T'yr Dellos
A future for the refugees of Crina
As Crina fell into the hands of Sith oppression, the remnants of her proud empire scattered to the wind. Refugees who would rather face the black of space than the boot of Sith oppression wandered the void, lost and without hope. What remained of Crina's Imperial Navy rode boldly into the depths of space in search of food and supplies for the hundreds of civilian ships and millions of civilian lives without safe harbor to call home.
Far to the galactic west, whispered words of welcome drew the Crina refugees and their Imperial Navy protectors deep into the unknown regions.
The Imperial Remnant will become
The Galactic Empire
The scattered remnants of a half dozen failed empires have come together with the refugees of Crina to form a new Empire devoid of the flaws that cause the failure of each that came before it. When the Sith and Atrisian Empires eventually collapsed, their scattered generals and admirals were forced to either abandon their fleet in the deep of space and make way to civilian worlds or cling to their old ways and become warlords to rule over one world or another through brute force and sheer will. From these leaders of men, new empires sprang from the ashes. The Fel Empire, the Shadow Empire, the Empire of the Hand, and the New Order all rose and fell among the shattered ruins of the old Sith Empire, failing as their predecessor had. Each of these empires left ships and resources hidden among garden worlds or in the depths of space as soldier and admiral alike mothballed their imperial war machines and attempted to return to civilian lives.
But for some, a simple exile to a former home was not enough. Captains and Admirals from various empires refused to surrender or abandon their ships and command. Here and there, in the shadows of the galaxy, brilliant men turned themselves to warlords as they continued to fight to defend their homes with whatever resources they could muster. As time etched forward, these scattered warlords found one another and a new plan was hatched. The captains and admirals that refused to abandon the ideals of Imperial protection would band together and create a new empire forged from the will to protect and serve that ran through the core of every imperial officer. They would have an empire to protect once again, and no Emperor would stand in their way.
OOC Theme and Structure
The Galactic Empire will be made up of multiple official sub-factions and will (hopefully) incorporate a number of minor factions to openly operate within the territory of the Galactic Empire. The core worlds of the Galactic Empire will each be ruled by a Moff who makes the laws for that planet. Every Moff participates in a council that works together to establish the laws for the entire empire, with the safety and security of their people in mind.
In most cases, the Galactic Empire does not force foreign worlds to join. Most new worlds are annexed into the Empire. The exception to this rule comes on occasions where a particularly hostile world is found to be a direct threat to the stability of the Empire. In these instances, the might of the Empire weighs down upon these hostile forces until the populace is willing to accept Imperial rules and law.
Where other Empires typically revolve around an Emperor or Empress, the new Galactic Empire will instead revolve around a council of Admirals, Moffs, and other politicians.
Where other factions revolve around the general theme of "Lawful Evil", the Galactic Empire will instead focus on a Lawful Neutral theme.
Where others have focused on domination and control, the focus of the Galactic Empire will be Law and Order.
Official Sub-Factions
The Imperial Navy
The Imperial Navy is run by a Council of Admirals. The entirety of the Navy is their jurisdiction, from where it goes to how it operates. No Moff gives orders to an Admiral, though it is the Admiralty that chooses how the Laws written by Moffs will be enforced in regard to civilian ships interacting with planetary bodies. But the Imperial Navy is made up of more than just Admirals. Thousands of lower officers, technicians, and engineers fill the hallways of each and every Imperial Navy ship. Thousands of Clone TIE Pilots train tirelessly to fly the shuttles, bombers, and starfighters that reach out where Imperial Star Destroyers cannot reach.
While primarily serving as a traditional Navy, defending the territorial borders of the Empire and waging war against any hostile fleet that would threaten their sovereignty, the Imperial Navy also serves as a type of Coast Guard for the Empire. Imperial shipping lanes owe their safety and security to regular Imperial patrols. The skies of every Imperial World are safe from invasion, pirates, and raiders alike thanks to the tireless work of the Imperial Navy.
The Imperial Navy is focused around the general "Imperial Theme" provided to us all by a host of wonderful movies, videogames, books, and cartoons. For that reason, all Ships, Starfighters, Bombers, Shuttles, and other craft utilized by the Imperial Navy are screened for adherence to this theme. For those who appreciate more leeway in the toys that they utilize in their roleplay, each planet is allowed a local Army and Navy that utilize ships and vehicles beyond those that adhere to the "Imperial Only" theme.
The Imperial Army
The Imperial Army is comprised primarily of hundreds of thousands of Imperial Stormtroopers, which are themselves an army of clones. Supporting this army is a number of Combat Technicians and Battlefield Engineers as well as Medics and other specialists. Like the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Army is governed by its own council. The Council of Generals work together to formulate rules, doctrines, and battlefield tactics for the entirety of the Imperial Army and work alongside the Council of Admirals to coordinate ground assaults on foreign worlds or the defense of Imperial Worlds against foreign assault.
Every Imperial Navy ship is host to a Barracks of Imperial Stormtroopers and a number of support staff. From the smallest Corvette to the largest Star Destroyer, the Imperial Army defends these ships from foreign assault and stands at the ready to take a-prize any criminal, pirate, or military vessel as readily as they would take a hill for the glory of the Empire. Likewise, every Imperial World hosts a Garrison of Imperial Army forces on its surface. The number of garrisons and the size of each depends on the strategic importance of the world, but every Imperial World is trod upon by the boots of Imperial Stormtroopers, ready to give their lives for the Empire.
Just like the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Army is structured around the theme of "traditional Imperial Designs". From the icon Stormtrooper armor to the towering AT-AT, any new armor or vehicles wishing to be utilized by the Imperial Army must adhere to this general guideline. For those who wish to do more, each world is allowed to host its own army for defensive and offensive operations.
The Imperial Knights
(Imperial Knights Advert)
The Imperial Knights are a militant order of force users that utilize the lightside of the force. These force users believe that the Empire is the galaxy's best hope for order and believe that the Empire can restore balance to the force. For this reason, the Imperial Knights serve the Empire above all else and will gladly kill for the Empire or lay down their lives in its defense. These red-armored warriors exist outside the chain of command and are able to insert themselves into any Imperial operation they deem to be in need of their skills. In spite of this, individual Imperial Knights can assume a temporary rank during special assignments where the current leadership is either unable or unworthy of continuing on with command.
The Imperial Knights are lead by a Council of Masters known as Imperial Barons. This council charges each member of its order with protecting the Empire as both a Police and Military force and holds each member of their order accountable for their actions. Though violence, combat, and the use of destructive abilities are authorized, members who display any signs of corruption will be investigated and guided back to the light or removed as a potential threat to the stability of the Empire. It is in this same manner that the Imperial Knights observe the actions of all Imperial Council members. From their own order to the Moffs, Admirals, and Generals, the Imperial Knights seek to identify any person of authority that is a detriment to the Empire and will either guide them back to the goals and ideals of their glorious empire, or they will remove the threat via a quick and merciless execution.
The Council of Moffs
The Council of Moffs do not lead the military, but instead work together to form a list of laws to govern all Imperial Worlds.
Laws created by the Moffs are enforces by the Imperial Navy, Army, and Knights
Each Moff governs an Imperial Planet
(Beyond this, the Council of Moffs is currently a work-in-progress as we strive to make this subfaction as enjoyable as possible to the involved writers)
Laws created by the Moffs are enforces by the Imperial Navy, Army, and Knights
Each Moff governs an Imperial Planet
(Beyond this, the Council of Moffs is currently a work-in-progress as we strive to make this subfaction as enjoyable as possible to the involved writers)