War Doc
It seemed like a lot of the same these days. Studying, practicing his fencing, and then waiting for Jasper to return from whatever it was he was doing this week. It was the highlight of his week and the only real good thing that Jalen had to look forward to. Unfortunately, his older brother spent a lot of time away with the war becoming so complicated, leaving the boy alone at the Temple. Jasper had insisted he start to make friends, but he couldn't work up the courage. It was easier to sulk and listen to music or study. Nobody would want to hang out with some weird blind kid anyways.
Jalen was letting the force guide him through the halls of the temple, as he often did. A Holocron was clutched in his hand, one filled with basics on healing and other force techniques of the like. The young padawan found that he had an affinity for it far more than anything else really, even basic things like telekinesis. Dedicating his studies to that seemed the most beneficial, or at least he had convinced himself that it would be. Boredom quickly kicked in as he walked. Maybe he would let his mind wonder the Holocron for a moment. Jalen opened his thoughts to the archive, letting the information within begin to fill his head. Basics on healing, the principles of transferring energy... all stuff that seemed important. There was even a section on the use of force sight. That was the only way Jalen could see the world. Perhaps he-
The boys thoughts cut off as he tumbled forward. His legs had hit something in the hall. Jalen went down face first into the tiled floor of the hallway, not even making an effort to save himself. He didn't have time to process it till he was on the floor. The Holocron slipped out of his hands, skidding a few inches out across the tile. Using the force to perceive his surroundings again, Jalen realized what it was: a girl, maybe close to his age. He had tripped over a fellow student and had likely made a complete fool of himself.
"...Sorry," Jalen muttered in a defeated tone.
He had avoided interaction up until this point and now he had ruined anything further. It was shaping up to be a great day.