The Advance BioAntidote Package is the next generation of the BioAntidote Package to include extremely high defenses against pheromones. It is a slim cybernetic implant that maintains a stream of antitoxins circulating in the user's blood. The implant would increase the levels of the relevant antidotes when a poison was introduced into the user's body, rendering the user with extremely high defenses to all poison and pheromone effects. It also allows protection against mind and emotionally-altering pheromones from similar species such as Zeltrons, Falleen, or similar pheromone-inducing species that utilize their pheromones to sway emotions. The intricate cybernetic is lined with plastispray, allowing for advanced extremely high resistance to EMP and Ion effects, although subsequent Ion and EMP attacks may eventually cause failure. The implant required an initial level of healthiness before it could be equipped and sometimes caused dry mouth as a side effect.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Advance Bio Antidote Package
Image Source(s):
Permissions: ME! I made the image on AI Art and am owner of chaos materials

Technical Information

Affiliation: PharmaTech
Model: Advance Bio Antidote Package
Modular: Yes
Material: Titanium, Plastiray, electrical components, standard bio antidote cybernetic parts
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