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Approved Tech Aerial Scout based Astromech Droid - Vulture

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  • Classification: Second Degree
  • Weight: Light
  • Height: Small
  • Movement: Bipedal/ Flight
  • Armaments: A half sized z-6 rotary blaster (modified from a full size to the droid can still fly and fire)
  • Misc. Equipment: Holographic projector, fusion cutter, Hacking appendage
  • Resistances (Optional): This is suggested for Battle Droids and other Droids intended to participate heavily in direct combat. (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Unique.
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: low
    • Other:
    • EMP Devices. High (System backups inside re-activates after 20 seconds),
    • Environmental damage (Temperature) Average (internal regulator)
    • Pressure resistance (gravity/ water pressure/ physical pressure) Average
    • Deep Space conditions (Debris from ships or as small rocks), Very High
  • Carries a miniaturized z-6 rotary blaster in its chest which opens up both the face and chest to fire out a short volley of blaster bolts. This weapon contains only enough ammo for 10 seconds of continuous fire. It uses quick 1-2 second bursts to conserve ammo.
  • The agile design allows for quick movement in both normal and zero gravity environments.
  • This Astromech (given its size and weight) can perch itself on Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis 's shoulder and even shift its form to look like a pauldron like armor piece. Due to this, it can be stealthily entered into Anti-droid Sentiment environments
  • It gains High resistance to Blaster fire and other forms of energy based damage due to its Steel and Durasteel frame and plating.
  • It gains High resistance to a variety of Kinetic damage due to its multi layered armor and hardened casing.
  • It gains High resistance to EMP based devices due to a re-activating system across its entire body. This can be only used once so it is a single use ability of the droid.
  • It gains Average resistance to temperature based environmental damages due to the cooling systems running throughout its main sections (excluding the wings for agile speed)
  • It gains Very High resistance to deep space conditions due to the steel and durasteel plating and frame which was made extra dense in places such as the front and top of the droid to deflect physical damages in order to fly for extended periods in deep space.
  • It's visual sensors can be seen through by the eye patch Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis is wearing.
  • Adjustable plate shifting can allow multiple forms to be taken.
  • Two retractable legs.
  • Can only speak through binary or via a computer system
  • It can only contain a very limited amount of ammo, thus cannot stay in combat for long
  • Its visual sensor connection with Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis can only stay for around 10 to 15 seconds before needing to adjust visual lenses and lose connection.
This strange, bird like Astromech Droid is the primary companion on Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis and as such, has been made from the designs of a prototype of a Astromech Probe droid hybrid. Due to this combination of functions, this droid can complete a smaller amount of typical Astromech functions, with the addition of having fully supported space travel methods. Whilst also residing in Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis quarters for a majority of its time, it can be called forth with her wrist panel.

When not in use, this droid tends to compact itself into a cuboid like shape, with its wings and neck sections slightly outlined. When it is needed in a hard to fly in area, this droid can shape itself using its wings and adjustable plates into a pauldron like shape on Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis . This droid's weapon can be used via the neck and chest sections of it opening up, allowing a high concentration of blaster fire for a few seconds or a couple of bursts. It does allow the Captain of THE BOUND REAPER to view through it's visual lenses for brief periods of time, however, due to its quiet flying and slight stealth capabilities can be used in combat situations to see around corners.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis

Interesting and very cool droid. The balance is not too complicated fortunately.
  • To the classification, please link the Second class droid, not just the simple droid.
  • Yes, the ratings are overpowered (+2), please fix it.
    • Because you're not sure how the balance is working you can find the Technology Spreadsheet here. You need to copy to your drive first, and after this you're able to use it.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
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