Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aeri Vyn


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Name: Aeri Vyn
Loyalties: Astraeus, Alric Kuhn, Danger Arceneau
Role:Danger Arceneau's personal assistant. Valkyrie

Development Threads:

Age: 42
Species: Zeltron
Mildly FS

  • Pale pink skin, short pixie like purple blue hair, and lavender eyes.
  • Leggy at about 1.89m
  • Toned and healthy
Quick, efficient, and effective at her job. Aeri has prior Companion training, allowing her to pull from her cafarel and Oiran Guildhouse talents to use as a venue of appearing courteous, and graceful, and the perfect escort.

Weapon of Choice: Vibroshivs, Phrik shivs, small bolters, and small arms.

Being a Companion has made her reasonably wealthy in her own right. Once she became a Valkyrie of Astraeus, this only made her richer for her specific mission of infiltration and security to Danger Arceneau at the behest of Alric Kuhn for her safety.

Combat Function:
Valkyries unlike the Sons of Titan do not have a purpose as an entirely Special Forces group. Unlike their brothers, they are not meant as an elite strike force. Though they can function as such, their primary function is instead as a counter intelligence group. They are not used as an army unit to defend or attack positions, instead they are used as single or teams of two, striking at targets in secret or in the dead of night. They are rarely used in direct combat actions and are hardly ever seen on the battlefield. When they are, they fight alone or in teams of two, utilizing their superior training to eliminate small pockets of resistance instead of fighting head on.

When they do appear on the battlefield, it is often at the very end or at the very beginning, leading a charge or manipulating forces into moving forward.

These more military based duties however fall to the wayside compared to the Valkyries true purpose, counter intelligence. They serve as spies and counterspies for Astraeus Industrial. This is why unlike the Sons the Valkyrie do not have a standard armor, instead they are used to walking around in plain clothes or in disguises. Valkyries usually work alone or in teams of two, gathering information, kidnapping people in secret, or running down informants. Valkyries serve a much more intuitive function this way.

Like the Sons of Titan the Valkyries have incredibly loose morals. They do not care about torture, murder, kidnapping, or even genocide. To them it is simply part of the job. Some of them may not like certain things like the murder of children or the killing of innocents, but in the end The Valkyries will always do as they must in order to fulfill their jobs.

The Valkyries of Astraeus Industrial are professionals through and through, serving as a means to expand Astraeus knowledge base and further the companies interests.

Contracting with a Companion earns the client 'an evening of pleasure' that goes far beyond a normal encounter. A Companion is trained to listen, to entertain, to soothe, and even to offer advice, for they are well-versed on any variety of subjects from politics to the economy.

A Companion knows traditional and contemporary dance. They are skilled musicians, schooled in literature, and stay current with all significant newsworthy events. They have a high degree of empathy and are trained in psychology, so they can understand their client's needs.

Aeri as a Valkyrie, like their Brothers the Sons of Titan, also underwent an almost ludicrous amount of training.

From their induction in the Valkyries their training is harsh and upfront. They face nearly the same physical challenges as the Sons of Titan. Much like the Sons the Valkyries carry no special genetic, cybernetic, or biological enhancements. They are simple females of their species that have been trained to their peak. This Training is incredibly hard and harsh, with the failure rate of the Valkyries actually being higher than the drop out rate for the Sons of Titan. The Valkyries also gain more mental training and education, they could generally be said to be 'smarter' than their male counterparts.

The Valkyries much like their Brother's are completely and entirely brainwashed to serve Astraeus Industrial and Alric Kuhn.

She is an excellent slicer, and with her skills has an innate ability and knowledge of various technology that is not only organic in origin ( Vongtech) but inorganic as well. She is only slightly Force sensitive, but that has done her no favors as of yet. She has all of her racial abilities to include manipulation of emotions and pheromone use.

The double livers also work well at clearing out toxins from her body.

Zeltron culture was highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in general. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. Aeri Vyn was born to these typical hedonistic parents on Zeltros and raised to be true to her nature.

Her youth was spent mainly on Zeltros, a party world where her youth was spent in racing scenes and flashy endeavours.

She had a knack at being able to make the use of her racial abilities with a subtily one would find rather impressive. Ambition was certainly there, and when the opportunity came to do something more than live the life of a Cafarel, Aeri Vyn grabbed it with both hands and held on tight.

This opportunity came in the manner of the Oiran Guildhouse.

Highly respected and offering a venue to travel the 'Verse beyond Zeltros held a measure of temptation to the Zeltron. Perhaps it was because where the stigma of a Zeltron would promote her as a lazy thrill-seeker, owing to her own hedonistic pursuits, the beauty, elegance, and skills of the Companions have earned them the highest respect in social circles.

There was no stigma to bringing a Companion to a party, as doing so proves you have both money and the ability to impress the Houses, whose members set very high standards.

Whatever her reasons, several years would be spent in the Madrassa, learning the breadth of knowledge and training required for a Companion.

It was a good life, certainly thrilling to its own degree. A life that Aeri would have been satisfied with had it not been for the sudden appearance comm of her cousin, Kiran Vess out of the blue.

He was only a year older than her, but Aeri had not seen hide nor hair of him for almost three years. He had simply dropped out of the face of the 'Verse.

Called for a contract, Aeri came to her appointment to find her cousin instead. Although there was certain joy at seeing him anew, the proposal he made for her set her upon a path that would bring a whole new thrill of its own.

That is, if she survived.

Then again, all Zeltrons are an obsessive species. Mainly it is with romance. But when they cannot love, they fight. Both are sports to them. Couple with their love of gambling, it makes one Zeltron in the grip of enthusiasm a formidable enemy.

In this Aeri was no different.

The next day, a missive was sent to the Guildhouse that she had accepted a long term contract with a patron. This would serve as her alibi while she would throw herself into Valkyrie training. Her training would forge her into a physical weapon at the peak of shape.

The results would make her into a force of nature in covert missions and infiltration. Coupled with her Companion Training, she had the best skillset to gather information from some of the wealthiest clients in the verse.

However, it would become clear that her mission objective would simply require of her one specific mission.

One specific individual. Danger Arceneau.

Alric Kuhn gave a simple directive.

"Keep her safe."

Notable Possessions:
Resources Forum:

CAMPAIGN A United Front - Emergency Holo Conference
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