Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aerin Summers


Name: Aerin Summers
Alias: Jen
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Sienna Brown
Eyes: Sea Green; Glowing Red
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 126 lbs.
Complexion: Cream
Build: Slim
Force Sensitive: Yes

Courageous- Aerin will go out of her way to defend and protect others.
Jedi Training- Aerin knows how to wield a lightsaber, and how to use the Core Force Abilities.
Adaptable- Aerin doesn't limit herself to one type of environment or scenario.

No Ties- Aerin doesn't get too close to anyone, and never stays in one place for too long.
Fear- The fear of what she is and what she is capable of causes Aerin to shun herself from a normal life.
Teenager- Aerin is hard-headed and sometimes reckless.

Aerin is shy. She tends to avoid talking to people. Smiling is occasional with her, as is laughter. She isn't the happiest person. Depression and exhaustion are evident on her face. Friends are few, but the ones she has she would gladly die for.

Aerin was born on Dantooine. From a young age, her parents could tell that she was... different. She talked to people that were not there, and was always alone. Concerned for their daughter, her parents asked the Jedi for guidance. The Jedi found that Aerin's connection to the Force was so strong that she could actually communicate with spirits in the Force on a regular basis. With her parents' consent, she was taken to the Jedi Temple on Dantooine to be trained and studied.
When Aerin was twelve, everything changed. One Force spirit longed so badly to be once again in the world of the living that it actually managed to possess Aerin. It called itself "Jen". Jen had taken Aerin's body so that she could have her revenge against the Jedi for slaying her long ago. Yes, Jen was a Sith. To save Aerin's life, the Jedi Council had to bind Jen to Aerin's Force Energy. This ensured that Aerin would regain control of her mind and body. However, this also meant that, if pushed to a certain point, Jen would take control. Anger was never more an enemy to Aerin than it was at this point.
For five years, Aerin lived with Jen in her body. She was constantly tormented by horrible nightmares and Jen's dark influence. It drove her to near insanity. Though her Masters tried to console her, she could no longer stand it. Aerin left the Temple, and the Jedi, for fear of what was happening to her.
She has been alone ever since. Never staying in one place too long, Aerin has learned to trust only herself. She has taught herself to avoid excessive contact with others to ensure their safety as well as her own.
Beautiful avatar [member="Aerin Summers"]. Goes out of her way to protect others, Shy and doesn't like getting close to people.... has a deep, dark abomination inside them waiting to come out...

We need to RP sometime. It would be interesting and fun. :) I mean it wouldn't be hard to do as should she draw a lightsaber and defend someone in need then Verrin would go out of his way to talk to her.... he would go out of his way to speak with her if she just defended someone, lightsaber or not.

Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, whenever-whereever (Shakira Shakira...) Anyways, PM me if you want to do a thread.
[member="Aerin Summers"] Anywhere Aerin would feel comfortable at or be at as Verrin likes to explore and so I can find an excuse to get him almost anywhere... as long as it isn't in like a Sith Temple because as kind as Sith normally are, they really are just big kittens; I don't think they would let him just wander through their compound.
Aerin wouldn't be there. She'd be too afraid that Jen would get stronger from the dark force energy there. She doesn't have a favorite place because she moves all the time, so wherever you choose she'll be there. :)

Verrin Ris'To
[member="Aerin Summers"] Alderaan? Coruscant? Anywhere like that would work?

[member="Nickolas Imura"] It is hard not to. You got those dashing good looks. ;)
[member="Nickolas Imura"] Could be worse. You could not be handsome and have a freaky arm that gave you no powers whatsoever. ;) Always look on the bright side because others will be too busy looking at your worst.
[member="Nickolas Imura"] Sure, sounds fun. Have any ideas for a Setting? Verrin tends to avoid combat, so unless you started killing people (which from your bio doesn't seem likely) then he wouldn't look for a fight.

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