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Approved Ranged Weapon AFT- 14.4000B FLAK Turret

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

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  • Capable of utilizing any of the universally accepted slugs and ammunition types, in particular the standard delivered NZ DSI Rounds.
  • Gyroscopic stabilizer allows for a faster turning and swiveling rate of the turret.
  • Precision shot: Despite the fact that the AFT 14.4000B FLAK turrets are only designed to utilize a single modus (automatic rapid fire) thanks to the addition of the laser sighting unit and the gyroscopic stabilizer, this mass produced weapon placement boasts a much higher efficiency and much greater precision.
  • Robust design: The carbonite coating grants this weapon placement some sort of heat resistance, while the ersteel is actually very conductive, meaning it can release its heat faster and with these material traits in addition to its internal cooling system in the form of coldoan copper wiring dispersing the heat makes it hard to have this weapon placement overheat or jam.
  • Heavy build: To have the internals be properly defended and secured, alongside the gyroscopic stabilizer, this weapon placement can be considered somewhat hefty for its class, which may affect the overall performance of the vehicle or ship it's placed on.
  • Single modus only: The AFT 14.4000 FLAK Turret is only available with the automatic, rapid fire modus...which does mean it can't be used for things as warning shots or stealthy single shot action.
The AFT-4.600 FLAK Turret is exactly what it states itself to be, a rapidfire slugthrower turret which can be placed upon vehicles, structures, ships, etc. The basis behind the idea to build and design this piece of weaponry was that most shields of smaller craft such as support ships and starfighters are mainly designed to deal with blaster fire, but not with slugs from a Flak gun or rifle. As such the engineers of Nargath Holdings assets went to work on a useable alternative to the mostly extremely expensive and expansive ion and plasma guns and canon placements. The result was the AFT-14.4000 FLAK Turret.

Now after having served as the main slugthrower weapon placement, the 14.4000 has been updated to deliver better stability and precision in combat thanks to the addition of a laser sighting unit and a gyroscopic stabilizer, thus resulting in the newest 14.4000B variety.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To renew this old design and turn it into a higher volume weapon system
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella corporation
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Coldoan copper, durasteel, carbonite, doonium, laminasteel, Ersteel 145, neuranium
Ammunition Type: Slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Average
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Machine Gun
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