Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aevan Kitaki

NAME: Aevan Kitaki




AGE: 23

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'3"

WEIGHT: 110 lbs

EYES: Blue Grey

HAIR: Silver White

SKIN: Pale White




Personality: Aevan is rather artistic leaning to playing music on stringed instruments and flutes. She loves learning and passing on what she has learned. Often times she will get so into her studies that she almost forgets others around her. Not unsocial in anyway, but isn't fully open or spontaneous most of the time. For the most part, she wasn't taught how to use restraint and can be quite critical of people at times. At the same time, she doesn't take critism well. Generally she is strong willed and idealistic, but at other times is also spiritual. Mentally Aevan is mentally powerful and physically energetic.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: While not physically strong, Aevan makes up for it with deftness and speed. Aevan has not had much training in physical fighting, but can manipulate the element of fire. She was raised as nobility and has the education that came with her status. She is not mechanically inclined and delegates work to others, but can pilot an aircraft. At times, her words come out harsh and can be taken the wrong way as she does not speak with much diplomacy. Her ideals will sometimes clash with others and she is quite stubborn in them.

APPEARANCE: Aevan is a small and slight woman. Her features are fine and look royal. She has little physical strength. Her hair is silver white and it will be worn braided or free flowing normally. Her complexion is a very pale white, like she hasn't seen much sunlight.

BIOGRAPHY: When Aevan was very young, it was discovered she had the ability to become a Shaper. After running her through testing, her skill was found lay in the shaping of fire. She was taken in by the Shapers and adopted into nobility there. Being forced to leave her family behind, she was raised by the Shapers. This lead her to feel entitled in her position and became arrogant. This was not abnormal within the Shapers who all felt entitled in their positions in their society.
When she was old enough, Aevan started getting a primary education and took up the arts. She became a good dancer and musician. Her movements with dance were fast and nimble. With music instruments, she strove for perfection with strings and the flute. Her school years were productive, but the girl never really made any friends. She had many acquaintances, but nobody she really bonded with.
Her secondary years of school were filled more with everyday knowledge and here she learned how to pilot a starship and make a living outside of being a Shaper. While that was something thought to be unlikely to happen, it was something she learned anyway. As she aged, Aevan started to become cruel to those that weren't Shapers. In the end it was this cruelty that lead to her being banished.
The incident happened while in her last year of university. She was out shopping and had a servant with her. This servant tripped, fell and ended up running into Aevan, dropping all the shopping to the ground. In anger, the young woman lashed out and punished the servant to the point of death before the authorities came to the rescue of the poor girl. A trial was held, but since the servant lived, Aevan was banished from Kro Var.
Not knowing what would happen to her now, Aevan with what education she had set out into the galaxy. A lost soul without a real purpose and no meaning to life.

Gauntlet Fighter






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