Aeron Decanin
[SIZE=18pt]A e r o n [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] D e c a n i n[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]NAME: Aeron [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Decanin[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES: Human.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]AGE: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Twenty-six[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], looks it as well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SEX: Male.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT: Six foot one inch.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]EYES: Light green.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HAIR: Dark brown to black.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SKIN: Olive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :[/SIZE]
Sharp Wit: Aeron is not a dull man, his mind is sharp and is trained to think in abstract ways, thinking of new solutions that many may consider “creative” or odd. His mind is flexible, able to adapt and he seemingly comes with plans for everything. This has led to something of a high confidence for him, which can backfire often as he’s met [SIZE=9pt]a few[/SIZE] people in his life so far who can match him. Aeron finds entertainment with those who can think on a similar plane as he, finding fun in verbal sparring and debate.
Trained Enforcer: Essentially raised in the Black Sun, Aeron was trained to be an enforcer and hitman for the criminal titan since his teenage years. Quick on his feet, trained with a blaster and a fair shot, alongside a decent fighter [SIZE=9pt]pilot[/SIZE], should the need arise, he isn’t perfect nor can he contend with some more seasoned mercs and hunters out there but he can hold his own.
Underworld Connections: The Black Sun has enabled Aeron with numerous contacts, from those in the political realm to crime lords and hunters. He has some favors he could pull should the need arise.
Arrogant: Aeron, while not completely stuck up, does believe himself smarter than most and thus has an arrogance that can backfire. If he deems someone incompetent or takes a disliking to someone, their opinion will instantly become irrelevant to the man and instead, he will only listen to himself.
Analytical: While logically sound most of the time, Aeron has a hard time relating to others and will often analyze everything they do to ensure they’re trustworthy or worthy of respect. This leaves him often coming across as cold and angering others as he is not afraid to voice his analysis when he sees something out of line.
Non-Force Sensitive: Aeron is near-force blind, and has never felt the Force in his life or harnessed its capabilities. He sees the Force as nothing more than an aid for many, and a curse for some. The Force’s mysterious nature fascinates Aeron, though he dislikes many of the users who see themselves as above those without the Force, finding them insufferable. He is vulnerable to force attacks and while strong in the mind, mind-tricks can affect him if the user is powerful enough.
Risk taker: Should Aeron judge something worth his time, he will gladly dive head first into it. If he feels his chances are even marginally good, fifty-fifty or above, he’ll take his chances.
Smoker: A minor weakness, though one nonetheless, Aeron is a moderate smoker of Cigarras and while not heavily addicted and [SIZE=9pt]preferring[/SIZE] to smoke the brands that cause less health risk, the T’bacc and other chemicals in Cigarras has led to him having something of an itch for them.
Olive of skin and ebon of hair, a bit thin of [SIZE=9pt]frame[/SIZE] and above average in height. These are typical traits denoting the man known as Aeron Decanin. His lightly sun-kissed skin covers a frame of lightly built muscle, he is no walking beast of a man and prefers to be quick on his feet, a build of a sprinter if anything. Embedded in his back is the sigil of Black Sun, black in ink and a reminder of his past as an enforcer for the brutal organization. Ebony hair falls to chin length, wavy and naturally aesthetic once dealt with, Aeron keeps it at this length for more aesthetic reasons than for practical sake. Should the need arise he’ll put it into a top knot, though he rarely does so and prefers to let it run down, free and unobstructed. Facially he is noted by a strong jaw and high, noticeable cheekbones, with some saying he looks feminine combined with his long hair.
In truth, the past of the man named Aeron [SIZE=11pt]Decanin[/SIZE] is fairly unremarkable. Truly he has no homeworld or one that is known or spoken about, and Aeron is not his real name of birth. Son of a writer and a woman who would a year after his birth, a birth that occurred during a meteor shower and something the family thought was a sign of luck. The day after his birth a year later, the mother would find herself shot dead while leaving her apartment. No culprit was found. To drink the father took, having the boy raised by droids and the schooling system. At thirteen years old he fled, taking whatever credits he had and getting aboard a starship to Corellia.
On Corellia the boy grew up by himself, taking jobs wherever he could get them and lying about his age due to his height, making him an asset to the petty gangs that ruled on [SIZE=11pt]the streets of the planet[/SIZE] with the permission of their overlords, Hutts, Black Sun, etc. At fifteen the Black Sun saw the teen as a possible asset, taking him in and raising him to be an enforcer, a man trained to take the lives of others and ensure the interests of the group were not compromised. His wit made him smarter than the average thug, something that made him report him directly to some of the heads of the Corellian branch of the Black Sun. First of his many jobs was to end the life of someone who had cheated an ally of the Black Sun in a bet, resulting in the loss of numerous credits and even more important, reputation. The kill was sloppy, and there were some witnesses as Aeron shot the man dead after contemplating it for a long time, trailing him in the streets before the man was about to enter a cantina. But it was done, and the Black Sun paid off CorSec to look the other way and the path was set.
Years went by, a name was made. To numerous [SIZE=11pt]planets[/SIZE], he traveled. Many men and women killed, bribed, extorted and beaten all for the only family Aeron had known. Quite a number of people had become good friends of the man, some lovers, some brothers, and sisters until the end that would come. A trail of bodies and broken hearts were left in his wake, but he was happy, oblivious to whatever damage he caused until one job. One final job that would end his time in the Sun. The details aren’t clear. A woman, some cargo, an AEG-77 Vigo, betrayal, and the death of the boy. From it came Aeron Decanin and the disappearance of the Vigo, alongside seven dead Black Sun hitmen. By his hand or by the hand of some other, no one is certain and Black Sun believes the man who came before Aeron Decanin was killed whilst piloting a starfighter.
Now, the boy born on the night of a shower is a freelance bounty hunter, a gun for hire, and all manner of things in-between. In the backrooms of [SIZE=11pt]Cantinas[/SIZE], numerous rumours are told of him, varying stories and tales such as this one. But it doesn’t matter now. The only thing that matters is how much is made for a job and who’s hiring.