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Character Aerik Lechner || Moon Chaser

Aerik Lechner

SpeciesNox Lupo
Height1.75 m
Weight55.8 kg
Force SensitiveYes
Education Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Jutrand Academy (age 13)
Family Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner [Father]
Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath [Mother]
Kole Lechner [Brother]
Vyra Lechner [Sister]
Verick Lechner [Uncle]
Alwine Lehncer [Sister]


Aerik Lechner is one of three triplets and born under a full moon to Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath . Of the three, Aerik holds the fair features of their father, and a touch of red in his hair from their mother. Despite the fact he did not have the dark hair of his brother and sister, it was the eyes of all three of the “pups” which made them stand out. Orbs of fire danced about their irises like an open flame, and served as further evidence that something of the Nocna Mora remained with Naedira.

The wolf feared what their change might reveal. As a Lupo, his genetics were meant to be dominant. It had been the nature of the Sith Spawn effects on the evolved species. This was something new. The children of Gerwald and Naedira would be a new evolution in what the Lupo could be, however they would not know until they changed.

Until then, they would be trained as they grew into both warriors, Sith, and wolves!


Aerik had never been a cruel child, though the animal within him made him wild. The wolf was tempered by the moon. At an early age he exhibited a natural skill to read the emotions and intent of others. His force sensitivity exhibited in that way, at an early age. His siblings exhibited their own sensitivity around the same time as well confirming the suspicion they would all be attuned to the force. How powerful they would be was an answer only time would tell.

From the moment he could grip a handle, Aerik was trained in the art of war. He excelled in the area of swordsmanship and unarmed combat, and was often praised by the various instructors which oversaw his tutelage. None were more proud, or thorough, than Gerwald himself. Where others would teach the more noble parts of combat, Gerwald ensured his son understood the brutality of it. Rules were meant to be broken especially when one’s survival was on the line. The urban atmosphere was not conducive to hunting, but the wolf ensured his children learned to track as well. As their physical traits developed, Gerwald helped them deal with them.

Naedira taught her son other matters. He would be something Gerwald had never been. Aerik would learn to walk in the world of a noble as well as that of a warrior. The less sharp edges of Stewjon’s culture would be smoothed as Aerik learned history, mathematics, philosophy, and the leadership lessons found in the biographies of others. The young wolf took to it better than his brother. Where Kole exhibited more violent tendencies, Aerik kept them hidden behind the veil of refinement.

Aerik had another teacher, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . He would teach the pup the way of the Sith, the way of the Kainites. The Epicanthix was a wealth of knowledge and power, and whatever his motives were for wanting access to the pups, Gerwald had granted it.

Several trips to Stewjon were taken. Gerwald and Naedira did their best to ensure the “pups,” as they were affectionately called, learned sights, sounds, and smells, of whatever world they found themselves on. It was an exercise in adaptation and survival. Learning to blend into the cultures they found themselves in. Stewjon was also where Gerwald could hunt, and allow his wolf to run free. Aerik fell in love with the forest, and the cabin hidden deep in the woods where his father would stay as a child when he needed to let the wolf be free had become his sanctuary. The triplets made it theirs.

Lupo traits exhibited early, ensuring Aerik learned patience and developed the ability to cope with whatever life threw at him. He had a slow temper as a result. It took a lot to truly anger him, though he was quick to show when he was annoyed. It was though the wolf which had refused to force its way out warned those when they were getting close to exhausting the demon’s fuse. The one place where Aerik’s patience ran thin was with those who exhibited a lack of intelligence, especially if they claimed to be learned.

Naedira taught him to carry his chin high. The confidence which naturally developed from such a teaching was often mistaken by others as arrogance. He was often accused of being a pampered child by those who knew nothing of his nature or lineage. His calm demeanor and more stoic demeanor often made him seem cold. It simply concealed his empathy. Aerik learned to hide what he was feeling, because there were times he was not certain it was his feeling.

902 ABY saw the pups enrolled in the Jutrand Academy. Much of it had been by design, though no one seemed to know why. It had been decided that it was simply another display of the generosity which Srina Talon Srina Talon had often given toward their family. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was another possibility, and while it was presumptuous, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean could have ensured his place.

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