Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aeron Tosh - An amazing smuggler!

NAME: Aeron Tosh

FACTION: Neutral/Imperial depending on the circumstance

RANK: Spy, Smuggler, Hacker, Agent

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 21

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 110 lb

EYES: He has blue eyes

HAIR: He doesn't have hair. He has tentacles. He's a twi'lek

SKIN: His skin color is light greenish

FORCE SENSITIVE: He is not force sensitive.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
* Works really well under pressure and never "cracks".
* Sneaky
* He's a hacker. Amazing at anything involving cybernetics and computers.
* Cybernetic enhancements

* Weak to cybernetic sabotage. Other skilled hackers.
* Terrible at direct face-to-face combat
* Vulnerability against electricity

My character is incredibly handsome and dresses in clothes commonly associated with spice dealers and gang members. My character has a fit, but slim build. He has one single cybernetic eye while the other one is normal. He has an implant in his arm that functions as a portable computer that he can hack anything with.

My character was a Twi'lek born into a wealthy family. He spend all of his childhood being pampered and protected by his parents so he has very little combat experience, but he learned how to talk his way out of anything during his time as a child. As a child he also spent most of his time messing around with computers and technology. When he got older he felt like his parents were too overbearing so he decided to set off on his own. He wants to find adventure, and explore planets. He eventually ended up getting recruited for various missions with criminal organizations and ultimately ended up working as an intelligence agent for the imperials. During his time as an intelligence agent he was taught stealth techniques so he is proficient at sneaking, hacking, and assassinating. He isn't a frontline soldier and does terrible with anything bigger than a pistol.

Aeron Tosh flies a "Explorer" Scout ship (




None ;(


The Man at the Keyboard
Nice bio, especially for a first time. S&W would be nice bulleted though. I think if you have a ship or something, you have to have an exact ship, with a link to its Wookiepedia or factory page, wherever you got it from.

Make sure you link the bio to Aeron Tosh, that way you have a view bio button. And give that poor man a picture too. You might just want to repost the bio as @Aeron Tosh, Charachters usually post their own bios. If you ever want to spice it up a bit, check out veteran RPer's bios for ideas.
TetraVentus said:
Nice bio, especially for a first time. S&W would be nice bulleted though. I think if you have a ship or something, you have to have an exact ship, with a link to its Wookiepedia or factory page, wherever you got it from.

Make sure you link the bio to Aeron Tosh, that way you have a view bio button. And give that poor man a picture too. You might just want to repost the bio as @Aeron Tosh, Charachters usually post their own bios. If you ever want to spice it up a bit, check out veteran RPer's bios for ideas.
Ok. Fixed. I don't have a picture to give this guy though.


The Man at the Keyboard
[member="Lenders Manchu"] , I had a huge amount of trouble finding a picture for my first character, a bit easier time with my second. Humans are so much easier than aliens.

I'd suggest looking for "Twi'lek" pictures on google images, pintrest, or deviantart.

Edit: Oh, you're a cyborg as well. That is hard. Things like 'Cyberpunk' or 'cyborg' will get you those images, but I've never seen one that's a Twi'lek too.

/E2: Nice!

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