Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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After almost two years away I'm back.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Hey guys I've been out since February of 2015 I'm a little sketchy on some of the details of the web site. where is the best place to find the current state of the galaxy im hoping the republic still exists?
[member="Keanu Shan"]

Nope the Republic and One Sith both are gone. There was an event the Omega Crisis........short version rogue Sith and super weapon.

Dominions now have tiers. Invasions rules changed..............more story based and now you can Invade an entire Hex.

There are two Mandalorian Factions.

Think that is pretty much the cliff notes.
Keanu Shan said:
Does my home planet of Corellia exist still?

.......about that...


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