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Manufacturer: Aether Systems
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Size: Small



An updated variant of the DC0052 Speeder for use by the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order
Image Source[HERE]
Permission(s)Not Applicable
Canon Link(s)DC0052 Speeder
DC0040 Speeder
Primary Link(s)Not Applicable


ManufacturerAether Systems
AffiliationGalactic Alliance
ModularityLimited - Unit Colors and Emblems



Role(s)Personal Transport
Jedi Transport

Rating Specifications
DefensesVery High

Deflector Shield Generator
Lightweight Ablative Armor
Missile Deactivation Transmitter


Crew Compliment(1) Pilot
Minimum Crew(1) Pilot
Passenger CapacityNone
Cargo CapacityVery Small



  • Agile - The DC0060 was designed with agility in mind and reflects this in both design aesthetic and capabilities, boasting an impressive acceleration, overall flight speed, and maneuverability compared to similarly sized Airspeeders.
  • Drop-Deployment Panel - Retaining a design feature of previous iterations of the vehicle, the DC0060 comes equipped with a drop-deployment panel located beneath the cockpit of the vehicle. The panel can be utilized to allow the pilot to drop out from under the vehicle to enter a situation with the utmost haste.
  • Autopilot - Another feature carried over from previous iterations, the DC0060 retains a sophisticated autopilot system that can be utilized to aid in atmospheric travel, or, it can be set to land the vehicle safely whilst the Drop-Deployment Panel is utilized.
  • No Armaments - The DC0060 was predominately designed as a personal transport with many being produced specifically for the New Jedi Order to utilize, as such, the vehicle does not come equipped with a standard armament.
  • Off-World Travel - Like many Airspeeders, the DC0060 can only operate at a certain vertical ceiling and is incapable of entering low orbit or traveling into space as its engines would begin to cut out in the lower Stratosphere.
  • Anti-Armor - Though the DC0060 is relatively well-defended and capable of shrugging off most small arms fire, it can easily be felled or brought down by heavier anti-armor or larger caliber munitions.
The Aether DC0060 represents a step in providing the New Jedi Order with additional needed equipment and transports that can be utilized on those planets with the Order present. Likewise, their relatively small size, no larger than two meters, means that they can easily be ferried and transported to neighboring worlds or far-flung systems to provide personal transport to either the Jedi or accompanying members of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The small vessel is easily deployed and has been described as being so easy to pilot that even a Padawan learner could master the small craft with little instruction.

Like its predecessors, the DC0060 was designed without additional armaments reflective of its status as a personal transport in service to the Jedi. However, the vehicle is moderately defended and is more than capable of shrugging off most small arms fire short of armor-penetrating munitions. Retaining a feature of previous iterations, the DC0060 comes equipped with a Drop-Deployment Panel located beneath the cockpit of the vehicle. This panel, when utilized, allows the occupant to drop into a situation with the utmost haste while the sophisticated auto-pilot system lands the vehicle in a safe landing zone.

Aether Systems began the development of the DC0060 before the blockade of the Keera Major System and the Dark Empire's Invasion of the Deep Core. The first batch of these vehicles were skillfully smuggled out of the System and into the hands of the Galactic Alliance, making their way to the New Jedi Order temple on Coruscant as well as into the hands of reconnaissance and law enforcement organizations on neighboring Core Worlds.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: See Above
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Modular: Yes
Material: See Above
Movement: Other (See Description)
Armaments: See Above
Vehicle Type: Other
Vehicle Role: Personal Transport
Defense Rating: High
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: Average
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Average
Speed Rating: High
Acceleration Rating: High
Balance Rating: None
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Small
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