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Approved Tech Aegisteel

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Manufacturer: Naturally Ocurring.
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
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Intent: Expand on the metals found in Leven's mines in Grade Noir, Illyria.
Image Source: N/A.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: N/A.

Manufacturer: Naturally ocurring on Illyria.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Limited.
Material: N/A.

  • Capable of withstanding strikes from lightsabers, providing strong defense against energy-based weaponry.
  • Tough and resilient, ideal for protective armor and defensive structures.
  • Absorbs and disperses kinetic and thermal energy, reducing the impact of powerful blows and high temperatures.
  • Due to the rarity of its components and the complexity of its forging process, Aegisteel is produced in limited quantities.

Lightsaber Resistance: Aegisteel's unique molecular structure allows it to resist lightsaber strikes, making it one of the few materials capable of standing up to these powerful weapons.

Robust Durability: The metal's high durability makes it perfect for crafting protective armor and fortifications, capable of withstanding intense physical and environmental stress.

Energy Mitigation: Aegisteel's ability to absorb and disperse both kinetic and thermal energy significantly reduces the damage from impacts and heat, adding another layer of defense.

Corrosion Resistance: Impervious to most forms of corrosion, Aegisteel is highly resistant to environmental degradation, ensuring its longevity in harsh conditions.

Resource Scarcity: The rare materials required to refine Aegisteel are difficult to find and mine, leading to its limited availability and high production cost.

Complex Forging Process: The intricate methods needed to produce Aegisteel are time-consuming and require specialized knowledge, making large-scale production impossible.

Heavy and Dense: Aegisteel's density makes it heavy, which can be a disadvantage in applications where mobility and speed are critical.

Energy Overload Risk: While Aegisteel can absorb energy, there is a threshold; if exceeded, the stored energy can cause structural weakness or failure.


Aegisteel is a rare and highly coveted metal, known for its defensive properties. Found only within select veins of the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, Aegisteel's creation involves a complex and meticulous process of extraction and refinement, requiring the use of several rare substances to achieve its final form.

The most remarkable characteristic of Aegisteel is its ability to resist lightsaber strikes. This property is the result of its unique molecular structure, which disperses the intense energy of a lightsaber blade across a wide area, rather than allowing it to cut through. This makes Aegisteel one of the few materials capable of withstanding direct hits from lightsabers, a feature that has earned it a strong reputation among those who seek to defend against Force users.

In addition to its lightsaber resistance, Aegisteel boasts considerable toughness and durability. It can endure tremendous physical stress without cracking or breaking, making it ideal for the construction of defensive armor, shields, and fortifications. Whether used to craft armor for droids or as plating for critical infrastructure, Aegisteel provides a significant level of protection.

Aegisteel also possesses the ability to absorb and disperse kinetic and thermal energy. This energy mitigation property means that weapons, whether blasters or physical strikes, have a reduced impact when hitting Aegisteel. The absorbed energy is spread out across the material's surface, minimizing damage and increasing the longevity of whatever it protects. However, this absorption capacity is not unlimited; if Aegisteel takes on too much energy at once, it risks reaching a threshold where the metal's structural integrity could be compromised.

The production of Aegisteel is limited due to the rarity of its key components and the complexity of the forging process. The metal is resource-intensive and requires a highly specialized process that calls for advanced metallurgy, making large-scale production impossible. Consequently, Aegisteel is reserved for critical applications, where its defensive properties are most needed.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on the metals found in the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, hidden deep beneath the treacherous mountain ranges of Garde Noir, Illyria.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: N/A
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