Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It had taken time to recover. Time for wounds to heal, even after being tended to on scene and off, but it had been done. And with minimal scarring too. The scar on her thigh was pretty rough considering the piece of durasteel that had gone right through her leg, but it was the easiest one to hide at least. All in all, physical healing had been the easy part. Emotional healing on the other hand, was another matter entirely.

There was no more light at the end of Eenia’s misguided tunnel. No bright spot for her to reach out and grasp hold of to help steer her in the right direction. The blonde didn’t even bother with a façade anymore. What was the point? There were no bright, infectious smiles, no contagious giggles, nothing. No, there was just an empty, voided, aqua-colored stare.

And who could blame her, really? Eenia had lost everything that had been important to her. Everything that had held meaning in her life. And she had lost something that would have brought new meaning to her life as well, not that she ever planned to talk to anyone about that, ever, and the healers were sworn to patient confidentiality. There was literally nothing left for her. Nothing.

Yet she still went on about her days. Void, empty, and more or less like a reanimated corpse, but she was at least not closed up in her room, in the dark, brooding or doing much worse things. In fact, she was doing productive things, though they weren’t helping her much in healing emotionally. Mentally however, she was at least keeping herself in shape. She had severed the connection she had, had with more than one person, for more than one reason. Mostly because thinking about them was hard enough, much less anything else having to do with any of them. And not having those connections untied her from a plethora of further emotion she just wasn’t equipped to handle right now – if ever.

Betrayal once was bad enough. Shattering promises and betraying her a second time? Unforgivable offense.

But those were things Eenia was trying to push aside today. She had ventured down to one of the training rooms with every intention of clearing her head and focusing on anything other than the things she had gone through recently. She was still able to throw practice dummies around without lifting a finger, and she could still move herself from one place to another with a snap of displaced air – though only did that once for personal reasons that had immediately made her nauseated afterwards. So she pressed on, testing her Force stun, her telekinesis, just the simple things that didn’t take much effort for her, but kept her mind busy regardless.

The busier she was, the less she had to think. Thinking was not her safe place, by any means. It lead her to dark places, filled with emotions that scared her. And so, she continued to mull through her days and keep her mind busy, usually even at the cost of sleeping and eating up until it became a must. But right now she had yet to reach that point again – yet.

[member="Kat Decoria"]
Kat was dealing with a lot of changes in her life, both life and loss. Her brothers having not died too long ago, leaving her the only one to really look after her sister, who was a widow now and her mother who was spiralling in deep depression after losing her two sons. There was also her baby niece that she had to help look after as well, who was swiftly developing skills in trouble making. Confirming the two were related without a doubt. Kat was putting on a strong front, not allowing herself a moment to breath and grieve, there wasn't time. Her mother needed someone strong to help her through this all and her sister needed Kat to be strong for support emotionally as well as looking after her child. It was overwhelming at times, Kat found herself snapping at people she would have taken care with talking to and tried to get along with. However, she refused to let herself deal with the emotions and issues she was struggling with, just pushing forward and making sure that everyone else was okay.

Walking into the training area, Kat figured it would be a good idea to get some Force training in, make sure that she could do the tasks that Master Dragonsflame set her when she was training with him. Making her way past several training rooms, she saw a familiar face using the Force with much greater ease than she found herself capable of doing. Watching, Kat frowned, when would she be able to do things like that. Perhaps she needed to just ask someone who could was the answer that came to mind. Politely knocking the door and letting out a small cough to alert the person to her presence, Kat smiled warmly. "Hi, I'm Kat, you're another of Josh's students right?" It was a sensible guess, she found that her Master had a large number of students studying from him. Kat was wearing a form fitting black t-shirt and black leggings, she was dressed to do some exercising after the Force training, "So, could you show me how you do some of that stuff?"

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
Surprisingly - mostly to herself - Eenia felt the approach of someone else before she was spoken up to. Granted, she hadn't looked away from what she was doing until a knock and words infiltrated the room, but it at least proved that she wasn't entirely dead to the world around her. The training dummy she had, had suspended hit the ground without hesitation and the sound of impact was somewhat loud, but Nia didn't even wince as she once would have. Her body half turned so that she could mostly face the voice that had come into the room at her, and it took her an honest moment to recognize that the speaker was another of Master Dragonsflame's students.

"Yeah, I am." she answered the original inquiry. "I'm Eenia." It wasn't really an introduction, though the blonde didn't sound put off. She did however sigh softly through her nose and shift herself so that she was once again looking at the practice target that was splayed out on the floor now. "Well, I'm definitely not a teacher," she did warn, and then she turned her head so that she was looking at Kat, and she made a vague gesture for the other girl to come into the room fully. "But I can give it a shot, and see if I can't at the very least give you some tips and tricks."

[member="Kat Decoria"]
Watching as the dummy hit the ground, Kat was curious about Eenia. When she had seen the other girl at events held by the SJO, she seemed more full of life. There was something different, but Kat was not one to pry, she had her own issues to deal with so she didn't need or want the issues of others piled on top. Instead, she nodded her head as Eenia introduced herself, good to know her name, meant that she didn't have to work it out all by herself. The other Padawan wasn't sure if she was up to the task of teaching but anything would be helpful to Kat so she didn't mind and shrugged.

"I was always more combat and tech based, Force is a lot harder for me to comprehend but I want to learn. Need to learn if I ever want to become something other than a Padawan." Shrugging her shoulders, Kat lifted the dummy upright and used the Force to move a few things back in place. However, her attempts were clumsy and slow, even though Kat was fully concentrated. Sighing, she could feel frustration burning inside her once again. Remember Josh's words on not allowing frustration to rule, she breathed and looked around. "Thanks for accepting to help me."

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
Hearing that Kat was more physically attuned made Eenia's stomach twist uncomfortably. What was it about her that always brought more physical bodies to her? Not that it was a bad thing, but she had spent her whole life walking a thin line behind her older sister. Everything physical had always come so naturally to Anora, and it was what Eenia struggled with. Not so much now, after two years of hard work...and things she had to stop herself from thinking about right then and there.

The blonde cleared her throat and forced herself to focus on the other girl. "Well, don't thank me yet. We'll see if I'm any help to you and go from there." A tight smile touched the curve of Nia's lips, but didn't go past there. "Alright, so first I guess I've got to ask what exactly you're struggling with? I need to know what kind of spectrum we're on here, and go from there."

Hey, Eenia may not be able to help, but she was at least going to try. It was something else to keep her busy, after all.

[member="Kat Decoria"]
Kat could see that her mention of being a physical fighter made Eenia uncomfortable. It wasn't clear why, was it something to do with her being Echani, all Echani were physical beings, it was in their nature. However, she barely knew Eenia so asking about it wasn't a priority. Instead, Kat nodded her head when Eenia mentioned that she might not be able to teach much. Kat thought about what she was struggling with in terms of the Force, how to describe the issues she was having with the Force was not easy.

"I. I struggle with maintaining control, I can do things and do them well in a short moment but then the Force feels like treacle. I struggle to move things around, to keep my focus. I don't know how people do things without paying full attention on the objective they are trying to do. You blasted the dummy with so little effort, I couldn't do that." Kat stated as she sighed and shrugged. "I just find it hard to use the Force when everyone else finds it too easy." Kat sighed depressed.

Looking around the room, perhaps she wasn't Jedi material.

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
"Believe me, not everyone has such an easy time of it." Eenia assured with a shake of the head. Her arms folded and she sighed softly. "My sister had a really hard time of it." she didn't particularly like discussing Anora, but in this instance, an example might be helpful. "She's always been better equipped for anything physical, so she struggled when it came to using the Force for anything that didn't enhance her physicality. And yet the last time I saw her, she seemed to have a pretty good grasp of it..."

The thought made her leg and side of her face throb briefly at the memory.

"Control is just a matter of learning focus first." she continued, and dropped her arms out of their folded position. "For me, I kind of see the Force like an extension of my arm when I'm trying to life or move something, which I'm sure isn't right," Once again the dummy came up off the floor and was suspended there. "But it works for me regardless."

[member="Kat Decoria"]
There was a small relief that appeared on Kat's expression, it was good to hear that she wasn't the only one who struggled with the Force. Breathing a sigh of relief, she nodded her head in understanding. "Glad to hear that I am not the only one whose struggled. I think I want to use the Force more than be physical, Echani are all about combat but I've seen war and it wasn't pleasant." Kat stated, seeing the pained look on Eenia's face, her robotic legs were on show, while she didn't lose her legs in combat, seeing Eshan was enough to mentally scar Kat away from wanting to be in war any time soon.

Nodding her head, she extended her hand having it splayed out. Breathing in, slowly exhaling, Kat focused on the objects around them. She tried to give her whole attention on them, feeling them and understanding them. However, it was not working until she viewed the Force as a tool, like a hammer or soldering iron. It was something to help her in moving the objects. Kat lifted the objects with more ease and could maintain them aloft.

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
"Not the only one at all." Eenia assured again. "Personally, I still struggle with the more physical side of it. I figure it's pretty normal to struggle with some part of the Force, though that of course doesn't make it any less frustrating."

She grew quiet once she saw that Kat was attempting to reach out and attempt to connect with the Force again. Nia's head tipped just a little, and despite that fact that it wasn't her who needed to concentrate in the moment, she reached out so that she could feel the Force as Kat worked with it and attempted her grasp on it. And when the other girl was able to suspend one of the objects that had been laid out? Eenia actually smiled.

Not one of her infectious smiles, but a slight one regardless. "There. How did you do it?" she asked, curious as to whether or not her own method of suggestion had helped.

[member="Kat Decoria"]
Kat smiled to Eenia as she offered comfort in telling Kat that she didn't struggle alone. "If you want, I can teach you some Echani combat skills?" Kat surprised herself in offering the training. Last time she tried training someone in Echani combat it did not go well, she got too caught up in her own frustrations that she didn't notice that she was being a poor teacher. Perhaps she would be different now, keep her emotions more in check. Kat inhaled deeply as she moved the object with better control, seemed her mind was adjusting to the Force.

Eenia asked about what Kat used to gain this better control. "I tried to do the extension of my arm technique but it didn't seem to work, but what you said about it not being right but working for you helped. I figured why not use a technique for me and forget about whether or not it is the correct way?" Kat shrugged, hoping that Eenia understood that what she said did help Kat a lot.

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
Both of Eenia's eyebrows lofted when she was offered to be taught. She had spent the last two years working on the more physical aspects of herself, though had admittedly stopped doing much of anything physical. All of it, all of the training, everything she had learned to do and control...They were all just reminders of things she didn't want to remember anymore.

So, maybe learning something new... "I think that would be awesome." she stated honestly, and oddly enough - for her at least - she actually felt just a little excited to get the chance to learn something new at some point.

However, when Kat spoke up and answered Eenia's inquiry, the blonde gained an amused, albeit small smile. "Hey, whatever technique works for you is the technique you need to hold onto." she stated. "And clearly," she gestured towards the object being moved around. "You found yours."

[member="Kat Decoria"]
Kat shrugged and offered a small smile. "Echani fighting, it is about opening yourself up. Using your emotions and at times, talking. Some people find it hard to master and understand that part of the fighting. They think it is about flirting, romance or beating each other up. To the Echani, it is the way we talk, express ourselves. With friends, family and lovers, people just see my people similarly to Twi'leks at times. Frustrating but way things are I suppose. Men don't always think with their brains." Kat sighed heavily.

Looking at the object floating in the air, Kat nodded her head, it did seem to be working and that was something Kat could work with. "It's a step in the right direction, thanks for the advice. Might not seem it but you helped me out a lot." Kat mentioned as she placed the object back down on the ground. "We could do some Echani fighting now? If it is something you wish to learn?"

[member="Eenia Vahn"]
"No man ever thinks with his brain." Eenia stated in reply, a bit firmly even though that tone wasn't at all directed at Kat. She had every bit lost faith in men, and it was going to take one hell of a man to convince her otherwise. But she lifted a hand and waved it to dismiss the topic - more for herself than for the other girl stood with her. The last thing she wanted to do was dig up this particular topic, after all. So instead, she made herself focus on what was going on in the now. "I'm glad I could help. I know all too well what it's like to have something you know you can do be just out of your reach."

She knew all about it.

When asked about training now though, Nia's hands fell to her hips and her brow pulled down a little. As far as she knew, she was cleared for physical training. She was still a little sore, a little stiff, but maybe that was because she hadn't been doing much of anything physical. She had been avoiding it like the plague, really. So her gaze refocused on Kat, and she nodded her head. "Alright, I can't be any worse at this style than I am any other, right?" She was only half kidding.

[member="Kat Decoria"]
There was some obvious issues that Eenia had towards men but Kat decided to steer clear of them. While she wanted to comfort the other woman, she was still mostly a stranger to her so didn't think it would have been appropriate. She nodded her head when Eenia stated she was glad to be of help. Kat offered a warm smile to her, "I am glad that you were around to help me out too. Hopefully I can repay the favour now by helping you learn some basic Echani self defence." Kat said as she stood in front of Eenia.

It was interesting to hear that Eenia thought she would be bad at this. "Don't worry, I struggled with Echani combat for a long time, my legs were never as responsive as they needed to be when I started learning." Kat gestured to her robotic legs, she then showed Eenia so stretches to loosen their bodies to start with. "Without stretching, we risk cramping and I don't need that pain in my life!" Kat joked before showing a couple of simple techniques. "This is the first tier, nothing complex, just basic and useful self defence. However, a key part of Echani combat is using your emotions to talk as you fight. Echani communicate through fighting, so our combat tiers focus on communicating. It is hard to hide what one is saying when fighting to an Echani. It is important to be open and express yourself."

[member="Eenia Vahn"]

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