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Approved NPC Aerys Myrrine

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Aerys Myrrine Fortan-Raaf

  • Age: Mid 40s.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human (Galidraani/Corellian)
  • Appearance: Aerys possesses a striking appearance, characterized by her blonde hair and soft green eyes, reminiscent of verdant meadows under a gentle sun. Standing at an average height with a lithe and athletic build, she exudes an air of confidence and determination in her posture and demeanor. Despite the trials she has faced, Aerys's face bears few visible marks of age, maintaining a youthful vitality that belies her experiences. She often wears practical yet stylish attire befitting her military background, favoring durable fabrics and subdued colors that allow her to blend seamlessly into various environments while retaining an air of authority and sophistication.
  • Name: Aerys Myrrine Fortan-Raaf
  • Loyalties: The Commonwealth | Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations
  • Wealth: Aerys Raaf's wealth stems primarily from her family's inheritance and investments in various ventures across the galaxy, managed by her siblings who oversee the Primo Victorian Enterprise. While not excessively wealthy, Aerys enjoys financial stability and comfort, allowing her to focus on her duties without monetary concerns.
  • Notable Possessions: Aerys possesses a custom-made blaster pistol, a cherished memento from her days as a Stormtrooper. Additionally, she owns a collection of antique holovids passed down through generations, offering glimpses into her family's rich history.
  • Skills: Aerys is a skilled tactician and combatant, honed through her military training and battlefield experience. As a former Stormtrooper and later a high-ranking officer in the Commonwealth Marine Commandos, she excels in strategic planning and leading troops in combat. Beyond her martial prowess, Aerys possesses a keen intellect and diplomatic finesse, making her a respected leader and mediator within the Dosuunian Commonwealth.
  • Languages: Fluent in Basic and proficient in several regional dialects prevalent in the Dosuun sector, Aerys is adept at navigating multicultural environments. Additionally, she possesses rudimentary knowledge of Sith and Mando'a, acquired during her military service and interactions with diverse galactic factions.
  • Personality: Aerys exudes an air of stoicism and determination, tempered by a deep sense of responsibility towards her people and homeland. Pragmatic and resourceful, she approaches challenges with unwavering resolve, seeking practical solutions rooted in logic and reason. While fiercely independent, Aerys remains fiercely loyal to her family and allies, valuing trust and integrity above all else. Despite her composed exterior, she harbors a lingering sense of melancholy, stemming from the loss of her parents and the turbulent events of her past.
  • Weapon of Choice: Aerys Raaf's weapon of choice is a modified DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, equipped with a precision long-range barrel for enhanced accuracy and a dual-mode assault cannon for close-quarters combat. This versatile blaster rifle allows her to adapt to various combat scenarios, delivering lethal firepower with precision and efficiency.
  • Combat Function: Aerys excels in combat as a tactical leader and frontline fighter, utilizing her extensive military training and battlefield experience to coordinate maneuvers and engage enemies strategically. As a former Stormtrooper and seasoned officer in the Commonwealth Marine Commandos, she demonstrates exceptional proficiency in marksmanship, close-quarters combat, and squad tactics. Aerys excels in leading troops into battle, utilizing her strategic insight to outmaneuver opponents and exploit their weaknesses. However, while she is skilled in combat, Aerys relies more on her tactical acumen and leadership abilities rather than sheer physical prowess, making her better suited for command and coordination rather than frontline brawls.
  • Force Abilities: Aerys is not a Force user and does not possess any Force abilities. Her combat prowess stems from her extensive military training and combat experience rather than Force sensitivity.

  • Tactical Leadership: Aerys possesses exceptional leadership skills, allowing her to inspire and motivate those under her command. She excels in making quick and effective decisions in high-pressure situations, leading her troops with confidence and determination.
  • Combat Expertise: With extensive military training and combat experience, Aerys is a skilled warrior proficient in various forms of combat, including marksmanship, close-quarters combat, and squad tactics. Her combat prowess and strategic insight make her a valuable asset on the battlefield.

  • Stubbornness: Aerys's strong-willed nature and stubborn demeanor can sometimes lead to conflicts with others, especially when her decisions are challenged or questioned. Her reluctance to compromise or consider alternative perspectives may hinder effective teamwork and collaboration.
  • Trust Issues: Due to past betrayals and personal experiences, Aerys harbors deep-seated trust issues, making it difficult for her to form close bonds or rely on others. This reluctance to trust can isolate her from potential allies and impact her ability to build strong interpersonal relationships.
Aerys Myrrine Fortan was born on a secluded island on Genesia in 857 ABY, the second child of Taeli and Fiolette Raaf. Her early years were filled with blissful moments spent with her parents and older sister Nerralyn in their lavish estate on Ravelin. However, the idyllic facade shattered when Taeli's allegiance to the Sith overshadowed her familial duties, prompting Fiolette to leave, taking Aerys and her brother Iaacen with her.

Raised by her mother and maternal figure Kassandra Distorith, Aerys embarked on a nomadic lifestyle, accompanying Fiolette on her ventures across the galaxy. Yet, their transient existence came to an abrupt halt when Fiolette made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving Aerys and Iaacen in the care of their elder sisters Lucinyia and Ariel on Dosuun.

The transition to their new life was marked by a sense of displacement and betrayal, exacerbated by the absence of their parents. As Aerys navigated her formative years alongside her nieces and nephews, she grappled with a pervasive anger stemming from fractured trust and unresolved emotions.

Venturing beyond the confines of her sister's home, Aerys shed both her surnames, reclaiming her identity as an individual untethered by familial ties. Embracing a newfound sense of autonomy, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, determined to forge her own path in the vast expanse of the galaxy.

A pivotal moment in Aerys's life came during the Second Great Hyperspace War, where she distinguished herself as a valiant soldier in the Battle of Tython. Serving as a Stormtrooper with the New Imperial Order, Aerys ultimately defected, disillusioned by the Empire's oppressive regime.

Returning to Dosuun, Aerys played a pivotal role in the formation of the Dosuunian Commonwealth, assuming the mantle of its first High Commissioner. Her leadership and dedication laid the groundwork for a new era of prosperity and unity among the Dosuunian people.

Transitioning back to the military sphere, Aerys pursued a career in the Commonwealth Marine Commandos, ascending to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Her unwavering commitment to duty and unwavering resolve continue to shape her legacy as a formidable leader and guardian of her homeland.
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