El Capitán
Hey guys, I need some help picking out earbuds. I know there are tons of reviews online, but I am looking for earbuds for a specific purpose. Basically, I have been in three situations lately where I needed to be able to share the sound from my phone/tablet with my wife -- audio tours in Italy, watching movies from my tablet on a plane, and waiting in a long line wanting to listen to music. Bluetooth technology doesn't allow you to connect two sets of headphones to the same device at the same time, and physical splitters have never worked. I thought the solution would be wireless earbuds. I did a lot of research, and I settled on the Jabra 65t elite. They are amazing, except they have a function that automatically turns the left bud off when it is more than 8 inches from the right bud. I emailed Jabra, and their response was that this is a hardware issue that cannot be overridden, despite the fact this clearly looks to me like a software issue they just do not allow you to override. I am looking for something that is the same quality of Jabra 65t elite but doesn't have this stupid feature that automatically turns off one bud when the two are separated. And I am very anti-Apple and own only Android devices, so no chance of me buying Apple ibuds or whatever.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Thanks in advance for the help.